The Great Demon System

Chapter 209 - Goodbye

Chapter 209: Goodbye

Taking a deep breath, he focused his gaze back on Jayden who seemed to be carefully inspecting her newly modified watch.

"So, Jayden, how does it feel? Do you notice anything different about the watch?"

"Hmmm… No, not really…"

Her response was quick yet she seemed to be quite sure of her answer as she continued inspecting it.

"Don\'t worry about it, Ray said he did it and I\'m certain he\'s telling the truth, if you don\'t trust his word then trust mine," Alex spoke with a calm voice, interjecting onto the conversation.

Now that all was taken care of, it was finally time for them to begin their plan…

Moby had already extracted Nags and Jason from all the information they could have possibly provided and relayed it to everyone else in the room, and now that the watch was modified, there was nothing really stopping them from starting.

With a big, heavy sigh, Moby looked at Jayden with solemn eyes and a bright smile, hugging her tightly in his embrace trying to hold back his tears. He knew that she had made up her resolve and she would have been far angrier at him if he kept his plan to himself.

"This is it… I think you got everything in the plan… If you have any questions don\'t be afraid to ask at any time and I\'ll be sure to answer it to the best of my abilities… If you want to back out now I don\'t blame you, it\'s extremely dangerous and might lead to many things so please take care of yourself. Don\'t let finding Abby cloud your judgement, stay on your toes! Don\'t get caught! Me and the rest are going to stay here and train, we\'re far too weak to face them now but I might have a few tricks to train everyone here and get them a decent amount stronger. When you\'re done, if you didn\'t manage to retrieve her, please come back here and join us okay?"

Jayden\'s cheeks grew red as Moby\'s soft voice entered her ears.

With one of her light-hearted, normal chuckles she hugged him even tighter as she looked deep into his eyes.

"Don\'t worry about me! I\'ll be sure to do this! don\'t worry! I have a few more new tricks up my sleeve! It\'s not actually as dangerous as you might think since I had been practicing with my doppelganger powers more, many of my skills got much better. I would explain it to you but I\'m not sure I have enough time… Don\'t stress or worry yourself about anything and leave things to me! I\'ll be sure to get the job done and come back here in one piece!"

They had only been together for a little over a week and even still, Moby could not help but blush and feel warm on the inside when he saw Jayden\'s genuine, lovely smile and her upbeat, cheerful self like she was trying to hold the burden of the world on her shoulders, striving to make everyone around her feel okay.

Naturally letting go of each other, Jayden reached into her inventory and pulled out a certain crystal, a glowing, clear mana crystal with an ominous glow, the very fabric of time and space shifting in the air around it.

"I was saving this until our 1 month anniversary but I\'m sure it will prove to be more useful to you now… My dad also helped me buy it so thank him not me... When you activate this, it will slow down time to around 1 fourteenth the normal speed in a certain area for upwards of 12 hours. Your bodies will also slow down by that speed but your mind and consciousness will stay the same speed."

"I\'m really bad at explaining it, but think of it like this. In reality, only 12 hours would pass for your body and the world around you, but in your mind, it would feel like an entire week instead. It\'s mostly used for long training sessions when someone is trying to focus on mental strengthening for their abilities, like in meditation. I planned for us to have a 1-week long private training session as my 1 month anniversary present for you but I guess I now have to whip something else up for it. Oh, and don\'t worry about its cost, just use it if you think you need it!" Jayden said in an overly positive tone with a wink, almost like doing what she was doing served as some sort of stress relief for her.

Moby\'s eyes grew wide, staring deeply at the mesmerizing mana crystal. It was amazing, something he had never even heard about before, he could not even begin to imagine how rare and expensive it must have been and he had no plans of asking.

"You have no idea how much this is going to help! You\'re actually a lifesaver in more ways than you think!" Moby spoke, still in a state of disbelief as he walked up to Jayden to thank her.

Yet, before he even got the chance, seemingly out of nowhere, she tightly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt in an aggressive manner, pulling him down to her level before she gave him a passionate kiss on the lips, both of them savouring the moment for as long as they could, almost like they were both stuck in their own fantasies, not caring for any onlooker as they only had each other on their minds before they backed off.

"No need to thank me, it\'s the least I could do after everything you helped me with," She said with a giggle, her cheeks flushed red, Moby smiling back at her.

With a deep breath, Jayden closed her eyes as her body began to rip and tear before another version of herself appeared directly to her right, Moby recognizing it as her clone skill, Moby finding it completely natural since they agreed that she should keep a clone in her place just in case things went south and the school began to look for her to ensure her safety as one of the most important people in the entire school.

"Good luck, and be careful out there… We\'re all counting on you. Please bring Abby back to us...." Alex said, giving his farewell to Jayden who was walking straight for the windows of the dorm, making her turn around with a nod and smile of understanding, also taking another glance at Moby who was smiling back at her before he looked down on his hands that had 2 rings that she immediately recognized as belonging to her family and the exact rings she had gifted Abby, the sight of them somehow increasing her determination even more than it had already been.

All that needed to be said had already been said, there was no looking back now.

Immediately after reaching the window, she opened it wide, allowing the cold, strong night breeze to enter the room and blowback on her dark blue, silky smooth hair.

Not even looking back, she waved at everyone with her backhand, transforming into her star-like wisp form as she took flight in the darkness of the night that was lit by the full moon as she flew straight for the clearly visible light blue barrier surrounding the school at her maximum speed, no fear in her non-existent wisp eyes.

Moby and Alex stared at her intently through the window as they watched Jayden\'s faint light sore through the sky with incredible swiftness, their sweaty hands tightly clenched into a fist. They just had to make sure that she made it past the barrier safely, despite the watch not being visible on her wisp body, it was still on her body in actuality so if Ray did indeed fix things, then she should be able to safely exit.

When she was only a few meters away from the barrier, she instinctively closed her eyes and prayed for the best. It was all or nothing, if Ray failed then that would be her inevitable death. But, they had gotten this far and the thought of retreat did not even cross her mind, it was all or nothing and it was a chance she was more than willing to take for Abby\'s sake.

When she reached the barrier, ramming into it at her top speed, she luckily went right through it almost like it was not even there which took a massive weight off her shoulders and made her 2 spectators inwardly celebrate.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she focused her mind and readied her gaze, staring intently at the exact direction where the Reid mansion was located, a rush of adrenaline and emotions going through her mind, stealing her resolve to save Abby and find out what they had done to her...

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