The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 27 Ch 25: Let's Get Stronger [Pt1]

“My body is too thin and weak right now. No wonder I did not last long in front of Vivian. To win over her, I need to get stronger first.”

Yohan had thought a little over the issue of Vivian and how to make her submit to him. And the first step Yohan had come up with was to increase his power in the shortest amount possible.

But even going to the gym would not help Yohan bulk up so readily. And he doubted that he had enough patience to keep going to the gym long term.



The user has 18 skill points available. The user is advised to spend these skill points carefully since they cannot be reallocated at this level.


‘Ah, there was this option as well. I forgot that the system had such things available to it. But it is said that the skill points are valuable and rare. Should I be using them without consideration?’

The last time had been an emergency and Yohan had no other choice but to use his skill points. But now he had no such emergency.

But still, he did not want to hold on to these points for too long.

Even after he had used his skill points carefully, there was no guarantee that Yohan would become powerful all of a sudden. It would take some time and effort to master new skills.

“God, someone gives me a detailed guild. Well, whatever. The system said that I would be able to reallocate these skills later, right? Then let’s go with my gut feeling for now. This is a fictional word after all. I am sure it’ll be alright.”

Yohan was worried but he was not a coward. He quickly put 5 points into strength and Magic and the rest went into stamina.

While strength looked like the best option at the current moment for Yohan to tackle, he knew that stamina was what would save him in the end if any dangerous situation happened to arise.

Besides, Yohan needed the stamina to boost his endurance. He still remembered his embarrassing moment from last night when he had ended up coming too quickly.

It had been embarrassing and it was a good thing that Mimi had been too overwhelmed to say anything about his performance.

“Now that this is taken care of, it’s time to head out and enjoy this world. Fortunately, I do not need to go to school today so I can practice my magic skills.”

Yohan had an offensive skill at his disposal now. It was a fire skill with his magic level being 1. But he wanted to raise his skill a lot more by the end of this month.

And to do so he needed practice. He needed to let loose and put himself in danger. And Yohan had the perfect candidate to practice his new powers on.

He remembered the scary encounter from yesterday. The beast that had attacked Yohan had looked strong but not deadly. Looking back at it, Yohan was not even sure why he had been so scared of that dog-like creature when it had been defeated so easily by him.

But as things stood, Yohan needed to fight such creatures more to strengthen his power. And he needed to track those monsters.

“If this is a fictional world, then my system should have a solution for this. I am sure most of the games have this feature.”

Yohan opened his system screen to check through it. He did not want to read the recommended guide to figure things out since he was smarter than that.

And also, it would damage his self-esteem as a gamer if he had to look at a guide to solve his problem. So it was a big no-no for him.

But the more Yohan looked through the guide, the more disappointed he was with the results. There was nothing in them that helped Yohan out.

“What the hell? There is no feature to track down monsters or anything? Then how do I level up?”

In the end, Yohan had to raise his hands and give up. He had looked through every small nook and canny of the system. He had even looked through the places he did not even know existed in the system but there was nothing of notice.

He still did not have a tracking system or a way to raise stats normally.


The user is asked to check the guide for further assistance. Kindly do not ignore this message in the future.

The system is only trying to help the user out


Yohan had been defeated. He had wasted too much time manually going through his system so now it was time to do the easy thing and look up the solution.

The guidebook was like a dictionary and arranged by alphabet. Yohan quickly turned to the page which started with ‘M’ in hopes of finding the map feature.

And it was there, what he had been looking for all along. But much to his dismay, the tracking feature was not even in the system yet.

Or rather, it was but Yohan needed to find a certain number of a beast specie to track them down. It was more about getting lucky than strategizing about his success.

“What a load of bullcrap. If I knew how to find those beasts, then I won’t have looked for the map tracker in the first place. What does the system want me to do? Look around on foot while trying my luck?”

If Yohan had known that this was going to happen then he would have chosen a luck-based skill for the time being.

But what was done was done and Yohan had to accept that he had utterly lost to his horrible luck in this case.

‘Let’s think about all this later and go for breakfast first. Then I will look around the town and hopefully find that beast again.’

Yohan nodded at his plan inside his mind as he quickly washed his body up. The house looked surprisingly empty of any kind of noise and Yohan did not run into anyone when he went down.

He half-expected to be jumped by someone but his feeling was half-relief and half-disappointed that no one came out to greet him.

The breakfast was surprisingly normal take-out Yohan liked but now he was in a predicament regarding what to do.

He wanted to go out but he could not leave the home empty like this. There was a chance that a robber would try to get lucky with his home, which made Yohan think twice about leaving the home alone.

‘Then again, it’s not like there is anything valuable to steal in here anyway. It should be alright if I go out for a little while.’

Once Yohan had convinced himself of this fact, he quietly made his way out of the house and locked it behind himself. Now he was out in the open world so Yohan decided to head toward the crowded market from yesterday.

He did have a small idea of where he would be able to find that beast from yesterday.

Since the first encounter had been in a dark ally, Yohan decided to head back to it in hope of finding another such beast.

But he had no luck when it came to finding any beast this time.

What he did find was a person he had not expected to see so soon. And Yohan was debating whether to even go out and meet her.

Her breasts were jiggling whenever she moved and there were a lot of eyes on Ruri currently. It made Yohan irritated that people were eying her openly but he still did not move out to help.

“I cannot believe I somehow managed to run into Ruri two days in a row. Does she not go to school or something? How does she even do it?”

Yohan questioned himself as he watches Ruri run into a dark ally. He had a feeling that it was to fight another beast like yesterday but Yohan did not want to jump to conclusions on his own.

But in the fictional works he had ready, the main characters hardly ever go to school unless the story was primarily based on the school. And most of them somehow managed to find a way out of punishment with various excuses.

‘Wait, aren’t I in the same boat as Ruri right now? I mean, I am out of school on a working day with an excuse as well.’

However, it was not the same and Yohan knew that. He was out of school because of a doctor’s order, not because he was the main character or something.

But he did want to become the main character and reap the benefits of his position.

“Ah shit, I lost Ruri.”

Yohan realized that only after he looked around for her again. And he finally entered the ally on his own. But Ruri was nowhere to be seen even inside the ally.

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