Loved By a Vampire King

Chapter 17 - That Crazy Girl Again!

When Vanessa was breaking those poor utensils out of anger, a cold pair of sharp eyes were watching over her.She seemed displeased by her behavior and continued sipping her tea.


Queen Mother scolded silently and put down her cup on the railing. She was standing at the corridor for quite some time and observed the whole scenario inside the garden house.

She was the one who suggested Vanessa to go over there and tried to show off her status that she was someone especial to Aaron deliberately.

In that case, Esme will feel a bit afraid of her.

But she didn\'t expect that her son will completely ruin her trick even higher Esme\'s status.

Even without doing anything,Esme had showed her status and place in front of everyone. She made the mighty king, Aaron carry herself in front of everyone.

What does she need to prove her status anymore?

A slow, unhurried steps came from behind along with a gentle voice from an young man,

" Queen Mother, Mr.Scott has arrived and is waiting for your approval."

Without turning back, she waved her hand indicating to let him enter and sat down on her balcony chair leisurely.

Soon after, a handsome young man walked in gradually. His slightly beard face gave off the vibe of a gentle man but his skin looked fair smooth emitting an powerful aura. He looked so calm but those bloodthirsty deep browned eyes hold some mysterious feature hiding into them from the outside world.

As his eyes met queen mother, he transformed into an obedient slave.

His gaze lowered and track stopped in front of her after giving a respectful bow,

" Greetings, queen mother.

You summoned me."

Queen Mother hummed shortly and asked looking away,

" Did you find the man whom I asked you earlier?"

The young man replied respectfully,

" I am still finding him. Rest assured. I will definitely find him out even if he goes under the depth of the ocean or in the sky.

but.. "

Turning back, she looked unhappy and spoke knitting her eyebrows,

" But what, Zave?"

Zave sighed softly and spoke with concern,

" Pardon my words, Queen Mother. But I happen to know that Aaron\'s wife didn\'t let him mark her. How come it will be possible in the future then? You remember Lord Draffy\'s words. He said that the girl should be marked as his soul mate unless it won\'t works."

His eyes were mixed with concern, anxiousness.

After all, everything will be ruined if it happens!

Even after listening his words, she stayed rather calm and unfazed.

With a mysterious smirk, she replied him with a deeper meaning,

" Woman\'s heart is like a melting water, Zave. If you can break the ice cube once, it will only keep melting for you. "

Zave frowned slightly but didn\'t argue back and stopped nodding his head.

After all, he knew this woman more than everyone else and knew her power hiding behind her warm appearance.

Meanwhile upstairs,

with a gloomy face, knitted eyebrows Aaron carried Esme all the way from garden to their bedroom in a blink of eye. After receiving the order from him, all the guards trembled in fear and maids started begging for mercy but there was no way out.

It is their ruthless king!

Once he made up a decision, he will never go back.

They have faced this ambiguous posture twice in a day.The rumours started spreading out that their king doted on his wife.

The door was kicked open and Aaron entered the room carrying the reckless queen in his bare arms. He was unexpectedly furious not because she got hurt carelessly. It was because the maids ignored their tasks and didn\'t move out stones from his garden.

Putting her down on the bed gently, he also placed himself beside her observing the wound on her feet. Despite little bleeding, there was no major cut on it.

He somehow felt relieved.

Esme kept quite and watched his concern. Thus she couldn\'t help but feel warm inside her heart.

Only then his shivering voice made her jolt slightly as she heard him ordering loudly,

" Bring me some cottons and bandage quickly."

There was no one inside the room and she wondered that did anyone hear him or not.

She had no idea about the special powers of Vampires. When she was staying in her world, her mother was always very disgusted towards vampire world and never shared or chatted about them.

Thus she just only heard that this world existed.

Surely the door opened and a guard quickly walked in holding the required staffs on his hand. He handed it over to Aaron and immediately retreated himself lowering his head walking back.

Head down, once again he started putting out the cotton and preparing to change her bandage. His expression remained serious like a professional doctor and she imagined him in a doctor suit.

A cold, grumpy vampire is a doctor, this thought came in her mind and a mischievous giggle slipped out from her mouth.

Aaron lifted his gaze to watch her face. Esme was quite fast at her action as she came back to her stern face soon.

She watched him wiping off the wound carefully and reluctantly her gaze shifted on his broaden chest which was still half opened revealing a portion of his white skin.

She felt uneasy remembering his groan.With a great difficulty, she spoke in a low voice,

" Let.. let me take care of your wounds too. You.. you didn\'t get the time to heal it completely."

Aaron paused and looked up surprisingly. He almost forgot his previous act. If she didn\'t remind of his wound, perhaps he would forget the matter as usual.

His stubborn wife was now offering him a helping hand.

How can he miss this opportunity?

Coming back to his serious and stern expression, he spoke wrapping her feet,

" It is still burning slightly. Why don\'t you help me wipe it off and apply some herbal medicine on it?"

Esme blinked caught off guard and nodded agreeing with his proposal without noticing the instant change on his face.

Aaron spoke giving the last torsion on her bandage" It is done. "

Esme hummed and asked awkwardly with a bit hesitated tone,

" Then..can you lean on.. a little?

I have to see your burnt skin."

Aaron smirked and leaned towards her body until his breath was falling down on her face making her leaned back a little.

Esme gulped and muttered watching him so close,

" You... you don\'t need to lean so much. Just stay here and give me the cotton. "

He grinned softly and passed her the staffs from aside. He watched her took some cotton and took a step close to his spot in order to have a better access over his body. He remained unmoved and gave her all the sovereignty to take care of his body.

Her little hands trembled when she tried to pry open his masculine chest.With her shaky hands, she opened two more buttons and now his abbs popped out in front of her nervous gaze.

She paused nervously and took a greedy glance of his abbs. A dragon tattoo was engraved over his chest starting from the left shoulder to his lower abdomen.

Those intimidating tattoos represented his domineering aura so well on his body.

Finding her drooling on his chest, he teased,

" Wanna touch it?"

Esme startled and gave him a white eye. Taking a deep breath, she put the cottons on his half soaked skin and started wiping it off.

Her flawless eyebrows knitted when she didn\'t find any red burn marks on his skin.

Didn\'t he say that his skin burnt?

Aaron found her reluctant face quite enjoying and teased more purposely,

" Umm.. Esme, you are no good. Slow down. You are hurting my skin."

Esme slowed her speed and continued wiping not looking up. Her hand was slightly trembling due to her nervousness inside her mind.

Aaron teased more,

" Tsk.. Your hands are so rough.

Are you trying to kill your husband?

You are no better than Vanessa."

As the words left his mouth, she stopped at her tracks.

Anger gusted all over her mind. She was already kind enough to offer him serving.

Now he dared to compare her with his so called maid more like mistress?

Her voice turned cold and extremely dangerous as she ordered,

" Get out now."

Aaron was astounded and looked at her face confused,

" Aaah?"

Esme reprimanded her words,

" Will you get out or not? Or else I will go out with this injured feet and make all the vampires crazy for my blood."

Aaron became speechless at her sudden scolded words and wanted to speak something.

But when he saw her determined gaze, burning aura, he gulped all those words and helplessly walked out of the bedroom still registering his mind to understand what happened just now.

Wait, did.. did this king just get afraid of his wife\'s words?





the night fell down around the city along with a cold chilling wind blowing outside. A loud music echoed around the bar as the crowd was busy in dancing randomly moving their hips awkwardly.

Sitting on the barstool, Ethan was sipping his red wine looking dull on his face.

He asked for another shot to the waiter and gulped it down slightly turning his head.

His gaze fell inside the crowd as he spit out all the wine in shock coughing violently.

He took a closer girl and was speechless.

That crazy girl again!

What is she doing here?

His gaze was fixed on her and found her dancing weirdly among the huge crowd. Her apple shaped hips were moving seductively along with the beats as the men all around watched her in awe and lust.

She looked so wild today.She wore a low cut short black fork like a seductress.Her hairs were all messy even her steps were unstable. A middle aged man approached her and took her waist with a smug smile moving with her steps.

Ethan rolled his eyes at the man!

You are asking for death!

Sipping his wine, he followed the vampire girl\'s every movement.

He turned to ask for another shot. After grabbing another glass, he shifted his gaze towards her direction but

she was vanished from there.

Where did she go within a second?

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