The Human Giant

Chapter 105 105: Tiki's Breakthrough

"What? No, none of us have the talent required to be able to join the sect anyways." Dreyer quickly dismissed Yoze\'s dreams.

"This is important because we need to hide even more since all the rogue immortal cultivators that feel they have a chance to succeed will undoubtedly become bloodthirsty and try to cut down their competition," Dreyer continued.

"We are fine, no one knows that any of us have Crystal Nerves. And unless a real immortal shows up I have confidence that I can deal with anything that comes our way," Yoze said calmly.

"We know your strengths but the cunningness of immortal cultivators is terrifying. The further one goes on the path of immortality the more intelligent and crafty one becomes." Dreyer quickly said.

"Okay, Where\'s Tiki she is usually with you?" Seeing that Dreyer was being stubborn, Yoze switched the conversation and secretly planned to find that immortal sect.

After figuring out that he could still take talents from spiritual dead creatures, Yoze planned to try and develop a skill like this on his own. Once he succeeded he would be able to have much more flexibility when he dealt with enemies.

"Right now Tiki is attempting to break through to the third level of Nerve Accumulation." Dreyer\'s attention was diverted as he smiled with pride.

"That\'s great news! But I thought she said she still had a way to go. Like she still needed nearly 30 crystals, but I only bought 20. You guys didn\'t buy more with your own money right?" 

"No, we just used some of the money you handed Dad to keep safe. I hope you don\'t mind." Dreyer patted Yoze\'s shoulder and he straight-up told him the truth.

He didn\'t feel a lick of guilt from using Yoze\'s money since after all this time they had gotten accustomed to using their rich sibling\'s money. They also got to know him more from their time together and knew that he wouldn\'t have approved if they used their own money.

"That\'s fine, that money is for everyone to use without having to ask me. Also, come help me and Jewel put these bags of demon meat inside." Yoze said not minding Tiki and Dreyer using his money to improve themselves.

Dreyer simply nodded and helped move the bags over to the giant pile before following Yoze\'s and Jewel\'s lead and bringing the rest of the demon meat inside.

"Yoze, what is all this meat? Like what kind of animal are you hunting to have such good meat?" As they were putting the bags of demon meat inside Dreyer turned to face Yoze and asked.

He and Tiki have been wondering what kind of meat Yoze had been feeding them, however, they couldn\'t figure out what kind of animal could have meat that made them feel as if they were capable of fighting a herd of lions. They had asked their father but the only answer they got from him was that it was some type of demon meat that Yoze had hunted.

"Yoze said it came from an elephant demon he had killed before we reunited with each other," Drew said with confidence, he didn\'t doubt that Yoze could kill a demon since he had seen with his own eyes how Yoze easily handled one.

Of course, Tiki and Dreyer knew it couldn\'t be real demon meat since it was impossible to kill demons for mortals, only Witches and Immortals are capable of that feat. So for them to consider that Yoze was able to kill a demon was only an impossibility.

Since they felt that their father either confused a strong beast or monster for a demon, Tiki and Dreyer didn\'t ask further questions about the matter. But seeing how Yoze had gone out and returned with literal tons of mysterious meat, Dreyer couldn\'t contain his curiosity.

"This is meat from a Swamp Leopard demon. I don\'t think you believe me when I say this is demon meat right?" Yoze said seeing a look of doubt appear on Dreyer\'s face.

"Can you blame me? You\'re claiming to have killed a demon but that is only possible for immortals and witches." Dreyer said, making his doubt clear.

"You are wrong, Martial Grandmasters are capable of competing with the demons that aren\'t too old or have just been born. As long as you surrounded one of those newborn demons with Martial Grandmasters they would be able to kill it." Yoze retorted. 

He had plenty of experience when fighting demons and had a good understanding that the age of the demon was extremely important. Demons that are just born or within their first few months of life are not used to wielding spiritual energy and haven\'t worked any attacks with it yet.

Meaning that as long as a Martial Grandmaster had sharp weapons and was strong enough they could successfully kill a demon. The saying that Martial Grandmasters could compete with the weaker demons referred to these demons that haven\'t learned how to use spiritual attacks. 

However, once a demon starts to learn how to use their spiritual energy Martial Grandmasters would go from competing with them to struggling to keep their lives. And once the demon learns to suppress other creatures\' spiritual energy it was simply a death wish to fight them.

Take Yoze for example, It was likely that there were Martial Grandmasters that were faster, stronger, had a tougher defense, or were simply better at martial arts. However, once Yoze used his spiritual energy no Martial Grandmaster could win against him.

[Spiritual Arts]

[Spiritual Claws (Level 1: 70%), Spiritual Suppression (Level 1: 50%)]

Yoze pulled up his Spiritual energy techniques and saw that his progress in his Spiritual Claws and Spiritual Suppression had once again increased. With these two spiritual techniques that he had only learned recently he could defeat nearly every martial artist without having to lift a finger.


Just as Dreyer was about to say something to Yoze they heard the door being kicked open before hearing Tiki\'s excited voice.

"Dad, Dreyer, Jewel, Yoze, guess who reaches the third level of Nerve Accumulation and is one step closer to immortality." 

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