The Human Giant

Chapter 33 33: Surpassing 100 Percent

"How do I surpass my body\'s maximum limit!?" Yoze pondered before his eyes shined.

"Blood Fist was originally part of the Blood Breaker body Cultivation Set, a martial art made for Blood Masters! It still has the core principles of Blood Breaker, even though I can\'t return Blood Fist back to what it was when it was part of the Blood Breaker set but I can get rid of the safety limiters, leaving only the core method!"

Yoze immediately enacted his dangerous plan to once again use the Blood Fist to break his limits. This time he was planning on breaking the limit of Blood Fist itself.

As Yoze stopped using the safety measures in Blood Fist, he started feeling his blood actually boil. His skin, muscles, and his entire body grew bigger and bigger the more safety measures he got rid of. Yoze only stopped when he felt that he couldn\'t get rid of any more or else he really would die.

Once Yoze was done modifying Blood Fist, he let out a punch at the Mother Zombie\'s stomach and felt how vastly different it was from the regular Blood Fist. Yoze\'s arm grew twice as big as it became red hot and his skin began to tear.

Yoze\'s body followed suit as he got bigger, Yoze felt that he was drawing energy and potential from an unknown place and the pressure in his body started cracking his bones. Which in turn sped up the production of his Inner Vigor. Before Yoze even completed a single punch he had used all his excessive energy in a instant

The power that would come from this punch would be in a whole different league than anything he had done before. Yoze started to feel uncertain on whether he could even complete his Blood Fist, however Yoze could only clench his teeth harder as he couldn\'t stop or he would die from the backlash.


The moment Yoze touched the Mother Zombie\'s stomach, he knew he successfully completed his modified version of the Blood Fist and the power that came with it didn\'t disappoint him.

The Mother Zombie Stomach crumbled as the force from Yoze\'s Blood Fist sent her flying. Her body created a massive hole once she hit the ground.

Yoze knew that wasn\'t enough to keep Mother Zombie down so he dragged his exhausted body towards her and began a long chain of Blood Koi Fists.

The first ten Blood Koi Fists contained 10 percent of Yoze\'s potential. By the 50th Blood Koi Fists each Punch included 50 percent of his body\'s potential. The hundredth Blood Koi Fist contained the backing of Yoze\'s entire potential.


The next Blood Koi Fist made contact with Mother Zombie Death Armor, breaking through it to finally successfully damage the Mother Zombie for the first time.

Yoze 110th Blood Koi Fist contained a power of 110 percent of Yoze\'s potential and damaged the Mother Zombie\'s bones.


The 150th punch pushed Mother Zombie deeper into the ground as her body started to crumble to Yoze\'s attacks. Even the extra set of arms that the Mother Zombie had been trying to protect the Death Rejecting Baby with couldn\'t protect her baby from the deathly shock waves.


The 180th Blood Koi Fists, seemed to have awakened something in the Mother Zombie as every bone in her body became broken and she could only passively take Yoze\'s attacks. The Mother Zombie didn\'t seem to feel pain but when her arms couldn\'t protect her baby from the after Effects of the Yoze\'s attacks she let out a screech of pure anger.


The 200th punch Yoze felt like his arms had become like jelly and he wasn\'t controlling them any more and just acted out of instinct. His fist slammed into the Mother Zombie head just as she started to let out a screech once more. The force of this single punch contained 200 percent of Yoze\'s potential and the moment of contact cut off the mother zombie screech by crushing the head.

After this last attack Yoze\'s felt completely exhausted as he fell limp, unable to move. He could only wait to see if the Death Rejecting Baby did something to avenge his Zombie mother. But it seemed that now that his mother had died as a zombie, the Death Rejecting Baby didn\'t have any ties with the world of the living and gave up on coming back to life.

The endless death pillar and the bottomless well of death slowly disappeared alongside the Mother Zombie\'s Death Armor. Seeing that the Death Armor attached to him and the death fog that was trying to enter his body were also disappearing, Yoze sighed in relief.

After regaining some of his energy, Yoze stood up and looked at the mother and her child. Weirdly Yoze felt all the excitement from his victory go away as he felt for the Zombie Mother\'s and Death Rejecting Baby\'s cause. They simply wanted to be together again but unfortunately their desire came with the cost of ending many people\'s lives.

"I\'ll fix up your body\'s so you can be buried together." After sighing, Yoze picked up the Death Rejecting Baby and placed him in her mother\'s arms.

Yoze wanted to bury their bodies but suddenly heard the sounds of the Blazing Army coming closer and decided that he wasn\'t in the mood to meet the military just yet and left. Before leaving, Yoze left a note in the dirt to bury the mother\'s and baby\'s bodies together for the military when they arrived.

A few minutes after Yoze left the generals of the Blazing Army arrived to see the Mother Zombie\'s body and the Death Rejecting Baby in her arms.

"Is this the undead that made that terrifying screech?" General Gold asked with surprise and confusion written on his face.

"Possibly, but who or what had killed this undead before we arrived?" Another General commented before stopping from noticing a few words carved into the ground.

"Come take a look at this."

"General Wood, what did you find?" The other generals turned their attention to the writing on the ground that General Wood pointed out.

The generals of the Blazing Army looked at each other in puzzlement, speechless at what they saw.

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