The Great Demon System

Chapter 196 - Home Sweet Home

Chapter 196: Home Sweet Home

Jason\'s eyes grew wide, the look of pure terror embedded on his face, his body started to shudder as he felt a piercing pain in his heart, his legs grew weak as they began shaking faster than a vibrator, making him instinctively bow before the new arrival of his master.

"M-my lord! I-I promise it is not what you think it is… I-it just happened out of nowhere… H-he did that! I-I was just trying to stop him before he did anything crazy! I-I would never d-dare go against your will!" Jason yelled on 2 knees and in a shaky yet sincere voice, his breathing growing irregular, heavy drops of sweat dripping from his forehead onto the ground below where his eyes were focused since he did not dare look Moby in the eyes once more.

Jason inwardly cursed, no matter what happened, no matter what it took, he did not want to experience that pain again, the pain that he knew he would never get used to even if it was done to him for eternity…

To him, things seemed like a fair trade, he would much rather live as a servant and be given a few freedoms than suffer his worst nightmares in his mind over and over again that felt just as painful and tangible as real life, for the rest of eternity, something he was sure Moby no doubt had the ability to do.

Without him even realizing it, his devotion to his gang had begun to wain immensely, his once iron-clad loyalty and pride now nowhere to be seen as they were blown away along with his previous self\'s mind.

"Settle down! I know that it wasn\'t you! If I even got the hint that it was somehow you who did that you would not be breathing right now! Now stand up! We are low on time so we need to go faster!" Moby yelled from above the kneeling Jason with an intimidating, bone-chilling voice that sent shivers down his spine even though he was not even able to see his facial expressions.

Yet, for some reason, when Moby said that he knew it wasn\'t him and that he would not be punished, he felt some sort of sick satisfaction in his weak, distorted heart, the look of gratitude on his face as he felt like he had dodged a massive bullet.

With a mellow look of gratitude on his face, Jason followed his orders and stood on his two feet only to be in awe at the fact that the once dirty, overbearing battlefield now looked completely pristine, almost like nothing had happened to it.

Using his right hand, Moby opened a weird, unknown, almost otherworldly vortex he had never seen him use, and with it, he cleaned up the droplets of sweat that had unbeknownst to him, dripped down from his face and onto the ground, making a small smile appear on Jason\'s face to see his master looking out for him as well, even though deep down he still knew that Moby just did not want to leave any evidence since he had other plans for him that did not include him being questioned or put in jail for a crime he knew he did not do.

In the blink of an eye, Moby disappeared from his previous location and appeared right in front of Ray, putting him on his shoulders in a way that would minimize his grave yet not fatal injuries before he sprinted into the forest, jumping from tree to tree, making sure that he did not break any branches as not to show his trail.

Jason, who was now behind him followed suit as they both swiftly manoeuvred through the darkness of the moonlit night, Jason only using his ability when he knew that he would not crash into any incoming trees.

Moby\'s emotional outburst only seemed to annoy, cloud his vision, and make him do dumb mistakes. He had yet to notice it at the time but it was exactly what had happened during the exam with Natalia as well. He needed some way to fix this, to get his emotions under control yet he was still not sure how to do so.

Moby tried to clear his mind, inwardly taking a deep breath, if he had not overheard Ray\'s words prior to his arrival or if the faith of his absolute control over his servants had been any weaker, he might have lost his cool and killed Jason on the spot, a completely idiotic move that would have only dragged him closer into a corner, if he wanted to get rid of Jason, the best way would have been to pin the blame of the dead students on him, not outright kill him.

He was still extremely on edge, his anger had nearly reached its limits when he had seen Jason pinning Ray to a wall with a disturbing smile that he now understood was just nervous and terrified. Yet, just like other times, he managed to suppress his overwhelming emotions as he looked down at Jason\'s shaky, terrified body, trying his best to seem calm, collected and in control. Luckily for him, Jason did not bother looking at his face or else he would have witnessed the less than pleasant sight of Moby awkwardly trying to control his emotions.

His heart became progressively less and less at ease after he had witnessed what kind of state Ray was in, he had absolutely no clue what Ray was doing or what was going through his mind until then. He had tried to contact him using his watch to update him on the situation, yet for some reason, he was not able to reach him. But, since according to Jason, who was keeping an eye on him, he was completely fine, just staring at the moon with a nervous expression, he did not think much of it and did not bother to waste any time going to his location that he had saved for last as to have the fastest, most optimal rout to clean up before finally going to pick him up in the end.

However, for some odd reason, despite knowing Alex for the same time he knew Ray, he felt like his emotions would have gone far more wildly out of control if that was him in that situation instead. As a matter of fact, any one of his family members would have incited a far worse reaction than what he had shown. He was not sure if that was because he just did not like or care for Ray as much as the others or due to the fact that his connections and time spent with the others were much more memorable and life-changing. Or, maybe there was something else going on to affect his way of thinking like what Avilia had suggested to him prior yet he was not entirely sure and did not dwell on the thought for long.

Despite Moby knowing his power over both Jason and Nags was absolute, he still did not even consider letting them touch his comrades in any way shape or form.

He would not call himself overprotective in a million years, he still gave all of them all the freedom they would ever need and he trusted them to do their jobs and take care of themselves. Yet, at the same time, he could just not bear to see it as he knew many, mostly untrue thoughts would spread in his mind, he wanted his still foggy, hurting soul to be at peace so he decided to do things himself, especially considering everything

He could have easily saved himself the time and hassle of things by just ordering Nags and Jason to grab his comrades and safely transport them out of the forest and back in the dorm, but due to those personal reasons, he could not allow himself to give out that order.

Especially when the scene of one of them trying to grope Jayden in inappropriate ways was one of those thoughts. And, even if he ordered them not to do that, they could still maybe get some sick sense of satisfaction by just simply touching her since she was one of the most sought-after girls in the entire school if not the country.

Moby had been so lost in his own thoughts that before he even knew it, he had finally neared his next destination, Jayden and Alex\'s bodies coming back into view.

As soon as he neared the area, he heard ruffling in the trees before he noticed the small figure of someone jumping in the distance away from his location. Moby was not at all bothered or surprised since he knew exactly who and what it was.

Moby jumped off from the nearest tree and in one swift motion, he promptly stomped his feet on the ground, grabbing both Alex and Jayden\'s light, almost feather-like bodies, gently putting them on his back before jumping away once again.

He only had 10 minutes remaining, and with everyone on his back and everything accounted for, it was finally time to head back to the dorms where he could safely interrogate Nags and Jason and where Ray, Alex, and Jayden could rest and heal before they too join the conversation in order to help search for Abby and topple the gang responsible for her disappearance.

The large, deep footstep that he had left in the grass behind him as a result of his stomp did not at all bother him in the slightest, and he did not care to waste his time to clean it up and ruin his speedy momentum.

The boots that he wore were not like any other he had ever worn before so, he would not be able to be identified or tracked from it, especially since it was only one and nothing more, not much evidence to go off so the school would have to resort to questioning absolutely everyone using a lie detector unless he somehow missed an important detail while cleaning up, something he really doubted after looking so thoroughly through everything with his eyes of sin.

Plus, using his crafting menu, he was easily able to mould and form his armour into whatever he wanted so after he changes it,?there would be no evidence of such a footprint ever even existing in the school.

With all 3 of his friends on his back that barely even hindered his speed and movements, he had finally reached the edge of the forest. Using his eyes of sin to make sure that there was no one looking ahead in the open, dimly lit training area in front of the dorm room, Moby sneakily and quickly exited the forest, Jason following suit trying to block the outside view of Moby who had 3 unconscious people on his back.

Using the dark areas that were not lit, Moby snuck towards the door of his dorm room building, noticing various other students helping their injured or unconscious friends or "friends" as it was a rather common occurrence due to the rampant corruption and violence in the school that seemed to rarely enforce their rules unless they were forced, or when the situation called for it.

Swiftly and stealthily, Moby along with Jason finally reached the front of their door, carefully making sure that they were not being watched before Moby scanned his student card, opening the lit room before slipping in before anyone saw them, quickly yet carefully closing the door behind them.

And, just like he expected, the first thing he noticed when entering the room was the figure of Nags wearing his school uniform, his eyes closed with a face full of calmness, breathing steadily through his nose, his demeanour looking more like the first time he had met him and not at all like the mad, crazy beast he had seen him prior, both his arms legs crossed as he sat beside the small table looking like a mouse, both from his short stature and his extremely quiet nature.

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