
Chapter 169 - 169-Time

Within the outskirts of the Occidental Region, A young silver-haired girl with red crimson eyes was calmly walking through the lush forest. She was holding a sword under her hand as she seemed to be traversing a frozen world. Her name was Marx, the Governor Inquisitor and the Lord of Time. 

She, Capita, and Luna had been sent to protect the outskirts of the Occidental Region. The Inquisitors, on the other hand, got sent to evacuate the Daemon Beast or exterminate them. It has been a while since they landed on the outskirts. They have heard rumors about their Master causing trouble on the other end. 

They were proud when they heard the rumors. Some Inquisitors even forced the enemy to spill out more information about their Master. Unfortunately or fortunately, info about their Master was under their veil of rumors. Not a lot of rumors about their Master existed in the Great Army of the Plains.

Speaking of the Great Army of the Plains, the Governor Inquisitors didn\'t meet any Great Rulers that wanted to fight them. They were sure that a Great Ruler would fight them, especially if they had caused trouble on the battlefield. But after a while of destruction, it appears that no Great Ruler was willing to fight them in this area. 

"Handling grunts are pretty boring. They are weaker and are pretty much easy to destroy. I wonder if I can meet someone or something challenging."

Marx uttered while playing with her sword. She was walking within the forest after handling the army she got tasked to handle. It didn\'t take a second for the army to get beheaded at the same time, so Marx began wandering for no reason after the defeat of the enemy army.

While walking within the lush evergreen forest, Marx noticed a figure on the heavens. It was her sister, Luna. She seemed to be having fun while throwing void balls that appear to devour everything in their way. Marx then deactivated her ability, and her presence got instantly noticed by Luna.

Luna then clicked her tongue, which resulted in Marx snickering. Marx then thought calmly within her mind. \'I apologize for ruining your fun, Sis.\' Luna shook her head as she had noticed Marx below her. She slowly faded to reinforce the remaining sides of the Outskirts. 

With Luna\'s disappearance, It was now clear that this side had been given to Marx. Marx then once again activated her ability. Everything slowly slowed down as the gears of time halted. Such an ability was something Marx had created and studied for a long time. It was an ability known as Chronos Body. 

Chronos Body was an ability that lets Marx cover her body under the time attribute. According to science, time stop would result in temporal blindness and completely stop. You wouldn\'t be able to move your body as moving would signify the flow of time. But after a lot of testing, the creation of the Chonos Body destroyed such disadvantages. 

Even if time had stopped, Marx wouldn\'t get blind, nor would she wouldn\'t be able to move. The Time Attribute would fuse on her body, and she would enter a Chronocomatic Form. A Term which she had used for Time Projection. 

Basically, Marx was projecting everything from movements to thoughts. She would turn her body into a projection while stopping time. It would result in her complete movement and interaction with reality. But even with such a powerful ability known as time. There were people that she found hard to defeat. 

It was the Great Rulers of the Great Forest, Her Master, and her Sisters. Long ago, during the testing stage. Marx thought that she could do anything she wanted. Unfortunately, she was wrong. When she wanted to hug her Master. For some reason, the time stop got deactivated, and it ended with her hugging her Master in real-time.

That caused a wave of dissatisfaction from the Inquisitors. Even Persia and Ego were looking at her weirdly. Persia and Ego had already noticed someone stopping the time of the Fortress Bastion. They had thought that it was Marx testing her ability, but it seems that she had already grasped the ability and was playing with it. 

"Good memories."  Marx shook her head as she walked towards the direction of the army. Arriving at her destination, Marx could see thousands of enemies marching towards the direction of the Grim Tiger Lair. Their numbers knew no end though Marx could easily handle the quantity problem. 

"It appears that the enemies are Orks and Ogres. I guess this was why Sister Luna was handling this side. With the physical prowess of Orks and Ogres, they can achieve intriguing technology. Giant Guns, Crazy Armors, and Strange Vehicles. They looked like to be made of scraps, but they still work."

Marx stood in front of the frozen army. She walked towards them as she swung her sword towards the front. As if their flesh was made of butter and Marx\'s sword was a hot knife, the bodies of the Orks and Ogres easily got split apart. The boast of their physical prowess seemed to be useless against Marx. 

"Let\'s take care of the front," Marx uttered as she began splitting apart the Ogres and Orks into the front lines. This was how she defeated the enemies on her side. It didn\'t even take a second for them to get decimated by Marx. Her method of killing was inefficient for those who control time but for those who couldn\'t feel the time stop. It was near-instant death for her enemies. 

No matter how much Marx had split apart the bodies of her enemies. Her sword seemed to maintain its durability. That was to be expected as along with her body, the sword also contained the time attribute. It was needed as she wanted a weapon that interacts with reality while being time stop. 

After taking care of the front lines, Marx continued on her long killing spree in a second. After a while, Marx had finally completed her mission and killed everything that got considered as an enemy. She started stretching her body as she yawned. She might need to find ways to make herself faster while being in a Time stop. 

Meanwhile, in reality, the Ogre and Ork General rode in their vehicles while taking a look at the battlefield. It took time for the Orks to adapt to their new technology, but they easily got along with the Ogres. After seeing Luna fading in the heavens, The Ork and Ogre General sighed in relief. 

"That annoying bastard finally retreated. We have been gaining casualties from that bastard\'s strange balls." The Ork General was a bit angry at Luna\'s appearance on the battlefield. They had thought that it would be easy to conquer the Occidental Region. Unfortunately, they were pitifully wrong. 

The Occidental Region was full of monsters beyond one\'s understanding. The Rumors about the Occidental Guardian completely annihilating the side of the Goblin and sinking cities on the Plains. News about strange ships fighting in the outskirts along with individuals with silver hairs. The war was slowly becoming a disadvantage for the Great Army of the Plains. 

"There is no need to worry about it. We can replace the casualties later. We have been given orders by our Supreme Commanders to continue the invasion. Our Great Rulers are confident in handling the pesky Occidental Guardian." The Ogre General was confident in the strength of their armies and the power of their Great Rulers. 

The Ork General has no choice but to nod in agreement. If he began doubting their strength, morale would probably crash. That would be bad news for the Great Army of the Plains, and he might get executed for it. He had no choice but to pretend that everything was alright.

That was his fate as the General of the Orkish Army. Anyway, the Ork General looked at the distance and somehow noticed something strange. He then turned his gaze towards the Ogre General and asked a simple question. "Could you defeat the first one that threw things at us?" 

The Ogre General looked at him after hearing his words and answered with a smile. "Of course, I would be able to defeat her without any problems. I might even make her my wif-" Before the Ogre General could continue his words, something happened to the army and himself. 

The Ork General noticed his body falling to the ground. The only thing different was a simple fact that his legs were still standing. He didn\'t know what happened. He didn\'t know what to do. He then turned his gaze towards the Ogre General right beside him and noticed the Ogre General\'s body split apart. 

\'What?\' The Ork General found himself confused. What the hell happen? When did they attack? He had numerous questions within his mind. Unfortunately, his consciousness was slowly fading. He was about to die without seeing the full glory of his race. Why did he have to die here? A question that faded after everything within his mind turned dark. 

In the middle of the army, surrounded by tens of thousands of bodies. With blood spilling like a fountain creating a small lake of blood. Marx found herself standing while holding her dagger tightly. She had deactivated the time stop and decimated the army in a second. 

Explosions then began to echo within the battlefield. Shockwaves blasted the blood of the corpses everywhere in the forest. In the future, this part of the forest might thrive and become long lasting. 

She gazes at the corpses around her and uttered with a calm and serene voice. 

"Beautiful, a lot more gorgeous than the last one." 

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