
Chapter 148 - 148-The Grim Tigers

In a Mountain deep within the Occidental Region, It stood with a Grandiose Cone appearance. Right beside the Mountain was hundreds of cave openings. Such cave openings were the home of a species within the Occidental Region known as the Grim Tigers, The Rivals of the Silver Wolves Species, who disappeared many months ago.

The Grim Tigers highly resembled a Normal Tiger. The only difference was their size, which was numerous times bigger than the Normal Tiger, and their unique appearance. Their striking dark appearance was what made them known in the Occidental Region. They were like the Tigers of Darkness as they could also use the Darkness Attribute. 

Anyway, along with their Rivals, The Silver Wolves, The Grim Tigers continued to grow without any problems. But it has been months since the Silver Wolves disappeared from the Forest. There were no signs of the Silver Wolves other than a strange settlement on their home. With a Small Settlement on the Silver Wolves Home, The Grim Tigers considered the Subjugation Group of the Orcs succeeding in their occupation. 

Not only that but ever since the Silver Wolves disappeared. The Power Balance of the Forest broke beyond relief. The Power Vacuum caused by the disappearance of the Silver Wolves was too massive for the Grim Tigers to fill. The problems kept piling up, especially with the population of numerous species within the Forest increasing without anything stopping it.

That was the Situation of the Grim Tigers. The Iron Hyenas and the Overpopulation of the Forest. The Disappearance of a Fellow Rival, which caused most of the problems. And the fact that the leader of the Grim Tigers was about to choose its heir for the throne. 

In the chief cave of the Grim Tiger\'s Lair, A Grim Tiger was nervously walking back and forth. The Grim Tiger was slimmer and smaller than the Grim Tigers around it. Her name was Regina, the Daughter of the Grim Tiger Chief. The supposedly next chief of the Grim Tiger Pack.

"Regina, calm yourself." 

Regina heard a Soothing voice echoed within the cave. She turned her head towards it and saw her mother looking at her. Regina released a smile as she replied with a calm voice. 

"I\'m sorry, Mother. I\'m too nervous about the rite of passing. Do I deserve to be the Chief of the Grim Tigers?" Regina questioned. Her mother slightly chuckled after hearing the question of her daughter. 

"Deserve isn\'t something you should be saying, Regina. Have you forgotten about how your father managed to be the chief of the Grim Tigers? He didn\'t become a Chief because he deserved it." Regina\'s mother replied with her Soothing voice. Regina sighed after hearing her mother\'s words. Regina regularly gets reminded of her father\'s stories. 

Regina\'s father was the Strongest Grim Tiger in the Pack. He didn\'t become the Chief of the Grim Tiger Pack because he deserved the title. He became the chief because he fought for it. He fought through all competitors. It took time, but Regina\'s father emerged victoriously and married the daughter of the last chief, which was Regina\'s mother.

"But, I\'m not like, father. I\'m a weakling compared to him." Regina said with a saddened voice. Regina\'s mother merely patted her head and replied with her motherly voice.

"Just because you aren\'t stronger like your father doesn\'t mean you can\'t become the chief. You worked hard and solved a lot of our problems. You studied and obtained grasps about the Forest and how the Pack can gain more from it. You have worked hard enough to get considered as the chief."

Regina felt the flames of confidence within her heart gleaming.  After hearing the words of her mother. Regina couldn\'t help but smile and thank her mother for helping Regina out with her confidence problem. Regina\'s mother smiled and replied. "A mother supports her child no matter what. I am doing my duty, and it\'s because I love you."

Before Regina could answer, a Grim Tiger entered the cave, along with many more Grim Tigers. It was the chief of the Grim Tiger Pack or Regina\'s father. He walked towards Regina and asked with a stern yet soft voice. "Are you ready for the rite of passing, Regina?" 

Regina looked at her father right in the eyes and nodded with confidence. Seeing the confident expression of her daughter, the chief couldn\'t help but smile. It seems that his wife was already moving before him. It was saddening that he couldn\'t personally help Regina with her problem but nevertheless. He was proud of her. 

"Well, then. Why don\'t we start the rite of passing." 

Regina\'s father exited the cave, followed by Regina\'s mother. Regina looked at the two of them and smiled. She then walked towards the entrance of the cave and finally exited it. The light of the sun illuminated through her face as she noticed hundreds of Grim Tigers waiting for her arrival. The rite of passing was the Greatest and Rarest Event. After all, chiefs of the Pack tend to have long lifespans. 

Regina\'s father calmly walked towards the marble stage and looked towards the Grim Tigers with a Serious gaze. The Grim Tigers found themselves in silence as Regina\'s mother and Regina herself stood right beside him. He then began his speech with a Serious and Cold voice. 

"It has been a while since the balance of the Forest got destroyed. The disappearance of the Silver Wolves. The OverPopulation Problem of other Races. And mostly, the Invaders, known as Orks. With the problems we have been facing these months, protecting our territory and destroying any Invader Scout. I believe that it is time for me to step down as the chief of the Grim Tiger Pack."

"The rite of passing will begin, and the contestant will be my daughter, Regina. After the rite of passing, she will be the chief of the Grim Tigers. Do any of you have any objections?" Regina\'s father asked with a Stern and Serious voice. He looked at the Grim Tigers as the Grim Tigers didn\'t release a single word. 

Regina closed her eyelids as she was nervous about the objections of the Grim Tigers. She thought that a lot of them would hate her being their leader. Seconds later, Regina couldn\'t hear a single opposition. She opened her eyelids as the Grim Tigers looked at her with a Serious expression. The Grim Tigers didn\'t release an objection against Regina being the chief of the Grim Tiger Pack.

The Grim Tigers have already noticed a lot of Regina\'s reform working for them without any problems. It even helped them a lot. Without Regina\'s reform, the Grim Tiger Pack might have fallen into chaos, especially with the disappearance of the Silver Wolves Pack. The Power Vacuum might lead the Pack splitting apart into two. 

"I\'ll consider your silence as an answer. None of you objects to Regina\'s right of passing." Regina\'s father nodded as he looked towards the sub-leaders of the Pack. They also nodded and agreed with Regina\'s \'right of passing\' for the chief position. Regina\'s father smirked as he spoke with a calm voice.

"Then, let\'s begin the rite of passing." As Regina\'s father\'s words echoed, the Grim Tigers started bowing. Regina\'s father looked at them as he slowly backed away. He turned his gaze towards his daughter and released a smile. "It\'s time to begin your reign, my lovely daughter." 

Regina gazed upon her father and nodded in agreement. She walked towards the front of the marble stage and confidently stood towards the Grim Tigers bowing towards her. She looked at them with a Serious expression as she spoke with a calm voice. 

"As the new chief of the Grim Tigers Pack. I promise peace and prosperity. With my power, the Grim Tigers will become the strongest." Her words echoed as the forehead of the Grim Tigers started shining with a bright light. They have accepted Regina being the leader of the Grim Tigers Pack. She has become the new chief of the Pack.

Regina smiled as she turned her head towards her father and mother. She could see the two of them smiling towards her. Regina was happy with the results though it seems that her happiness wouldn\'t last that long. After all, a powerful force was about to visit the Grim Tigers Lair. 

Propellant Blades Echoed as the Engines of a Military Aircraft enveloped the whole area. Regina found herself in shock as she turned her head upwards. She didn\'t know what was happening, but she understood that it couldn\'t be anything good. Seeing a Giant Military Aircraft accompanied by Hundreds of Military Drones, Regina knew that something or someone powerful was about to land near the Grim Tigers Lair.

"A-a Helicopter? No, that\'s not a Helicopter. It\'s something bigger." Regina uttered with shock as she couldn\'t believe what she was seeing. How could such things exist? 

But then, one would wonder. How does a random Grim Tiger princess know the existence of a Helicopter?

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