
Chapter 93 - Troubles Already

A deep exhale left my lips, trying to hide the irk that the task involving Waterwoods had set inside me. It had been only one day since I last saw Fang, and it only irked me more to have to see him again. I raised the papers with tasks printed on them, "Thank you for this Sam" 

Sam was busy looking at me with wonder about something else and, on hearing my words, he pulled up a smile. "No worries, I am just doing what I was told by the alpha. By the way, where is your hometown? I mean this amount of healing. Was it a witch who helped?" 

My lips set in a thin line. I knew this was coming. For the matter, Sam would understand if I told him I can\'t tell, and he had to keep quiet about it, but I don\'t believe the same would be with other members of the pack. No matter how much I explain, it was still strange for a werewolf to heal this fast. I could tell I was still healing, but I hugged Sam a while back and even though he was careful, he must know I was perfectly cured. 

"Ah yes, you can say, she is a family friend and doesn\'t really like to expose her location," I had put up a fake smile. I was sceptical about whether I should tell Sam to act as if I am still hurting. 

"Oh, I can see why," he said with a hum, "if anyone gets to know how powerful her abilities to heal are, she would surely be kidnapped or something of personal gain."

That was exactly why I was hiding my Blood Noesis. Watching Sam understand the weight, I decided to ask him to act along. "Can you pretend as though you don\'t know?" This had Sam crease his brows, not understanding what I was trying to say. "I will act as though I am still healing and maybe give the credits to Elaine, as she helped me a lot that day. It would only save a lot of explanation."

There was no hint of doubt in Sam\'s mind as he put his hand on my shoulder in assurance, "Of course, I will help you with that. I am a powerful actor," he boasted, showing off his biceps and raising his eyebrows twice, and it made me chuckle. 

"I am sure you are," I fanned his fake boasting, which had him grin wide. I changed the topic as my eyes fell back on the paper in my hand. "Also, do you know where Channing is?"

"He said he was going to the Greenlands," Sam answered. "there is a beautiful inn there, perfect for relaxation and massages," Sam said as if he was remembering the time he spent there and it wasn\'t hard to guess what images flashed through his mind with a relaxing massage in context. 

"I have never been to Greenlands; I thought the travelling laws were strict through the villages."

Because of the war that broke out in the villages of Adalolpha years ago, the king had made the entry from village to village extremely strict. Only the capital city was open to everyone. 

"Not when it comes to Greenlands," Sam explained. "The west of Greenlands is usually open to visitors as it earns a major income from its hot springs and inns. They have the best services, let\'s go there in a group once." Sam was reminiscing one of the times he had been there as his eyes kept drifting away in daydream aimless around. There was a faint smile that did not leave his face, and it was making me giggle. 

"Let\'s go there after the competition?" I asked, breaking his thoughts. 

"Yes!" It only made him more excited. "You know we can go there in groups and get a discount for extra services" 

My eyes widened, knowing very well Sam was hinting. He was telling for his own benefit to visit the inn. 

I cleared my throat to gain his attention. "You know, Sam, you should stay back here. Someone has to look after the pack here and it would be much more relaxing to know you are the one doing it back in Winterwells while we enjoy the hot springs of the inn." The reasoning that I had made flattered his smile. "Also, if your motherly side comes out there, it would be a constant nag between our relaxing session," I had a dramatic expression. 

Sam\'s eyes drooped in a \'seriously\' expression as he understood what I was doing was simply teasing him, "haha, very funny, Selene," He said monotonously, "how many times do I need to tell you are bad at jokes"

I rolled my eyes, "whatever." He had fallen into the trap and he was just trying to show he had not. "Okay Sam, when should I start this?" I asked him, waving the task papers for stage three. 

"You can start now"

My eyebrows raised, and I went through the tasks again. There were a few things I understood, like delegating the duties to the pack members, checking the patrolling area while changing the member\'s shift, getting the information about new prisoners and the previous prisoner\'s sentence in the prison. But the rest of the tasks were pure paperwork and one of them included going to the elder\'s headquarter. This was the first I would get to meet the elders, even though it is simply some document related work.

It only enforced my decision of wanting to be the Beta here, which was as good as holding some power. 

"Okay, I will start right away," I said, making plans in my head for what to be done after what. Of course, that task, including Waterwoods, would be shifted to the last. "When will the pack be assembling?" I asked. There was very little that I knew about how things operated, but I heard from Dandeline how Diana had given no tasks to the pack members apart from patrolling. That won\'t be happening in my stead.

The member\'s brains would rust if they only patrolled, and the number would decrease. If the way Diana handled things was how everything went on previously, then I could see why there were so few members in the Winterwells pack. 

"The members will gather in an hour or so," Sam answered. "That is the time when the members who had their night duty of patrolling the borders will return by exchanging with the day watch keepers"

They were already acting on their own and it was going to be tough with a few of them already against my favour. This way, the authority is swayed and if that happens, then in the absence of Alpha, the Beta\'s words would weigh nothing. I had to act as the Beta as if that was a real deal. 

"Okay, tell them all to meet at the training ground. Everyone," I said to Sam. I did not have to be authoritative and commanding but show properly I was the acting Beta. "I will see if I can finish another task till then."

Sam raised his eyebrows, seeing the change in my attitude. I smiled at him, showing it was still me and it had him close his eyes as he grinned, " I have high hopes for you. Here, take this." He handed me a card that had a Winterwells seal on it and two dates were printed with \'acting Beta - Selene\' printed in bold below the round seal. Sam explained, "it says you are the acting beta with today and tomorrow\'s date. This will help with accessing a few documents and places without prior permissions"

"Thank you." I did not hope for this simple acting card to give me direct access to meeting the elders, but at least come close enough to know the people I had to convince in changing their minds. 

I passed a look at Sam and turned on my heels to go and finish some simple task. I still had an hour till the members gathered, but that did not mean I sat idly. The faster I finish it all, the better. 

"Also Selene," Sam\'s voice had me stop in the track and I turned around to see him walking towards me. He was a little hesitant before he spoke, "there is a task that is not in here but Can you try to do it?"

My eyebrows crinkled. If it was some personal task or something Diana had left undone or, worse, had done something wrong, it would be foolish of me to do it if that was not something disastrous without Channing around. "Depends on whether a Beta is supposed to do that," I said, letting him know I would not dwell on something unnecessary that needed the Alpha. "what is it about, Sam?"

Sam\'s lips set in a thin line, "Diana went to Waterwoods to complete her task and it has been over 24 hours since she hasn\'t returned. I hope you can at least check whether she is fine if you can bring her back, better." 

He cared about her and he should. If Diana was stuck in Waterwoods, then she was probably being a pass time for Fang\'s entertainment. His sadistic nature was sure to see the girl struggle as Diana must be asking for him to let her go and he either offered some unreasonable price to her or just enjoyed watching her struggle. Maybe I should call Fang first and confirm. 

One thing was for sure that I wasn\'t going to Waterwoods today, it was the last thing on my list, so other tasks were taken care of and not disrupted because Fang decided to have fun with me as well and keep me in Waterwoods with Diana. 

I sighed, knowing how this was going to cost me something again, but as the acting Beta, I had to take care of every member of the pack. "Okay, I will take care of her matters" 

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