Looking After a Battle God With Hundreds of Billions in Supplies

Chapter 333: poisoned

  As soon as they walked outside the door, they heard a violent vomiting sound from inside the house.

  The servant led the two into the house.

  A lot of candles were lit in the room, allowing Su Ying to see clearly the man who was leaning against the edge of the bed weakly.

  He looks about the same age as Xiao Jin, but his frame and body shape are smaller than Xiao Jin, his face is thin, he looks sick, and his spirit looks poor.

  Hearing the movement, Wei Siyuan looked at Su Ying and the others, seeing that Xiao Jin was coming, and just as he was about to speak, he coughed violently.

  The servant who was waiting on the side immediately stepped forward to give him the spittoon. After a while, Wei Siyuan vomited violently again.

  Xiao Jin\'s complexion sank seeing him like this.

   When Wei Siyuan took a breath, he stepped forward and said, "Why is it getting worse?"

   Wei Siyuan covered his chest and shook his head, "I took the medicine but it didn\'t improve."

   "What disease?" Su Ying stepped forward and asked.

   Wei Siyuan looked at Su Ying with a complicated expression.

Before Xiao Jin was exiled, he hated her the most. He felt that she was not good enough for Xiao Jin, but after the two returned, Su Ying seemed to have changed a lot. Xiao Jin had also warned him not to allow He was disrespectful to Su Ying, so when he saw Su Ying, he still nodded and said, "This is my cousin, Siyuan has seen my cousin before."

  Su Ying nodded slightly, looked at Xiao Jin, "Tell me what\'s going on with him."

The servant serving Wei Siyuan said: "Princess Wang, Young Master Biao was ill a few days ago. At the beginning of the illness, he felt like a cold. At first he was chilly, and then he had a fever. The high fever came back and forth and he didn\'t get better. If it develops to the present, it is vomiting, and I can’t eat anything, and I will vomit after eating.”

  Su Ying saw that Wei Siyuan\'s lips were chapped, which was obviously dehydrated.

  Su Ying motioned for him to reach out for his pulse.

   Wei Siyuan was very surprised. He had heard a lot of Su Ying\'s "glorious deeds" recently, but he hadn\'t heard that she could treat people besides fighting.

  Su Ying concentrated on taking his pulse, and after reading one hand, she motioned him to stretch out the other hand.

  There was no expression on her face all the time, making it impossible for people to guess Wei Siyuan\'s real situation from the changes in her expression.

   "Open your mouth and let me see."

   Wei Siyuan opened his mouth obediently, and Su Ying asked him to stick out his tongue again.

   "What did the previous doctors treat?"

   "It is treated according to wind and cold."

Su Ying nodded, and took out a silver needle and a thin tube for taking blood samples from the medicine box, "From the pulse condition, your organs have shown signs of failure, but from the performance, it can\'t be seen for the time being. Where the lesion is, I need to take blood for further examination."

   "Organ failure?" Xiao Jin frowned.

  Su Ying nodded, "Well, the internal organs are not normal. This is a very dangerous signal. I will prescribe medicine for you to maintain stability first, and then further search for the focus of the disease."

  Wei Siyuan didn\'t know if Su Ying could cure illnesses, but she seemed to be quite professional after hearing what she said.

  Su Ying took out the medicine from the medicine box and gave it to him, then took blood to the next room.

  Xiao Jin accompanied Wei Siyuan in the room, Su Ying went to the cubicle and closed the door, then entered the space and took blood to start the test.

  Finally, the results of the blood routine test came out, showing that the white blood cell value was very high, and there was also a mixed virus infection.

  Su Ying frowned slightly, this is just a basic blood routine, not accurate enough.

  During Su Ying\'s blood test, Wei Siyuan felt better after taking the medicine given by Su Ying.

  He has hardly had a good night\'s sleep since his illness.

   "Take a break?" Xiao Jin helped him to lie down on the bed.

   Wei Siyuan looked apologetic, and tightly held Xiao Jin\'s hand.

   "Cousin, I, I am willing to die like this! I, I have not yet, I have not avenged my parents, I am not reconciled!"

  Xiao Jin looked at the red color in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Don\'t think about it, your cousin will cure you."

In fact, Wei Siyuan didn\'t hold out much hope. He found all the doctors in the capital, but after taking the medicine for several days, there was no sign of improvement at all, and it was even worse. He didn\'t believe that Su Ying could be worse than those doctors. sharp.

  Xiao Jin seemed to see what he was thinking, "My two legs were cured by your cousin."

   Wei Siyuan\'s eyes overflowed with light, "Really..."

   "Well, just wait with peace of mind."

  The two of them waited until it was dawn and Su Ying still hadn\'t come out of that room.

   After Wei Siyuan took the medicine given by Su Ying at night, he finally had a good night\'s sleep.

  However, his body was too weak, and just after the dawn of genius, his body reacted again, and he coughed violently.

   "Cough cough cough cough pop!"

  When Su Ying came back, she saw Wei Siyuan spurting out a mouthful of blood.

  Xiao Jin\'s complexion changed slightly, and he raised his head to look at Su Ying anxiously, "Su Ying, come and have a look."

  Su Ying already had the injection in her hand, and went up to give him the injection.

  After the injection was injected, Wei Siyuan\'s breathing gradually became even, and his panting sound slowed down.

  The attendant hurried forward to tidy him up, and changed his clothes and bedding.

  After tidying up, Su Ying dissolved a thumb-sized tablet in warm water and brought it to Wei Siyuan, "Drink it, this is the antidote."

  Xiao Jin\'s face was serious when he heard it, "Detoxification? Siyuan is poisoned?"

  Su Ying nodded, "Well, the toxins have corroded the internal organs, if I come later, he will die."

   Wei Siyuan took the medicine in Su Ying\'s hand.

   But not long after drinking the medicine, his stomach convulsed and he vomited again.

  The spittoon that the attendant hurriedly brought.

Wei Siyuan almost wanted to spit out all his internal organs, mouthfuls of fishy, ​​smelly liquid mixed with a sour taste, almost filled a spittoon, and then he gradually stopped.

  After he vomited almost, Su Ying asked him to lie down, stretched out his hands and pressed on his abdomen, "Stomach, do you feel any discomfort?"

   Wei Siyuan shook his head, then nodded again, "I can\'t say it\'s uncomfortable, it just feels like something is dangling inside."

  Su Ying hummed, expressing understanding, and took out the sterilized scalpel from the medicine box, "Lie down well and don\'t make a fuss."

  Before Wei Siyuan figured it out, he saw her spray something on his stomach, then took out a knife and stabbed him.

   But the pain he imagined didn\'t hit, he just watched Su Ying make a small opening in his stomach, and then pierced something like a tube into his flesh.

   Not long after, thick black blood flowed out of the tube.

   Wei Siyuan\'s eyes widened in shock, "What the **** is this? Is it poison?"

  (end of this chapter)

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