The Human Giant

Chapter 70 70: The Scholar Exam

Feeling the power that lay in his fingers Yoze couldn\'t help but feel like he could kill Blood Masters without having to use his Twin Blood Fists. His Koi Fist combo done with his fingers could turn his enemies into swiss cheese before they are even aware of what happened.

As for when he did use Twin Blood Fists it would be incredibly powerful. Even Yoze didn\'t know how powerful or how deadly it had become. Before breaking through Twin Fists his Blood Bull Fist easily crushed the Blood Armor from a Blood Master. Now with that power, all in a finger Yoze couldn\'t imagine how anyone was supposed to survive it.

"I wonder how far away I am from being able to kill Martial Grandmaster?" Yoze felt the itch to test his strength through battle but he suppressed it since he didn\'t have anyone he could fight.

"Are you done with training?" Seeing that Yoze had stopped training Jewel walked over and handed Yoze a letter.

"What\'s this?" Yoze looked at the letter with surprise because it had New Swampscott\'s city seal. 

"No idea, but a man came over a few hours ago while you were completely focused on your training and threw it to me before running away," Jewel said calmly.

"Someone came over so late into the night?" Yoze lifted his right eyebrow to show his confusion.

"Forget it, I\'ll just take a look to see what the city wants me to do." Tearing the letter open, Yoze read the letter before ripping it to pieces.

"What did it say?" Curious about the letter\'s content after seeing Yoze tear it apart, Jewel asked. 

"They want me to visit a village to help with the scholar exam. And they said that I would only know where I\'m being sent to in a few days so I should be prepared for anything." Yoze was a bit surprised to find himself participating in the Scholar Examination again with himself as one of the examiners.

"Oh, then I should start packing up. I don\'t want to be freezing my butt off if we are sent to the Eastern Cold lands." Jewel said excitedly for another adventure.

"You don\'t need to pack up, I am hoping that you stay here to take care of and keep my father company while I\'m out. Also to talk to the detectives about the progress with the investigation." Yoze shook his head as he asked Jewel to stay.

"Fine, I\'ll stay just this once but after we find your dad\'s kids I\'ll never leave your side to make sure you don\'t do anything funny." Jewel narrowed her eyes to show that she was still suspicious of him but still accepted her request.

"Thank you," Yoze said with gratitude for Jewel accepting his request. He knew he hired her to follow him around as his guide but right now he wanted to make sure that his father wasn\'t alone in a city he wasn\'t familiar with.

"Wait, that doesn\'t explain why you tore up that letter?" Jewel asked curious about why he had torn up the letter if he wasn\'t even given any valuable information.

"It was also written that I had to tear it up so that I couldn\'t secretly send it to a relative or some elite to prepare their followers to be prepared to meet me at the examination destination." 

"Couldn\'t you still tell them in secret?" 

"Yes, but the city is a difficult place to keep secrets and it\'s very likely that no matter how hard one tries to keep it a secret the government will know it has been leaked. They would then cancel my trip and detain me for months before releasing and demoting me." 

"The thing that scares scholars the most is getting demoted since that means their careers are over. They might not even be able to keep their status as scholars and be forced to work an ordinary person\'s job. So not many scholars dare to take the risk." Yoze explained the serious consequences that one faced when trying to mess with the Scholar Examination.

It was the belief that scholars shouldn\'t be influenced by external factors that made this a big deal. If someone became a scholar due to external powers they would be chained to do what those external powers wanted. Even the possibility that a scholar could undermine the city\'s interest and cause chaos for that external power to take advantage of wasn\'t out of the question.

"Oh, I get it now. The city is afraid that the martial art sects will use the city\'s scholars to destroy it from the inside." Jewel\'s eyes lit up when she understood who those external powers were.

There were only two forces in every region, the first was the major city and the second was the strongest martial sect in that region. These two forces might appear to have no interest in the other but underneath the surface, they fought constantly.

Most of the powerful gangs and evil organizations were either supported by a martial art sect or were just a disguise for the sects to challenge the city\'s authority without much risk. For every piece of land and territory that these gangs and evil organizations claim, the fewer resources and people that the city had and the harder it was to spread its influence.

Every powerful gang or evil organization that the city destroyed meant that the martial art sects had fewer resources and fewer talents, they could call upon. Meaning that they would begin to decline and possibly have all their territory taken over by the city.

There was always a fierce game of tug of war going on with the stakes being everything. If one side lost they would be eaten and combined into a mega force that dominated a whole region. Regardless if the city won or the martial art sect either way that region would gain a powerhouse that couldn\'t be toppled.

And Yoze, Jewel, and every living person was part of their fierce game. But for Yoze he didn\'t care about which force won or lost as long as his or his father\'s daily life wasn\'t affected he couldn\'t care less.

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