The Tyrant's Pet

Chapter 759 First Letter Recipient

[ To His Majesty of the Maganti Empire, Ismael Imperial,

Apologies if I wouldn\'t go through the formality of writing Your Majesty a letter, for I had to write this in a hurry. It had been years since our last contact, but I would like to ask Your Majesty for a favor.

Please, list the emperor of the Haimirich Empire as a legal member of the summit. I couldn\'t go through the details, but I hope you may help us make it happen. Another thing, please do so at your discretion.

Your help will surely be recognized and acknowledged.

The Grand Duke of Fleure,

Isaiah Darkmore. ]

Ismael read the letter quickly, as it was rather short but straightforward. The Haimirich Empire and the Maganti Empire were now allies that had shared fruitful trade that could benefit both parties. The Haimirich Empire had been supplying the Maganti Empire\'s arms to strengthen the military power of Ismael and give provision to the granary, knowing the Maganti Empire was still unstable. In turn, the Maganti Empire, which was rich in minerals, would supply the Haimirich Empire.

Back then, Ismael doesn\'t contact Abel directly, but Conan or Isaiah handled the trades. Hence, Ismael exchanged letters with Isaiah and Conan countless times. The main reason Ismael would recognize this handwriting, even if Isaiah sent a different carrier to deliver the letter.

"Is His Majesty…" Ismael snapped his eyes at the person sitting across the coffee table between them. "... attending the Summit?"

Morro, who was still under a cloak, slowly raised his eyes. No word came out of his mouth even when his lips parted, only to purse it and nod.

A shallow breath slipped past Ismael\'s lips, assessing Morro\'s demeanor. Morro was a strange creature. Even though it was clear that this man wasn\'t a normal human and could shapeshift into a raven, countless questions still hovered in Ismael\'s head.

"I think Her Majesty knows about it," he mumbled to himself, referring to the last remarks Aries had said when he arrived on the mainland. "But why do I need to list him? Is their marriage crumbling down?"

Ismael pondered about it until he ruffled his hair in irritation.

"Forget it. That\'s not of my concern," he sighed, peeking at the letter in his hand as well. "The ink is still fresh. Was it sent the same night?"

Morro nodded, but this information didn\'t surprise Ismael. One of the many reasons the Haimirich Empire was untouchable was because of its fast transmission. There was one time Conan had to do a quick follow-up message and sent Morro; Morro wasn\'t the only bird who would fly to the Maganti Empire to deliver a message. He would only do so if it needed to reach a recipient quickly, or if Morro wanted some snacks from Ismael. Ismael spoiled this man quite a bit.

​ "Knowing what type of man he is, he probably charged into this place without a plan. Perhaps, His Grace sent this letter in a hurry to prevent the worse," Ismael guessed, as this was the only logical reason he could think of at the moment. "I don\'t know what happened in the Haimirich Empire two years ago, and why everyone just suddenly forgot about this great empire."

"However, if he is coming, I also need to make sure he wouldn\'t cause trouble," he continued, nodding at himself as he had a one-man conversation. "The Summit is filled with important figures from across the globe. If a war occurred or an intense battle between vampires ensues, there\'s no telling if we can all leave this place in one piece."

"And if that happened, it can ignite a world war," he added as his expression turned solemn.

This was probably what Isaiah also thought for him to reach out to Ismael in a hurry instead of Aries. Right now, Abel\'s and Aries\'s relationship was still vague. Ismael didn\'t know what happened between those two, but he believed there was a reason because Aries was to be betrothed to Maximus, the king of the mainland.

"Moreover, that lover of hers she keeps to the side — ugh…!" Ismael shook his head to get his thoughts together. "This isn\'t the time to worry about those two."

Ismael ruffled his hair once again, clicking his tongue in annoyance. Another deep exhale slipped past his lips, snapping his eyes back to Morro, who was currently munching the teacup after pouring the tea on the floor.

"Morro, is there something I need to know aside from the content of this letter?" he asked, taking his chances to get more information.

Morro blinked three times before his lips parted, revealing his razor teeth and some shards in his mouth. "I have another letter to deliver to someone, and His Majesty is beyond angry."

"His Majesty is beyond angry, huh?" Ismael rubbed his chin as that sounded like a normal occurrence. "Isn\'t that a natural response after your entire empire was forgotten? Even his existence?"

"His Majesty never gets angry."

Ismael arched a brow, casting Morro a look. "Never?"


"Now that I think about it, he is the person who finds entertainment in everything." Ismael lowered his eyes as he mulled it.

Ismael could only count the times he personally interacted with Abel, but from what he learned from all those interactions was that Abel might have a twisted train of thoughts and personality. But anger… was something Ismael had never seen in Abel\'s eyes. Annoyance and amusement, perhaps, but Abel seemed like the person who would take a ton lot for someone to anger him.

"In any case, if being a member of the summit is what His Grace needs, it\'ll be troublesome, but it\'s not impossible." Ismael rocked his head, setting his eyes on Morro sternly. "I won\'t be able to write a reply, but rest assured, I\'d make it happen. For me and for this summit."

Morro just stared at the determination in Ismael\'s eyes but didn\'t have any reaction to it. The latter didn\'t mind, though. Morro\'s only concern was his meal; whether people get hurt in a crossfire or they survive was not of Morro\'s concern.

That same night, when Morro fled away, Ismael secretly called for his knight to give him two orders. The first order was to arrange a meeting with the Queen of the Chivisea, Veronika Barkridge. The second order was to scout the fort discreetly to give Abel a smooth entrance.

Fortunately, Aries favored Ismael and gave him the privilege of having more soldiers disguised as servants. With the people of the Maganti Empire and those from under Veronika, they were able to bribe and even divert the guards\' attention from noticing the particular devil entering the mainland.

However, Ismael and Veronika couldn\'t do all this without another person\'s help. Or rather, a few people help that had been waiting for their chance to strike.

The recipient of the second and third letters Morro had to meet that same night.

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