Villain Is on Vacation

Chapter 82 Duel

The Academy was bustling with activity today, as it always was with its many students, but there was a palpable sense of excitement in the air.

Today was different from any other day, for it was the day of the much-anticipated fight between two of its most skilled students, Ken and Ben.

News of the upcoming showdown had spread like wildfire throughout the Academy, and it seemed that everyone was eager to witness the spectacle.

As the time for the fight approached, a large crowd began to gather near the arena, eagerly anticipating the match.

The buzz of excitement was palpable as students and onlookers jostled for a good view of the impending battle.

Many had arrived early, securing their spot at the front of the crowd to ensure they didn\'t miss a moment of the action.

And as always, Random Trio was already there.

"So, What do you think, who will win?" A random student asked.

"I think Ken might win. After all, he is chief of the freshman year." A random student\'s friend from the same group gave his opinion.

"Yeah. According to rumors, he is already a C-grade ranker." As always a random girl interjected.

"But, isn\'t Ben also a D-grade ranker, and he was also in the top 10." A random student rebuked.

"He also might have learned some skills." A random student\'s friend from the same added.

Just when they were chatting, Ken and Ben entered the arena from different entrances.

The atmosphere was electric as the anticipation of the upcoming battle filled the air.

However, for the sake of safety, they would be engaging in the fight in virtual reality. Without any delay, both of them entered the VR capsule, ready to face each other in the digital world.

As they emerged into the virtual field, they found themselves surrounded by a stunning 3D hologram. The virtual world was a testament to the technological advancement of their civilization before the change. After the arrival of Mana in the atmosphere, society had become even more advanced, and the inefficiencies of science had been greatly reduced.

As the virtual battle commenced, Ben\'s minions cheered him on, hoping for his victory.

However, Ken had earned quite a reputation and was much more popular, so the majority of the audience was rooting for him. The air was filled with the deafening roars of supporters, creating an energetic and thrilling atmosphere.

James, Amy, and Eva were among the spectators who had gathered to watch the highly-anticipated duel between Ken and Ben.

"So, who do you think will win?" Eva asked.

Eva Amber, 6th ranked among freshmen of the academy and alchemist heroine.

Eva Amber was a stunningly beautiful woman with a captivating appearance that would easily turn heads.

She had long, flowing hair in a gorgeous cyan color that cascaded down her back in soft waves. Her striking yellow eyes were almond-shaped and gave off a bright, shining light that sparkled like diamonds.

Her complexion was fair and smooth, with a healthy glow that made her look radiant. Her face was oval-shaped, with high cheekbones, a slim nose, and full, luscious lips that were always painted in a soft pink shade.

She had a beauty mark just above her lip that added a touch of seductiveness to her already captivating appearance.

Eva\'s figure was curvaceous and toned, with a chest that was both alluring and enticing.

She had a slim waist and hips that curved outwards, giving her an hourglass figure that looked good from every angle.

Her arms and legs were toned and shapely, with just the right amount of muscle to show that she was fit and healthy.

"Of course, Ken," James replied with a confident smile.

Hearing this, Eva also nodded.

"Yeah, Ken is the favorite, but you shouldn\'t underestimate your opponents," Amy cautioned.

"But isn\'t Ben Ken\'s opponent? Is there any need to be cautioned?" James innocently tilted his face.

Veins were popping on Amy\'s face. Eva also giggled.

"Oh, It started." (Eva)

Eva smartly changed the subject.

Hearing this, James and Amy changed their attention to the arena.

However, then they heard a voice.

"Bet! Bet! Bet!"

Many people turned their faces in the direction of the voice.

"Bet on the winner. odds are 1:2. Ken vs. Ben, who will win?"

A small girl with red hair was shouting there.

"Hey, from where did this small girl come out?" James asked while eating something.


Eva quickly gestured for him to become quiet.

"Why?" James was confused.

"You don\'t know her?" Amy looked at Ben with widened eyes.

"Nope." James innocently shook his head and again ate something.

"She is the second-year S-class student Lily Rochegne. She ranks 5th among second years. She might blast fireballs at your face if she heard you." (Eva)

"Oh.." hearing this, James exclaimed and again ate something.

"By the way, what are you eating?" Amy curiously asked.

"Oh, these are fried noodle balls." James showed them a box of balls-like things and offered them to eat it.

Amy and Eva just silently stared at James like they were seeing a weird creature.

As the virtual duel began, the holographic forms of Ken and Ben emerged on the field, visible to the audience.

However, since the battle was taking place within the virtual reality world, the audience was not able to hear their voices.

Nonetheless, there was a microphone present in each of the capsules, allowing Ken and Ben to communicate with each other as they battled.

"So, why you wanted to fight with me?"

As usual, Ben asked with an annoyed face.

With a gentle smile, Ken drew his sword from its scabbard and replied, "Just because."

Ben clicked his tongue and unsheathed his sword.

Their swords glinted in the light as both of them unsheathed their weapons and began running towards each other.

As they collided, the sound of clashing metal echoed through the virtual field. The audience held their breath, watching as the two opponents exchanged blows with fierce intensity.

"You are good." Ken praised Ben. 

"Talk less, and swing your Sword more." 

Despite his irritation, Ben secretly acknowledged Ken\'s impressive swordsmanship.

"Okay." Ken took the feedback to heart and increased his speed and offensive tactics, while Ben relied on blocking Ken\'s attacks.

Although their ranks were only slightly apart, with Ben at a D+ and Ken at a C- or soon-to-be C, the difference in their strength was significant.

As Rain had mentioned before, it was difficult to overcome the barrier of rank as one grew stronger. The challenge of surpassing one\'s current level became increasingly arduous.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Ken asked calmly.

"Is it necessary to bring these kinds of talks while fighting?"As Ben was having a hard time defending. He was not in the mood to talk.

However, Ken remained calm and collected, and as soon as Ben blocked his next attack, he reinforced his body with mana and landed a powerful kick on Ben\'s leg, causing him to nearly lose his balance.

"Yeah. It\'s important to talk."

Saying this Ken slashed at Ben, however, Ben barely dodged it.

Ken\'s sword met Ben\'s with a loud clang, but he was taken aback by the sudden surge of power from Ben.

He had to take a step back to regain his balance. Ken could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he braced himself for the next attack.

Ben\'s eyes glinted with fury as he unleashed a barrage of slashes, each one more vicious than the last. Ken calmly parried and dodged, his muscles straining to keep up with Ben\'s overwhelming power.

"Then talk, I\'m hearing," Ben growled between attacks, his breaths coming in short gasps.

"Why do you hate me that much?" Ken asked calmly, despite the chaos of the fight around him.

"Isn\'t it obvious? You\'re a commoner. Still, you\'re Chief," Ben sneered.

Ken saw through the facade of Ben\'s words. "I think it\'s more than that. You don\'t like more talented people than you, do you?" he retorted.

Ben\'s fury turned into a burning rage as he strengthened his body with mana. Ken could see the blue glow around Ben\'s form, and he knew that he made Ben angry.

"Looks like I hit the right nail,"

Ken felt his opponent\'s speed and strength had increased exponentially, and Ken struggled to keep up so he also strengthened his body with mana.

Ben remained silent, but Ken refused to stop talking.

"I don\'t think so. Bullying weak people only shows your weakness. You bully them to vent your anger."

As Ken\'s voice grew more intense, his sword swings became more fluid and graceful.

"True strength comes from helping and uplifting others, not tearing them down."

Ken commented.

"Stop talking like you know everything! It\'s their fault that they are weak!!" Ben shouted, fueled by anger.

Berserk waves Sword Art

As Ben swung his sword with ferocity, he unleashed a powerful sword art that caught the attention of the crowd. The ground shook as the shockwaves from the attack rippled through the air.

Seeing this, many people were surprised.

"So, he can use sword art?" Eva mumbled.

"Doesn\'t that mean, that Ben is Intermediate Swordsman?" James was also surprised.

"Hey, do you still think that Ken will win?" Eva turned her face towards James and asked.

"Of course." James nodded his head confidently.

"I told you before the match you shouldn\'t underestimate your opponents. But you still haven\'t learned." Amy clicked her tongue.

"But who is my opponent?" James just tilted his head again.

"Damn. I am your opponent. Let\'s fight. I will show you.." Amy outraged.

"Hey, guys. focus on the duel." Eva tried to change the topic.

As Ben\'s attacks became more fierce with the use of his sword art, Ken\'s focus remained on his defense.

\'Flowing Water Sword Art\'

His movements were precise and calculated, almost like water flowing in a river, smoothly and effortlessly. Every time Ben\'s sword came crashing down, Ken\'s sword met it with a gentle deflection, never wasting any extra movement or energy.

Ben\'s attacks were wild and uncontrolled, crashing down like berserk waves that threatened to destroy everything in their path. However, Ken\'s movements were fluid and graceful, like water smoothly flowing through a river.

He deflected each of Ben\'s attacks with ease, leaving the audience in awe of his skill. Every time Ben thought he had an opening, Ken would respond with a quick and subtle movement, neutralizing his attack effortlessly.

It was clear that Ken\'s swordsmanship was on a completely different level compared to Ben\'s brute strength.

"I don\'t believe that it\'s always the weak person\'s fault for being in their position," Kevin said in a grim voice while deflecting Ben\'s attack. He continued saying while fighting,

"Sometimes life circumstances or past experiences can make it difficult for someone to become strong.

It\'s important to have empathy and understanding for those who may not be as strong as us, and to use our strength to lift them rather than put them down." When Ken said that, there was a momentous glint in his eyes like he remembered something from the past.

Ben was taken aback by how easily Ken was able to block all of his moves. "How are you doing that?" he asked incredulously.

Ken just smiled and said, "I suppose I\'m just lucky."

The audience looked on in surprise at Ken\'s seemingly effortless defense.

"So you\'re saying that it\'s natural for the strong to dominate the weak?" Ken asked, his tone becoming increasingly icy.

Ben didn\'t know how to respond.

"But what about giving others the chance to become strong?" Ken continued. "Isn\'t it hypocritical to crush them when they\'re still weak?"

"It\'s just the way the world works," Ben replied in a grim voice.

"But do you have to follow the rules of the world?" Ken asked seriously. "Who made those rules, anyway? And what do you gain by following them? You\'ll only end up making enemies and collecting hate from those around you." Ken remarked.

Ben was fatigued and struggling to catch his breath. "Huff...hah...hah... If I don\'t do it, someone else will. There are plenty of people like that out there. Those weak people will just get crushed. How long are you going to keep protecting them?" he asked, his voice strained.

"I\'m not saying you shouldn\'t fight," Ken responded calmly. "But there\'s a line that shouldn\'t be crossed."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kevin\'s sword began to glow with a bright blue light, causing many onlookers to gasp in surprise.

Even some of the professors in attendance were taken aback by the sudden display of power.

As the blue light emanating from Kevin\'s sword caught everyone\'s attention, a voice in the crowd exclaimed, "Sword aura?"

Amy turned to James and asked, "Hey, James. Is Ken an advanced swordsman?"

James replied with a simple nod.

"So, you knew all along?" Eva asked, sounding slightly surprised.

James nodded again, adding, "We\'ve dueled before. But we\'re friends, unlike you two." His words stung Amy, who clenched her fists and began thinking about how she could beat James to a pulp.

Ben stood frozen, his gaze fixed on Ken as the latter spoke. "I know all too well how the weak are crushed," Ken said, his grip on his sword tightening as he prepared to strike.

With a swift motion, he slashed at Ben, who attempted to block the attack but was ultimately overcome. In the end, Ben was defeated.

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