The Human Giant

Chapter 347 347: Happy To See You Again

Somewhere deep in the forests of Lukafune, a group of bandits were staring at a merchant caravan with sickening grins on their faces. Each one has experienced the joy of thief and murder a thousand times. Yet, regardless of how much they stole, how many people they killed, and how far their infamy had spread, they would always find dumb fools who thought they could cross this forest safely.


Whenever they asked their victims why they would cross this forest when they knew the Icy Vein Bandits ruled this forest, they would always receive the same answer. 

I thought I was different! I thought Lady Luck was on my side! 

Followed by other lame excuses that tried to explain why these merchants, warriors, and common folks had to take the gamble. Honestly, for the leader of the Icy Vein Bandits he was beginning to get sick of it all!

He was now almost forty years old and still had to deal with the same kind of people. The same dumb people who thought they were different from the rest. Without even asking the questions, he already knew this small merchant caravan\'s answers.

"...Gus, deal with these arrogant idiots like we did with the rest." The Bandit Leader glanced at the young man dressed in fancy clothes and had the emblem of a blue flower on his chest.

With this simple glance, the Bandit Leader was already able to figure out the identity of this young man. A young scholar from another region most likely wanted to experience the world.

This was something quite common around these parts since they were near the border and next to the Grandline, known as the Immortal Cliff. A natural border that was so mind-blowing that rumors had it that it was caused by none other than the gods.

"Wait! I am a messenger from White Crimson City. I was ordered to deliver a message to New Swampscott City. If you kill me and I don\'t return, White Crimson City will send a brigade to find me." 

"White Crimson City?" The Bandit Leader\'s ears twitched as he heard the young man\'s calm voice.

"Gus, kill him and chop up his body into a million pieces before spreading it around the forest."

Without even turning his head, the Bandit Leader could tell that the young man\'s face turned ghostly pale. His utter silence from shock was more than enough for the Bandit Leader to confirm that the young man was telling the truth.

Yet, it also showed his ignorance of the world. Shelter from all the blood, war, and danger that protected his little perfect world. 

"Why?" The young man\'s pitiful cry was music to Gus\'s ears.

"Why!? Aren\'t you scholars supposed to be smart!? We are bandits! Outlaws! Killers and thieves! We don\'t fear our own major city, much less foreigners! Hahaha!" An almost demonic guttural laugh came from Gus\'s throat as he pulled out his machete.

This was his favorite part. He loved to watch these pretty boys and girls squirm like tiny worms as he lifted his machete. Ready to slice their heads off and see a fountain of blood squirt out of their exposed necks.

"Oh? Criminals who take pride in their activities are usually the most degenerate or are fighting against injustice. Which one are you, I wonder?" 

"Who said that!? Show me your face, and I will show you mercy and only chop you up into ten million pieces!" Gus shouted.

He had never been talked to like that since before he had become a bandit. The absolute power he had over his victims was addicting. 

When he heard their pleas for mercy and the fear in their eyes, he was reminded of the cold, arrogant eyes that his father had shown him. He hated when they showed anything but submission toward him, so for someone to dare disregard him was unacceptable!

Looking around, Gus scanned his surroundings for any signs of where the little rat could hide. Yet, the forest was calm, and the bushes that could be hiding any person or items were cut and removed after they ambushed all the guards protecting this young scholar.

All he could see was the shocked look in the young man\'s eyes. As Gus was about to slap the young man in the face in anger, he suddenly noticed that everything had become quiet.

Abnormally quiet.

When Gus was about to turn around and order the other bandits to help him look for the hidden man, his nose was suddenly tickled by the faint scent of blood.

His heart turned cold as he remembered the look of shock on the young man\'s face… seemed off. It was like it wasn\'t looking at him but behind him.

"Oh? Who says I am hiding? I am right behind you." 

Gus\'s heart turned cold as he recognized that the deep and smooth voice from before was licking the back of his neck. He was petrified.

The faint smell of blood, the utter silence from his fellow bandits, and the misplaced look of shock were all bad signs. 

"Are you not going to turn around?" The smooth voice asked again, but Gus could hear a hint of amusement inside the voice.

He couldn\'t turn around. If he turned around, he would die. But if he didn\'t, then he would still die.

Gus\'s mind raced as he struggled to figure out what to do, but he eventually gritted his teeth and turned around to face his enemy. If he was going to die, he wanted to see the face of his enemy so he could curse him for all eternity, even if that forced him to become a vengeful ghost.


That was all Gus could see when he turned around. All he saw was the chest of a man wearing a black and gold suit. 

As if he turned into a puppet controlled by the god of death, Gus slowly lifted his head until he strained his neck to see the man\'s face. When he saw the youthful face of the giant man, Gus\'s eyes turned dull.

"Now that I have dealt with your problem, we can finally do our official introductions. It\'s nice to meet you again, Evi. Did you miss me?"

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