The Great Demon System

Chapter 105: Washing Brains 2

105 Washing Brains 2

"I-I said would it be okay if we had hardcore sex in front of Natalia as I think it would be the best form of torture for her."

"From my experience, anytime I hit her or scolded her she seemed to get off at it. The only time I ever saw true pain in her eyes was when we were together. So, what would be better than forcing her to watch the love of her life have sex with her worst enemy?"

"So? What is your answer!" Moby asked with expectant eyes.

"Yeah… That\'s what I thought you said… That\'s indeed quite bold of you to say…" Jayden said with a beet-red face.

"So is that a no?" Moby awkwardly asked, looking away.

"Hah! Are you kidding me! That\'s a great idea! Why didn\'t I think of that too! Of course, I don\'t mind at all! I am not a virgin like you you know! I promise to show you the time of your life! I will literally rock your world while at the same time making Natalia\'s world crumble!" She teased him.

"Well, you may be mentally not a virgin. But, when you turned into a demon, you were pretty much given a whole new body. So, physically, you are still technically a virgin as long as you didn\'t let any other guy penetrate you ever since you became a demon!" Moby teased back.

"Hahaha! Of course I didn\'t! I am not the same slut I used to be! I used to just take any guy I thought looked cute, keeping them under my protection, using them as a sex toy until I got bored of them and released them out of my protection, only for them to be bullied and tortured by all the jealous and thirsty guys. You are the first guy that I genuinely fell in love with. Not only with your looks but your personality as well! You made me feel things that I didn\'t even know I could feel! I can\'t really say as much for any other guy…" Jayden said with a bright smile that made Moby really happy before being interrupted by a beeping sound that came from her watch.

"Damn, that\'s quick! They must be using more than one lie detector to do multiple students at once and they must be flying through them at breakneck speed!" Moby commented before he as well got a ringing sound coming from his watch.

\'WHAT THE FUCK! This is completely fucking with my plans! What were the chances that we would both be called down at the exact same time!\' Moby inwardly cursed.

What Moby planned to do was that if he had to go, he would ask Jayden to transform into him and change her memories of every time he explained something to her into something else, removing key parts such as technically letting Neia die and killing Haley and Jay in cold blood.

However, that would not be the biggest problem. The biggest problem would be that Jayden would have full access to his memories which would allow her to know everything about Avilia and his system, something he wants to keep a secret for as long as he could.

Then, as Moby\'s head was spinning in full gear trying to come up with an idea on how to get out of his predicament, he heard Avilia\'s sound in his head.

\'You know, I can help you out! It\'s actually pretty easy!\' Avilia said.

\'Wait really! What is it? I\'ll do almost anything!\' Moby replied.

\'Well, I can always use the lesser mind manipulation skill on you if you provide me with the rest of the XP in your gauge to fuel it as I have no large demon energy reserve for myself and I am unable to access your reserves for my own use. All I need is your consent! Then I can do my thing!\' Avilia explained.

Moby was really skeptical and worried if he should trust Avilia with his memories as he felt like she might pull something dirty on him like trying to take over his body or something. However, he had no other choice in his current predicament. Plus, Avilia had been a major help to him and without her, he would not have gotten anywhere near as far as he did.

They had some sort of unexplainable bond between them that Moby would be lying if he said he didn\'t at times enjoy despite some of the annoying parts. So, he decided to trust her and give her 12,400 XP and consent to change his memories. It was the ultimate trust test between him and her because she could really screw him up if she wanted to. In his eyes, the risk was well worth it as it could provide Moby with useful information on how much he could trust and rely on Avilia.

However, before he did, he decided to use his skill on Jayden first.

"I\'ll use the skill on you before I use it on myself, so stay still and just stare into my eyes," Moby said to Jayden.

"Wait! I thought you said that you couldn\'t use the skill on yourself! I was just thinking that me and you were just going to use the skill on each other at the same time! Do you not trust me to take a look in your memories? Do you have something important that you are hiding?" Jayden asked in confusion.

"No! Not at all! It\'s just that as a demon of sin, I am completely immune to such mind skills from outside sources. Also, I have been experimenting with the skill over the past few days and I figured out that I am able to use it on myself although with extreme difficulty," Moby lied through his teeth with an impeccable poker face.

"Fine… I believe you… I guess I was just really excited to have a chance to take a peek at your mind… Sorry about that…" Jayden apologized.

"It\'s fine! I guess that you probably have a lie detector in your house as well. So, if you want, you can use it on me if you have any doubts about my words," Moby said, trying to comfort her.

"He he, no, that\'s fine, I trust you. However, if you really insist, I might take you up on your offer sometime in the future. So, anyways, just get this brainwashing thing over with, I don\'t want to be late for the test or else it would seem extremely suspicious," Jayden said with a chuckle, leading Moby to nod before activating his skill and staring into Jayden\'s beautiful sky-blue eyes.

After an awkward minute of them staring and blushing at each other, Moby finally entered Jayden\'s mind.

He felt all of her emotions, how happy she was feeling, how much she loved and cared about him, how much she valued her friendship with Abby, how happy she felt reconciling with Alex, and how much hatred she had for Natalia and many more emotions flooded his mind.

As he was looking through her memories, he noticed all the parts where Natalia severely humiliated her in front of her entire class and sometimes school. And, all the times that she almost killed her, making it seem like an accident only for Jayden to barely survive which made Moby\'s blood boil as his anger and hatred for Natalia somehow grew even further.

Jayden had described everything that happened to her in detail to Moby but it was a whole new experience when he saw what happened from Jayden\'s eyes and perspective.

Trying to calm himself down, Moby scrubbed through all of her memories and removed all the parts about planning to kill Natalia and about all the parts about the fight, still keeping the important memories of their confession and her making up with Alex.

This was to remove any ideas of sabotaging another team, something that the school would definitely ask for during the test.

Then, as soon as he finished replacing all of her memories. He went back into his own body as he was starting to run out of time, only to see the unconscious Jayden in front of him, regaining her consciousness and standing up before walking away from him in anger.

"Hey, Jayden are you alright?" Moby asked with clear concern in his voice.

"Well, "baby," I am still really mad at you for changing your mind about killing and torturing Natalia. She did so many bad things to me and you decided to let her go completely unharmed… Do you even love me or even care about me like you claim you do? I am starting to reconsider this relationship, maybe you should have gone and asked her out instead!" Jayden said in clear anger, slamming the roof doors behind her with a loud bang, leaving Moby in shock, his mouth wide open.

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