Max Level Newbie

Chapter 175

Perhaps, fitting to the standards of the other dimensions’ kings, they might be equipped with excellent protective gears which might rival those of the demon king’s.

However, Vulcan thought that the capabilities of their equipment would lag behind the equipment that has been strengthened by the hands of Percus.

‘Well…..How much of the gap caused by the difference in the skill levels could be narrowed by a mere item…..’

Yet, it would be much better than to be fighting with sloppy equipment.

That was also true for himself, too.

The fight power between wearing nothing and wearing equipment that has been strengthened by Percus was like heaven and earth.

With a resolute expression on his face, Vulcan received the 6 demon duke sets from Powell.

He only wished that the half demon kings alliance would become stronger after receiving his gifts.

Vulcan badly hoped that they would cause great damage on the demon king, rather than unilaterally getting pummeled.

He spoke.

“It must have taken quite of time to strengthen them.”

“Of course. There were total 30 items, not just one or two. Besides, they weren’t some sloppy equipment, either. Every one of them was very useful, so it was expected to take some time. He worked on it without any rest, so I felt a little bad about it.”

“Gosh, I am beginning to feel guilty for Percus’ trouble…..”

“Heung, you work Percus the most, yet you speak very considerably.”

“What? What do you mean?”

Raising one end of his lips, Powell said to Vulcan who was looking innocent and pretending to not know what Powell was saying to him.

“You didn’t know? That Percus, he is so lazy that he seldom helps with strengthening projects even if gods begged him. I reckon that your requests were the only ones that he has obliged to do during the most recent one hundred years? Maybe…. Two or three people?”

“Hm…. Ha ha.”

Vulcan smiled uncomfortably while looking at Powell.

Powell gave a dry smile as well, and as Vulcan did not have any more to say, he scratched his head and said a farewell.

He was done with what he wanted to do, anyway.

There was no more reason to remain there any longer.

“Then as I have something to take care of, I’d like to say good bye, now. I am sorry for interrupting your studies!”

Vulcan quickly disappeared as soon as he finished saying that.

Powell watched as he smiled.

Then he quietly murmured as he thought about the conversation that he had with Vulcan earlier.

“Hmm….That kid, he seems to be going back to his old tricks, I’m afraid…..”

He had told Vulcan to tackle any issues that he would face with unhindered force by believing in the powers of thunder and fire that he had.

Powell was disappointed in seeing that Vulcan was not following his heartfelt instructions which he had given.

‘He was following the advice quite nicely for a while, has something happened…. I can actually hear his head spinning for ideas. I believe that I have told him on many occasions that immediate issues could be addressed in such a way, but it would not lend to any support in terms of long term growth…..’

Soon Powell’s expression stiffened up.

He has never had an apprentice with him, but for some time now the relationship between Vulcan and he has developed as one of student and teacher.

Vulcan was considered to be the only relationship for Powell as he, with full of arrogance and confidence, plowed forward as a sole member of his own team, so it was appropriate that he felt very bitter about Vulcan taking the wrong path.

He thought about Vulcan in that fashion for a while and then he murmured once again.

“OK. He may just wake up a bit if I make some time and give him a good beating in another sparring next time. Alright!”

Powell believed in the old saying which said that beating was a good medicine.

Putting on a slight smile, he refocused his attention to what he was studying on.

Unaware of what Powell was thinking about, Vulcan was busy writing something into a booklet, and entered the demon world of Nurhark dimension, once again.


Lassium, the demon great duke and the leader of the half demon kings alliance.

He was the 2nd in line to the helm and has been living as the target of the other demons’ reverence, yet he has planned a coup in order to take the top position of the demon world while the demon king was in absence.

The countless number of the demons thought that the only reason for him to plan such a great event was because he had an uncontained ambition.

His power was strong enough such that he would easily be named a demon king in other demon worlds!

With such overwhelming power, remaining as the 2nd in the line of power and remain satisfied with that was something that could not happen as far as the characteristics of the demon world were concerned.

However, the reason behind forming the half demon kings alliance by Lassium was not for the purpose of overthrowing the demon king.

As far as the reason for starting the war was for the purpose of freeing the demons from the sufferings and pain inflicted by King Athilhu, and not for the purpose of self advancement or satisfying his greed for power.

He was no longer able to turn blind eyes to those who were being treated as lesser than mere bugs by the demon king.

In some sense, Lassium did not conform to the characteristics of ordinary demons, yet paradoxically speaking, that was the main reason for enabling the formation of the present, strong anti-alliance force.

‘The demon world ruled by Lassium, the great duke, would be like…..’

‘If it was his world, the present world would be a much better place to live in!’

Every demon, regardless of whether one was in the high demon class or in the low demon class, thought alike, and the number of those who came under his influence could not even be counted.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that over 95 percent of the demon world would be in support of him.

However, for a leader who commanded such an immense military, he had an unpleasant expression on his face.

Deep lines on his forehead, and the constant sighs.

Unable to remain steady, he was moving about in his room, non-stop.

Anyone could see his psychological conditions, filled with worries, anxiousness, and uneasiness.


Letting out, yet another sigh, he angrily scratched his neck and sat into his chair.

And he continued to unravel the concern to which he had no solution.

‘What do I have to do…..’

Lassium knew the power of the demon king very well.

Hence, he knew that the present advantage that he enjoyed was not what it really appeared to be.

The majority of the countless number of the troops under him was useless.

There were only 6 of them, including himself, who could be thought of as having actual fight powers.

‘And the probability of defeating the demon king with the six…. It wouldn’t even be 2%.’

Should there be Al Farum, his right hand, then maybe the probability would go up to 3 to 4 percent.

However, he was missing in action after he had been taken by a mysterious intruder.

Expecting him to be alive was less realistic than wishing an instant death to the demon king.

‘On top of that….Thought it would only be the demon king, but didn’t realize that he had an underling who was powerful enough to defeat Al Farum, all by himself….Adding that to the calculus, the chance of winning just got much lower. Phew, do I not have any choice, but to use the low class demons as expendables….’

Even deeper lines formed on his forehead.

The war that he started to create a world for the betterment of more demons.

However, ironically, in order to win, he had to use them as expendables to take the power away from the demon king.

Of course, even that would not change the direction of the wind, but as the situation looked so desperate, he did not see any hope in doing anything else.

Lassium closed his eyes tightly.

‘If only my power and the powers of those that are guarding me are bit stronger….. Then it would be possible to pull down King Athilhu with a minimal sacrifice…..’

Having such thoughts, Lassium despondently laughed.

Although they were his thoughts, they were simply ridiculous hopes.

There only remained about 3 weeks before the demon king was to return to the demon world.

With some better luck, it was possible that his return might get delayed a bit.

However, even if that was the case, there was absolutely no chance that his core members, including himself, would develop any meaningful improvements.

‘Ha, I must have been pushed mentally. Even thinking about such vain thoughts…. Hm?’

He suddenly rose up from his chair.

Then as if an enemy might have intruded, he put on a serious expression and quickly moved to somewhere.

It was because he sensed an energy that wasn’t familiar to him.

An energy that felt like a humble existence, similar to that of a junior demon’s.

However, he realized that it was not an ordinary intruder as the bastard has approached deep into his residence, in very discrete fashion, and without even his own bodyguards sensing it.

‘Maybe rivaling me….. Is this the bastard that had launched the surprise attack on Al Farum!’

Having many thoughts in his head, Lassium ran in a single bound to the place where he expected the bastard might be at.

However, the intruder instantly enlarged his presence, and with unbelievable speed, he distanced himself and hid his presence again.

It was an incredible trick to make one believe that he has been erased from the world.

Lassium ground his teeth as he felt angry and ashamed for getting toyed around.

However, the mysterious intruder was already gone, and there was nothing else that Lassium could do, at this point.

Lassium pressed his thumb against his head to relieve the throbbing headache, and was about to return to his residence.

However, he had no other choice, but to come to a stop.


There, he saw excellent protective gears, appearing to be even more superior than those ones made by the combined efforts of supreme blacksmiths and demon master of the demon world.

And an unidentifiable book that was gently laid on top of them.

Lassium quickly went over and examined the items, one by one, and then finally he opened the book to see the content.

And he was awed, once again.


He was so shocked that he even let out a moan which he didn’t even make all the while that he was thinking about the battle with the demon king.

He stood there for a long time as if he had been staked to that spot before coming to his senses, and quickly collecting the items.

Then he immediately summoned the 5 of his core members.


“I… I can’t believe this.”

“Who has brought these…..”

“I mean, even the size auto adjusts to the person who will wear them. It would be very tough to obtain such treasures, unless the old demon king’s tomb was raided…..”

They, the powers of the demon world, wouldn’t even flinch at the site of enormous amount of gold and treasures.

Yet, even for them, they could not pretend to remain calm upon seeing the protective gears which laid bare before them.

They were way more superior than, any other equipment which they presently had.

How could they not be amazed at the sight of not one, but six such equipment that rivaled the ones that the demon king Athilhu was using.

After seeing the 5 demons react in such excited way for a while, Lassium, the demon great duke spoke.

“There is one more item. This.”

Lassium showed them the book, taking it out of his bosom.

Then he provided additional explanation to everyone who had inquiring looks on them.

“This is the book that contains the essences of how to understand and operate the magic of fire. I couldn’t say that the level it contains is higher than what I know….but I can’t say that it is underneath me, either. It was very interesting because the trajectory of the discussion was completely different than my way. If you study it deeper, it will certainly be very helpful…Of course that goes without saying for you, all.”


No one could close their mouths.

Who was Lassium.

Wasn’t he a demon with as strong power as any demon kings in the history. It was just that his brilliance was only being shaded by King Athilhu who had the power that was unprecedented in the entire history.

Out of such a demon came those words.

It was a statement of extreme praise, and even that expression would not give it justice.

However, that was not the end of it.

More shocking comments continued.

“I have no idea who has given them to me. It has to be one of you, here. You are the only ones who can trick my senses, however briefly, although it was quite far away…. I just don’t know why the one responsible has hidden his identity. If the matter wasn’t urgent, I would want to find out by talking to each one of you, independently. Also curious as to where you’ve got them. But that’s not what is important right now.”


“I show my appreciation to the one of you who is pretending to not know it. Even I, who has been saying I will even give my life to change the present demon world, and that it is for the demons, was not able to share everything I had, but this has awakened me from my foolishness. Phew. I’m truly ashamed. It is a great shame.”


Out of his bosom, another book was brought out as soon as he was finished speaking.

Lassium spoke again.

“This is the book that contains my explosion magic of king Yan.”


“That, that means!”

“From now on until the demon king returns, I will share everything that is mine with you. Ask if you want to learn. I’ll explain anything that I can. Also, I will share the unidentifiable book and these protective gears.”

“Great Duke, Lassium…..!”

Every demon who was there exclaimed.

And they were move much more by that.

The demons greed was multiples in the tens, hundreds with respect to those ordinary humans in the lower world.

Hence, there was very rarely, perhaps, one in hundred that any time when one demon would teach his own skills to others, and it’s as good as to say that there would never be a case in which one would teach everything of his to others.

However, what Lassium was saying was that he was willing to teach his ultimate skills, not to his apprentices, but to his underlings without anything in return.

They were able to feel the generosity and sincerity of Lassium, the Great Duke, and his deep rooted hatred for the demon king, at once.

And unable to suppress their feelings, each one spoke one after the other.

“I am insufficient, but I will share everything as well!”

“I, too, will do the same! I’ll share my four taboo magic skill…..”


“I, too…..”

The six demons have come together even breaking the barrier of the extreme selfishness and greed characteristics of being demons.

That was how they were able to quickly become stronger in a short time due to the synergy factor which even Vulcan could not have anticipated.

Fortunately too, the demon king’s return was being delayed from the original schedule, so it was even more favorable situation for them.

However, the demon king would not forever leave his own turf.

“Hmm, I’m back. My beautiful world.”

It has been exactly 50 days since Vulcan gave the presents.

The demon king Athilhu has returned to the demon world.

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