
Chapter 135 - 135-Fortress Blueprint

As Strange Spherical Barrier enveloped the Great Plateau, Ego and the Three Demon Crescents looked upon the Spherical Barrier, which stretched thousands of kilometers away from the Dark Monolith. They turned their gaze towards Persia and noticed her stretching her limbs. Ego walked towards Persia and asked with her monotone voice.

"Did something happen, Sister?" 

Ego questioned as she was curious about what happened with her Sister and the System. Persia stopped stretching her limbs and looked at Ego, who stood silently in front of her. Persia smirked towards Ego as her Golden Amber Eyes shone. She then replied with a prideful voice, which echoed in the Peak of the Great Plateau. 

"Our Nation is called Azathoth." 

"Azathoth?" Ego tilted her head in confusion. The Three Demon Crescents didn\'t understand anything but still nodded in agreement towards their Master. Persia noticed confusion written all over Ego\'s face. She continued smirking as it seemed that she would have to explain everything to Ego. 

"Well, Azathoth is the official name of our Nation." 

It was a simple explanation. Ego nodded in understanding and started thinking about the name. She looked at her Sister with an emotionless face and asked with her monotone voice. "Where did you get the name?" Azathoth was a good name, though Ego already understood her Sister\'s naming sense was strange and chaotic. 

"Hmm... I was thinking about a Demonic Name, which gave me an Idea about our National Name, Azathoth." Persia honestly answered as Ego shook her head and sighed. Well, it was a good name, so there was no use in trying to say anything else. Thinking about the current situation, Ego questioned with her monotone voice.

"Does Sister have any blueprints for the construction of our Main Base?" 

After all, The Inquisition needed to build something on the Great Plateau. Persia froze after hearing Ego\'s question and started thinking about the blueprint. Persia\'s subordinates would need a blueprint to coordinate together without any problems. With this in mind, Persia found herself in a precarious situation. 

"I\'ll help you create the blueprint, Sister."

Ego sighed and walked towards Persia. Persia titled her head as she was curious about what Ego was trying to do. Ego arrived in front of Persia and stood in front of her. She gazed upon Persia\'s Golden Amber Eyes as she placed her hand on Persia\'s pale forehead and smiled. A Bright Light illuminated and enveloped Ego. Ego disappeared as if she got eaten by Persia. 


The Three Demon Crescents looked at Persia with an expression of disbelief. Numerous thoughts passed through their mind. After all, they saw their Teacher getting eaten by their Master. Such a scene was something rare to find and even surprising for the Demon Crescents. 

"Wow, their relationship knows no bounds," Marx muttered with a tone of surprise. Those were the only words Marx could release from her mouth after seeing such a scene. It was the first time they saw their Teacher entering their Master\'s Body. Heck, even their thoughts were getting strange. 

"As expected of those that stand in the Zenith of existence. Even their ways are strange." Capita said while slightly coughing. She had known at their Teacher and Master were the same. She always believed such words but seeing her Teacher entering her Master\'s Body was strange. It also brings a lot of questions.

"I do wonder when I could try that," Luna mumbled to herself. Capita and Marx looked at her and slowly backed away. "I never thought that you would have such fetish, Luna," Capita said while backing away from Luna. "As your friend, I\'m not the one that should judge you. But for my sake, please forgive me." Marx shook her head and backed away from Luna. 

The Three Demon Crescents continued bickering while Persia and Ego were planning to discuss the Blueprints together within Persia\'s mind. Deep within Persia\'s consciousness, Ego stood within a Silver White Room. She could also see her Sister standing in front of her. It seems that her Sister can finally enter the Silver White Room without any problems. 

"Should we start, Ego?" Persia smirked as Ego nodded in agreement. Persia then controlled the Silver White Room as a Holographic Model of her Territory appeared on Ego\'s front. Ego looked at it with curiosity. She understood that the Holographic Model resembled the Area under the Spherical Barrier\'s influence. 

"A Holographic Model. It does make a lot of things easier than before." Ego spoke with her monotone voice as Persia pridefully smiled. "As expected for someone like me," Persia said with a confident voice. Hearing her Sister\'s prideful tone, Ego couldn\'t help but shake her head and sigh. 

The two of them looked at the Holographic Model of the Territory of the Nation Azathoth. Ego then turned her gaze towards Persia and asked. "Do you have any suggestions about the Fortress we are about to build?" Since her Sister was the Ruler, It was clear that Ego would need Persia\'s suggestions about the Fortress. 

"Eh... I\'d rather not talk about my suggestions. Since you are skillful at making blueprints, I\'ll give the development wheel of the Fortress to you." Persia smiled as Ego denied and shook her head. "As the Ruler of Azathoth, Your suggestions are needed for the development of the Nation. If not, then why would you call yourself a Ruler?" Ego questioned as Persia wryly smiled. 

"Okay, okay. I\'ll tell you about my suggestions." Persia gave up on trying to resist against Ego. Ego was straightforward when speaking, so Persia doubted that Ego would be merciful with her words. Hearing the agreement of Persia, Ego released a prideful smirk which instantly got Persia\'s attention. 

"Oy, oy, When did you learn to act like that?" Persia found herself in disbelief when she saw Ego releasing a prideful smirk after she surrendered. Ego looked at Persia and replied with her monotone voice. "You shouldn\'t underestimate anyone, Sister." Persia gritted her teeth as Ego\'s voice echoed within her mind. "Tsk, hear this, Ego. I\'ll never underestimate you till this day." 

"That\'s good to hear, Sister." Ego continued smirking while studying the Holographic Image of the Territory. It was the first time that Persia had someone undermining her authority. But, Persia felt a warmth feeling within her heart after hearing Ego\'s words and seeing her Actions. It was a reminder that despite being Powerful, Ego and the Demon Crescents were still Persia\'s Family. 

"Hehehe, I\'ll give you my suggestions, Ego." Persia released an evil laugh while smirking. Ego turned her head towards Persia and replied. "Bring it, Sister." Persia\'s gears started turning as she thought about the things that would help Azathoth. Since they were building the Fortress on top of the Great Plateau, Persia would have to think about the Five Layers.

"Ehem, The Fortress of Azathoth will get called Bastion. It will get built on top of the Great Plateau, Specifically within the Center Part of the Fifth Layer. The Fortress would be easily defendable while hard to siege. I would need towers around the Fortress for Anti-Aircrafts Placements. Artillery and Heavy Cannons would also get needed to protect the Bastion." 

Persia started her suggestion of the Fortress Bastion. Hearing Persias\'s suggestions, Ego didn\'t have any reactions plastered on her face. She remembered every word Persia had spoken and kept smiling towards her Sister. Being a Blueprint Maker, Ego got trained on dealing with Strong suggestions. Persia would have to get more detailed to get Ego to surrender.

"The First Layer would have 1,000 meters wall surrounding it. The wall would have to be 200 meters thick. Heavy Cannons, Artillery, and AA Placements will get placed on the top of the wall. Not only that, but the wall would need hangars inside of them. Now, let\'s talk about the Next Layer of the Fortress." Persia smirked as Ego looked at her as if saying *Bring it on.*

"The Second, Third, and Fourth Layers would have 750 meters wall surrounded them. Then the wall would be 300 meters thick. As I said before, Heavy Cannons, Artillery, and AA Placements will get placed on the top of the wall. I\'ll also include the hangars within them. Cargo Area is also needed as we might need them for the future." 

"About the interior of the Fortress, I\'d like to include everything you consider important for the Inquisition." Persia gazed upon Ego with her Golden Amber Eyes. She had a Serious expression as Ego released a Soothing smile and answered. "As per your orders, It will be done, Sister." 

"Thank you..."

"You\'re Welcome."

Outside the consciousness of Persia, Hundreds of Figures exited the Silver Gate of Persia. They were the Main Force of the Demon Crescents. The Bickering Three Demon Crescents Leaders stopped and looked at their Main Force. They coughed in embarrassment as the Main Force started looking around the Devastating Peak of the Great Plateau.

"Why do I feel chills?" One of them questioned as she had felt that they were about to do something Hard and Severe. The Demon Crescents around her nodded in agreement as they also felt the same feeling.. They didn\'t know what it was, but they knew that it would be Bad.

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