The Tyrant's Pet

Chapter 304 [Bonus Chapter]M

[ Lazuli Palace ]


Inez stood behind the shut door of her chambers. Her breathing was suspended as she broke out in sweats.

"Your Highness --"

"Leave me alone!" she roared at the person who knocked from the other side of the door. "I want to be alone. Anyone who disturbs me will be punished. Heavily."

She was panting as she retracted her back from the door, glaring daggers at it. Her hands balled into a fist before she bit her thumb while pacing back and forth.

"I lost my mind," she muttered, recalling the taste of the crown princess\'s lips and the aromatic scent of her perfume that lingered in her nostrils.

The thought of how the crown princess looked when she left stopped her pacing. Bitterness instantly filled her eyes as she bit her lower lip, running her fingers through her auburn locks.

"It\'s her fault," came out a whisper. "That woman from Rikhill..."

If only that fallen princess didn\'t have an uncanny resemblance to the crown princess, Inez wouldn\'t feel this restlessness. Even though \'that\' Aries was nothing like the crown princess, they still looked like each other. Knowing what she did to Aries, Inez was scared.

Did she really like the crown princess? Or... was she simply attracted to her because of that ruined princess?

After all, Aries... that fallen princess... was her first love.

She may be \'tainted,\' and her unbending will was repulsive, but Inez loved her. They were both twisted and even when that woman would taunt and mock her, her body ached for her.

"If not because of that bitch..." Inez clutched her bicep as hatred and love blurred whenever that fallen princess was in the picture. "If not --"

Suddenly, Inez\'s face and mind went blank for a moment. Her eyes narrowed after a minute before a weak chuckle slipped past her lips.

"That\'s right." While nodding, she let go of her bicep. "She\'s dead already and I can\'t really blame her. She\'s not the one who is at fault here."

"It\'s that Countess...", she added, thinking Cherry was one of the key figures who led Rikhill into its demise. "That woman is dead and my relationship with the crown princess wouldn\'t be this complicated if Joaquin didn\'t connive with that mere countess. That\'s right... it\'s their fault."

Inez laughed as she tied everything, pushing all the blame to Cherry and Joaquin. If Joaquin and Cherry weren\'t greedy, there was no way for Inez and Aries to even meet in the first place. She would\'ve met the crown princess first — her soulmate.

Yes. Inez believed the crown princess was her soulmate since they were both attracted to each other. But this world... never approved of such sinful attraction. Still, it wouldn\'t be this complicated since they could hide their relationship.

Who would suspect that the two of them were in love with each other, right?

Inez would even go as far as marrying just anybody to continue her relationship with the crown princess. After all, it wasn\'t an everyday thing one would hear about a relationship between the same gender.

"Those two..." Inez\'s eyes darkened as this realization that dawned on her just now was the last straw. Not only did Cherry instill fear in her beloved queen\'s heart and Joaquin take everything for granted, but they were also the culprit why Inez was losing her mind about Aries.

"I wouldn\'t meet that bitch if not for them, and my queen will not be in pain if they weren\'t sinful." Her eyes grew icy, as there were many other factors why those two deserved death. "I will make them pay... for her..."

Inez remained silent as her heart grew calmer at the decision that crossed her head. After a minute, she snapped her eyes at the door coldly.

"Summon Leon and tell him I have a job for him." She raised her voice, enough for someone outside her chamber to hear her. "I will need him tonight."


Back to the Sapphire Palace...

"You\'re back?" Aries smiled from the settee where she was arranging the vase, gazing at the crown prince, who was strutting his way towards her. Joaquin smiled before he noticed her index finger.

"What happened?" he asked as soon as he sat down beside her, reaching for her bandaged finger. A frown instantly appeared on his face when she retrieved her hand before he could touch her.

"Circe." He looked at her solemnly, catching the sudden panic she was hiding in her eyes. "Can I take a look?"

"But it\'s nothing..." she pursed her lips when he opened his palm as an answer. "I simply nipped it while cutting some stems. It\'s not a big deal."

Aries reluctantly placed her hand on top of his palm while explaining how she got it. Joaquin simply glanced at her before he unwrapped the cloth around the tip of her index.

"That is quite a big cut," he pointed out as he raised his eyes to her. "Circe, I approve that arranging flowers had always been your hobby. However, if you keep cutting yourself accidentally, I\'m afraid I will have to forbid you from this activity."

Aries frowned and lowered her eyes while Joaquin sighed. He held her hand closer to him gently.

"My wife," he called, waiting for her to look back at him. "I nearly lost you, my love. Nothing ever scared me in my life, but when I saw you back there... I didn\'t know what to do. I don\'t want to restrict you, but if it\'s only hurting you, I will have no choice but to forbid you to keep you safe."

Joaquin raised his hand and tucked her golden hair behind her ear. "I don\'t want to lose you and that is something that came clear to me during the hunting competition." He looked her in the eye and smiled subtly. "You understand me, right? You\'re my wife and you are mine. I will protect you, even from yourself."

"I will be careful next time," came out a weak voice while he nodded.

"Just this once. I will let it slide."

Aries pursed her lips and nodded, sensing his strong desire to control and own her completely, which started after the incident in the hunting competition. She didn\'t want to argue with him, knowing he might snap and turn violent, and that wasn\'t her plan.

"Take care, always," he expressed, planting a kiss on her knuckles while she smiled subtly. "Anyway, I heard you received a visitor today."

As soon as those slipped past his lips, Joaquin narrowed his eyes mildly as he caught the fear in her eyes for a split second. However, Aries smiled almost immediately, as if she was trying to hide something.

"The ninth princess came by," she explained while Joaquin rocked his head as he didn\'t want to probe — for now.

"Is that so...?" his brow arched when she suddenly squeezed his hand. "Yes?"

Hesitation glinted across her eyes before she shook her head. "Nothing."


"It\'s really nothing."

"Daniella Circe Imperial." Aries held her breath as his eyes grew solemn, looking at her in the eye. "What is it? I hate secrets and keeping one is the last thing you will want to do to me."

A minute had passed in silence before her expression grew somber and her lips parted.

"Between the ninth princess and I, who will you believe, Joaquin?" she asked as she raised her eyes once again, revealing a thousand emotions condensed into one.

And that second, Joaquin told himself... Inez had a fun life.

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