The Human Giant

Chapter 138 138: Missing Blood Master

"Hmm, so he was a martial artist before he was turned into a puppet. That explains why his physical ability is so high." Yoze noticed that all of Lio\'s talents were realized in martial arts and understood why they were so difficult to capture.

"There is a high chance that he was a blood master before he was captured and turned into a puppet." Remembering the speed that the men in black possessed, Yoze felt that the Masked immortal cultivator or Regi targeted martial artists.

It also explained why he seemed so interested in his body since he could have seen him as a good candidate to turn into a puppet. Just Yoze\'s body alone was able to put Martial Grandmasters to shame. If Regi was successful in turning him into a puppet he would gain the power to kill Martial Grandmasters and kill demons.

Yoze shook his head and decided to sit down and draw Lio\'s portrait. With the name, age, and a decent drawing of his appearance Yoze felt that was enough to send to an investigator. He planned to use the time that it took Jewel to recover from her training to draw the portrait and fix some details to make it more accurate.

An hour passed by and Yoze placed his paintbrush down as he felt he had gotten a good enough picture of Lio Spring that would be recognizable to anyone. At the same time, he also sensed that there was also movement on the other side of his room.

Standing up Yoze rolled up his painting and tied it up with a string. After tying it up, he put away his art supplies and helped the three men dressed in black get into comfortable positions before leaving the room.

"Jewel, are you feeling much better now?" 

"Yup, I finally recovered enough energy to be able to move my body. Seeing the paper in your hands you want me to take you to the investigators." Jewel said as her eyes drifted toward the large roll of paper in Yoze\'s hand.

"Yup, I\'m ready to leave as soon as you are," Yoze said.

"Okay, let me go put on fresh clothes then we can leave."

"Alright," Yoze nodded his head in agreement.

After briefly talking with Jewel and waiting for her to get ready, the two of them left for the closest investigator whom she knew was good at collecting information on people. Once they arrived at the building they found a sign saying that they were temporarily closed to not being in town.

"Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do." 

After discussing how poor their timing was, Yoze and Jewel visited another one of the investigators only to find that it also had a sign that they were out of town. 

Yoze and Jewel looked at them with clear frowns on their faces. They felt that this was too much of a coincidence to have two investigators that they had chosen to both be out of town the moment they wanted to meet with them.

"This is too much of a coincidence, "

Even without having proof, Yoze felt that either Regi had paid these men off to deliberately close their offices or that he had chosen this particular time to attack because he knew that something was going on such that numerous investigators would be out of town.

"Let\'s check out a few more investigators first before we head back home. There is bound to be at least one investigator that hasn\'t left the city." Jewel said.

Yoze nodded his head agreeing with Jewel and decided to go visit all the investigators she had written down on her list. He felt that there was no harm in trying to get in contact with all the investigators even though it would take up some time.

He only hoped that by finding additional information about the identities of Regi\'s puppets that he could figure out his true motive. As Yoze and Jewel went from investigator to investigator they found that every investigator they visited had left a sign that they had left town.

"There is only Detective Dave left." Jewel looked down at the list of names and addresses of ten investigators.

Nine out of the ten names on the list were crossed out, leaving only one name that Jewel and Yoze were familiar with. Understanding that this was their last chance to have an expert investigator look for the identity of the Regi\'s puppets. 

They walked over to Detective Dave\'s office hoping that they would be able to meet him. When they arrived they saw that the building where the detective resided was more or less the same as the last time they visited him.

What made them happy was that there were no signs that said that he was out of town. Yoze even noticed Detective Dave\'s spiritual energy was inside the building.

Feeling relieved that they had found someone, Jewel knocked on the door to grab Detective Dave\'s attention. 

"Oh, you two are back."

Yoze looked at the small child whose spiritual energy was in the form of a dog and noticed that it had changed a bit from a few months ago. There were more brown spots on the dog\'s fur and it looked even more realistic as its face became more detailed.

"Hi, we are here because we want to hire you three for another investigation." Jewel cheerfully said with a smile on her face.

"Okay, come in. The detective and Jasmine are waiting at the desk." The small child seemed to be more alert as his eyes darted from place to place as if he was looking for something.

"Thank you," 

After they entered the building Yoze and Jewel saw that Detective Dave was sitting at his desk reading the newspaper with a stern look on his face. While Jasmine was sitting on a small couch that had been added to the room playing with a small cube with multiple colored squares. 

Just like what Yoze experienced previously he was unable to see Jasmine\'s spiritual energy unless he saw it unobstructed. However, what made him excited was the fact that her spiritual energy which was in the form of multi-colored glasses had gotten thicker and even gotten a new hue.

"Incredible, I need to know if she has awakened a new talent related to spiritual energy in the last few months." Yoze thought to himself, making a mental note to visit the detective\'s office tomorrow.

Yoze then turned his attention to Detective Dave and was a bit disappointed to see that there was no change in his spiritual energy. It was still the same orange triangle as the last time he had visited.

"Yoze, Jewel it\'s good to see you two again. I\'ll be honest, the past few months have been slow so seeing two high-paying customers is good." Detective Dave chuckled to himself before continuing.

"Anyways, why is it that you are here today?" 

"We are here to see if you are willing to take a case to collect information on someone," Yoze said as he unrolled his drawing of Lio Spring.

"This is a man named Lio Spring and I would like to hire you to collect information about his past and who he met in the last few years." 

"Hmmm, interesting" Detective Dave took a glance at the newspaper in his hand before looking at Yoze\'s picture of Lio Spring.

"Normally, I wouldn\'t take this case since we are not in the business of collecting information on people. We focus more on finding people like how we tracked down your siblings."

"But I will make an exception this time since he has been classified by the government as a missing person." Detective Dave said.

"When did he disappear?" Yoze didn\'t expect that he would get information about one of the puppets so soon and couldn\'t help but ask a follow-up question.

"Let me start at the top. Lio Spring is the name of a well-known Blood Master. He was known as the Bloody Tornado as he could transform into a tornado of blood that could tear people to shreds. "

"Even though he was cruel and a bastard to ordinary citizens, the city didn\'t care since he was a great asset to deal with the martial art sect\'s Blood Masters. However, a few years ago he suddenly went missing without a trace and the only clue to his disappearance was that he had been visiting an old man in the last few months before his disappearance."

"As the last person to be visited by Lio, the government had sent numerous people to get clues from the old man but they ended up concluding that had known nothing. So they only sent out a search request in hopes that someone could find him but after months passed with nothing they closed the case and labeled him missing." Detective Dave finished his speech and looked at Yoze, noticing that he looked very satisfied with his knowledge of the issue.

"Since Lio Spring is considered a missing person I am willing to take your request." Detective Dave said.

"No need. You just gave me all the information I needed. Thank you, Detective." Yoze smiled as he didn\'t expect to get everything he needed on the first visit.

"What do you mean? Can I ask what part of the information you wanted to hear?" Detective Dave looked surprised as he didn\'t expect his rambling to cause him to lose a high-paying customer.

"I just wanted to know who he had been visited by before he went missing. And I already have a good idea who the old man is and can find him on my own."

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