Loved By a Vampire King

Chapter 5 - Wedding

Even though her glamorous face was draped by the veil, she could sense those envious eyes over her face.

Thinking about the glimpse she took a while ago, she could discern that this wedding ceremony was going to hold in an open place. Few guests were seated on both sides of the wedding venue who were lending a cold stare at her way in the aisle. Thus she didn\'t dare again to make another attempt for peeping at the outside properly.

This scene will only incite her more to become an inordinate depressing soul!

Shortly after, she felt herself stepping over some stairs and eventually ended up in front of a tall figure. Though she didn\'t heave her eyes at that person even she didn\'t remove her veil over her face, she could strongly sense that person. This person held a perpetual majestic aura that couldn\'t be denied by anyone, hence she definitely knew who it was.

She remained stiff and stolid as if she didn\'t wish to be bothered by anyone at this time. The next moment, she could sense that the person took a step closer to her body thus her back became stiff in reluctance.

Aaron could discern her uneasiness yet he didn\'t utter a single word. In a very graceful manner, he removed the veil over her face and cast a vacant glance at her gorgeous face. It was so impossible to read those expressionless eyes.

Slowly and fearfully, Esme lifted her gaze and met with a pair of seductive eyes which were prepared to devour her all. For a moment, she honestly couldn\'t deny the allure of that handsome face.

For the event, he wore a pitch-black tuxedo which suited to his magnificent aura a lot. His impassive face was conveying a vibe of arrogance and ruthlessness as if every person was bound to bow down their heads obediently in front of him.

Subconsciously, she spent a couple of seconds staring at his majestic face until she heard a seductive voice beside her ears,

" Bear with it, Wifey. After the wedding, only you will have the right to see me."

Esme frowned hard and realized that Aaron was already leaning beside her ears as she spit out angrily,

" Shameless! "

In return, she saw him smirking before standing up in a straight stance.

The priest stared at Esme with a dumbfounded countenance!!!

Although vampires had the ability to hear anyone\'s voice but it was only applicable to the human world. Vampires can\'t hear another vampire\'s words just like they can hear human words. So the priest could only hear Esme\'s words calling their Lord Shameless.

He exhaled a sigh of relief when he noticed that Aaron didn\'t get furious over her or else this wedding event would be turned into a dead pool.

Her glamorous face was now revealed outside. As the priest began reciting their wedding vows, she took a curious glance around for a moment.

The wedding venue was arranged in the middle of a garden under the luminous sky. There were only scattered twinkling stars all over the sky but no sign of the moon could be seen.

Numerous candlelights illuminated the whole venue which made it brighter even than the electric lights she saw in her world.

When her gaze was roaming over the whole venue, the priest loudly asked Aaron,

" Do you take Esme Watts as your lawfully wedded wife? "

Only then Esme shifted her eyes to see him and thought about when did the vow finish.

Dear God, I didn\'t hear a single bit of it!

Aaron chuckled in his mind when he understood that his would-be wife didn\'t pay attention to anything about their wedding vows.

Forget it!

It\'s fine as long as she marries him.

Aaron glanced at the priest then turned his eyes to observe Esme who was desperately praying to hear "no" from him.

Aaron replied looking deep inside of her eyes,

" I do. "

Her heart ceased as she stared at him helplessly.

This time, the priest loudly asked Esme,

" Do you take Aaron Richards as your lawfully wedded husband? "

Esme cast a helpless glance at the priest.

Can I say no?

But she instantly flashed away from the thoughts as she noticed Aaron\'s threatening eyes on her.

She responded hurriedly,

" I do, I do, I do.... "

The crowd burst into laughter hearing her hasty response but instantly shut up when Aaron shot a sharp glare at them. Their lips shut up and immediately the entire venue became silent again..

Okay.. They don\'t dare to laugh at their queen!

Surprisingly, Aaron smiled back at her and the crowd became speechless.

Only he can laugh at her wife\'s words!

Not anyone else!

The black clouds slowly moved out of the way of the full moon. The moonlight fell all over the wedding venue showering everyone with its warm light.

The priest smiled and asked Aaron gently,

" Lord, you can mark the bride as the full moon is out now."

{ NOTE OF MARKING: Once a vampire finds his mate, he marks her to let others know that she is taken. This is done by him biting in her neck which leaves a mark for eternity. No matter how many times she reborns, they will be each other\'s mate forever.}

Esme blinked at the priest in confusion. She had no clear idea about marking yet she heard a little bit from her brothers about the vampire\'s marking.

Wait a minute, that means she will have to be his eternal bride after the marking!

No, this can\'t be happening!!

Once I find a way, I will definitely escape away from here.

But she couldn\'t oppose now as Aaron was already getting close to her body. Aaron paused just an inch far away from her stiff body.

Suddenly he pulled her closer by grabbing her waist roughly as she gasped softly.

In front of everyone\'s eyes, his action was so natural as if he was used to touching her frequently. His cold fingers gently pulled back her long hair behind to reveal her white neck and a sense of desire aroused inside him.

He found it very surreal as he didn\'t feel the urge of drinking her blood instead he yearned for something else more than her blood.

Burying his impulsive thoughts, he switched on his vampire form.

Later she heard him whispering gently,

" It will hurt a little. "

Before she could stable her mind, his sharp fangs appeared in his mouth along with a pair of large wings beside him which compelled her to shut her eyes in fear.

Deeply, his fangs pierced inside her neck and a loud grunt escaped through her red lips.

After biting her hard, Aaron lifted his head from her delicate neck and noticed the teardrops on the corner of her eyes.

His gaze deepened as it was expressing a connotation of guilt and panic.

But the next moment, the priest shouted out in disbelief,

" Inauspicious. "

Aaron frowned and turned back to confront the priest. The priest pointed at her neck trembling angrily,

" The mark has left uncomplete my Lord. "

Aaron frowned hard hence followed his pointed finger. But he Instantly became astonished as he found out there was no sign of bleeding on her neck nor did any mark left.

Only then Esme opened her eyes slowly and realized that everyone was looking at her angrily.

Aaron blurted out angrily,

" What is going on?

Did I do the marking wrongly?"

The priest shook his head before explaining carefully,

" You have done it right, my lord. The mark left incomplete only because this lady isn\'t willing to be marked by you. Without her willingness, you can\'t mark her and she won\'t be counted as your mate, my lord."

The crowd gasped in astonishment.

" How did this little girl have the guts to refuse our Lord? "

" It was already a pity for her to be marked by our lord!! How dare she refuse him in front of everyone? "

Queen Mother already stood up from her seat and glared at Esme fuming in anger.

If she wasn\'t helpless, this wedding would never occur here.

Esme kept lowering her gaze as she could sense that a storm was coming towards her.

Aaron waved his hand to keep the crowd silent as he stepped towards her slowly but dangerously.

Esme held her breath until her heart began throbbing rapidly in fear.

His paces seemed like a demon who was walking out of the hell and paused in front of her.

His cold, freezing voice echoed in her ear,

" You have chosen a smart way to refuse me, Esme. But remember that in this lifetime, you can only be marked by me and can only be my bride. I will spend ten lifetimes until you are willing to be mine. This is not an end for us. "

After that, he turned towards the crowd before declaring loudly,

" I accept her as my wife without marking. I assure you that one day she will be marked by me.

Does anyone have any objection? "

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