The Human Giant

Chapter 90 90: The First Step To Immortality

"That explains why I felt drowsy this morning." Yoze thought to himself but he just shook his head and told them that he felt nothing.

"Ahh forget it, it must be because you are a martial artist that the sleeping agent had no effect." Dreyer looked visibly disappointed as he was the one who suggested this plan.

"Have you two not given up and accepted the fact that you are safer here than out there?" Yoze asked.

"We won\'t give up when our family\'s lives are at stake. If we can\'t escape before you memorize my immortal cultivation book then we will give up." Tiki said with determination.

"It\'s good to know that you won\'t keep escaping forever." Yoze felt relieved by Tiki\'s promise.

If they never gave up even after many months Yoze would be under pressure of choosing between staying home to prevent them from running away or going out to find demons when their demon meat runs out. 

It was also lucky that Yoze felt he could comprehend the book within 2 months and if he wanted Yoze could find some scholars and copy their literature talent since he found that it was useful in increasing his comprehension speed.

After getting everything settled Yoze returned to his room and trained in his martial arts while trying to remember everything he learned that day. And noticing that Tiki and Dreyer were attempting to escape, Yoze went over to stop them.

Three months quickly passed by after Yoze began learning from Tiki and Dreyer. He was sitting at the table with Jewel, Tiki, and Dreyer as he said every word of Tiki\'s immortal cultivation book.

After he finished he saw Tiki and Dreyer smile with reluctance as they knew that Yoze did what he promised and memorized the entire book in three months. He would have learned it faster if it wasn\'t for them intentionally slowing down their teaching but it was inevitable and today was the day.

"Congratulations Yoze, you memorized everything in the book. And we will keep our promise of not escaping anymore." Tiki declared.

But she and Dreyer knew that they weren\'t going to attempt to leave even if Yoze let them. They had grown too used to living with family again and not having to worry about money and their safety. 

Even the past two months of escape attempts were just out of habit and more of a game than a real escape attempt. Yoze also knew that they weren\'t going to leave for a while now but it was nice to hear it verbally. 

In any case, they were starting to run low on demon meat so Yoze wanted to start trying to find where demons lived. He hadn\'t heard anything from the city so he had to take things into his own hands and find out some information on his own. He also asked Jewel to search for places where there could be demons hiding about to get ahead of things.

"That\'s good, since everything is ready, let\'s go buy some crystals to start my cultivation, and yours too." Feeling excited to start his journey to immortality, Yoze didn\'t want to wait any longer.

"Okay, but you don\'t have to support our cultivation. We can handle it ourselves." Tiki denied Yoze\'s wish to support them.

"How much money do you guys have?" 

"I have 30 silver and Dreyer has 15 silver. It ain\'t a lot but we can buy the number of crystals we need." 

"You\'re poorer than even Jewel. I\'m buying you those crystals so you don\'t hold back my cultivation." Yoze couldn\'t help but shake his head.

Yoze was paying Jewel 15 silver a month and after so many months she had much more money than Tiki and Dreyer combined, much less himself. As for the cost of these crystals, they should be considered to be a leisure good for ordinary people so they would quickly eat up whatever money Tiki and Dreyer had left.

Seeing that Yoze was going to buy them crystals anyways Tiki and Dreyer accepted the fact that they were just too poor compared to a scholar like Yoze. 

When they arrived at the market they eventually found the store where Tiki and Dreyer frequently bought their crystals. Looking at the price of the crystals with good enough quality to be used as cultivation material being sold at around 5 silver Yoze couldn\'t help but look at Tiki and Dreyer differently.

"They must have been spending a considerable amount of their money on buying the few crystals they could afford." Yoze thought to himself as he bought a box of crystals 20 crystals coming to a total of 100 silver.

After buying the crystals they went home and Yoze was ready to try and cultivate for the first time. He gave 15 of the crystals to Tiki and Dreyer and left himself 5 crystals since he didn\'t have to rely on his immortal cultivation or witchcraft to fight. 

So he felt that they needed these crystals much more than he did. After giving Tiki and Dreyer their portion, Yoze grabbed a large blue crystal from the box and placed it between his hands before attempting to cultivate.

At first, Yoze didn\'t feel anything but after 10 minutes he started to feel something entering his body through the skin of his palm. 

"That is it," Yoze knew that feeling was his Crystal Nerves turning the crystal into dust and absorbing it into his body. 

However, Yoze could feel that this dust split into two paths as he sensed his Crystal Nerves absorbing the dust and his Dead Crystal Nerves attempting to do the same thing but failing. Resulting in the crystal dust covering the surface of his Dead Crystal Nerves.

After five hours of cultivating Yoze suddenly felt that there was no longer any crystal dust entering his body. When he opened his eyes he saw that the large blue crystal that was in his hands was gone.

Instead of grabbing another crystal to continue cultivating Yoze thought about what he learned from Tiki and Dreyer over these past few months. Before he was able to reach the first level of Nerve Accumulation he needed to saturate his Crystal Nerves with crystal dust before filtering out the Crystal Energy inside the dust.

After filtering out all the dust and leaving only the pure crystal energy behind he had to use it to create more Crystal Nerves. And he needed to complete this step in one go or all his effort would go down the drain. Once he created his first Crystal Nerves he would have reached the first level of Nerve Accumulation.

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