Interdimensional Farming in Another World

Chapter 2 Ability

Once he decided, it was easier for him to open that door.

What greeted Alex was a large expanse of snow-white landscape. Everything was covered in snow.

He was in a cabin secured up a large tree. Even though almost everything was covered up by snow, he could see some green leaves poking out. This was an interesting sight for him.

Even though Alex was old, he never experienced snowfall before and the trees he was seeing were also unknown to him. All his life, he lived in a small town in the tropical region. And seeing snow for the first time was a thrilling experience. A cold shiver went down his body with the added excitement.

What were these trees covered in snow? Alex thought. Even though he wanted to be cautious while exploring this unknown world. He unknowingly veered off from his initial thoughts.

"Are you done with enjoying the scenery?" Suddenly a voice came from his left side.

Although it startled Alex, he kept his composure and turned to his left slowly. There he could see an older man with a long beard standing tall. He was wearing animal fur just like him. On one hand, he had a sharp sword-like object made from unknown material and the other hand held tightly to a rope.

Alex knew that any response he makes will reveal flaws. He didn\'t know who that person was or what relationship they had. So, he decided that he will let everything play out and talk as less as he could.

He didn\'t want the other person to realise that he was someone else.

"Meru, What are you looking around for? I am talking to you. Let\'s move on if you are okay. You, breaking your arm has wasted enough time as it is. We need to go to the hunting ground fast." The kind but grizzly bear-like man said to Alex.

Meru? Is that my name?

Alex thought. As far as he could understand. The man just called him Meru, a weird word. And yet, he could perfectly understand what he meant even though the language is completely foreign.

Was his biological brain compensating for what he doesn\'t know and feeding him information? Will he gain more knowledge as he comes across more and more familiar words?

A doubt sprouted in his mind.

Slowly he formed a mental image of his situation.

As far as he knows, Alex or Meru is a hunter in an ancient civilisation. Somehow he broke his hand and this bear-like guy was waiting for him to heal. That explains the plaster on his right hand. Broken hands are usually plastered like this.

Now, Alex needs to move with the bear-like man to go to the hunting ground.

After analysing everything as best as he could. Alex nodded his head in affirmation.

"Okay then, get down fast. Your hand would heal before we reach the hunting ground. The special medicine made by our Mupan is good. I\'m impressed by your ability to endure the pain despite this being your first hunt. It must have felt like your hand was on fire, yet you didn\'t even make a noise. Most medicines are like that, so try to not get injured again if you want to avoid the hellish pain."

After saying that, the bear-like man jumped down the fifty feet tall tree like it was nothing.

Alex stood there looking at the scene like a statue.

But when he looked down, he could see that man safe and sound, dusting off the snow from his clothes.

Was he superhuman? Is this really not Earth?

Does this suicidal maniac expect me to jump down like that? No way in hell that I am jumping down like that. Alex thought while grabbing the rope ladder next to him. He slowly climbed down to ensure his safety.

He followed the bear-like man who was now carrying a heavy bag on his back and sharp weapons. Supposedly, they were going to some kind of hunting ground. Only after reaching there will he know more.


Alex was cautious of the bear-like man. When it came to humans, it was always better to be cautious. He learned that lesson the hard way in his previous life.

Anyone would make a mistake once, but making the same mistakes, again and again, is something he detested doing. So, trusting a person he saw for the first time is impossible.

"Here, have some water." Looking at the panting Alex, the bear-like man offered a leather bag filled with water.

Alex had seen the man keeping the leather water bottle close to his body. It might have been to prevent the water from freezing. But that doesn\'t mean that it was okay for him to drink from it. He felt that it would be unhygienic.

Although Alex thought something, his actions were completely contradictory. He swiftly moved his hand to catch the water bottle and began drinking from it.

A man must do everything he can to survive. Alex convinced himself by saying that in his mind.

"Your arm looks like it is fine. Remove the cast and be ready. We are nearing the hunting ground. You are about to be an adult Meru. So, take care of Uncle Mani in the future." Saying that with a smile, the bear-like man looked at Alex.

For some reason, the man felt like family at that moment. Even with that horrifying appearance. That pure smile revealed his kind intentions towards Alex. He felt like he could trust this man. The instinct that usually warned him was saying otherwise.

Being a jaded man from a different earth, Alex had seen and heard how cruel humans could be. So, he was a little skeptical at first when he saw someone else so willing to help him.

He believed that the other man had some hidden motive in trying to help him. After all, modern society works on the basis of give and take. Nothing was really free.

So, someone helping him would obviously want something in return. Goodwill? Does that even exist? It was this thought that prevented him from trusting that man.

But now, seeing the pure smile. He could see the care and support given to him by that man. The grizzly bear-like man who was called Mani was really helping without any hidden agenda.

And Alex felt like his instinct was correct this time too.

A smile formed on his lips. He was so concerned about his survival and began judging this world based on all his preconceived notions. It was dangerous. He felt like he narrowly avoided a bullet.

Seeing the smile forming on Meru\'s handsome face. Mani was also happy. After Meru lost his family, he was always a gloomy kid. He talked less and less after each passing year that he doesn\'t even remember the kid\'s voice. But now, seeing him smile pumped him with more energy.

"Let\'s go, The hill over there is where our hunting party will gather. Don\'t delay and come as fast as you can. I am going on ahead." Pointing to a hill, Mani began running. Because of his superhuman physique, he was fast and stable. He left behind deep footprints in the snow.

Looking at the fading back, Alex also ran towards the hill. At first, he was feeling sore and weak. But after walking for hours, he could feel the strength returning to his body. His injury was long gone.

He felt the warm blood flowing through his body and giving him strength. He felt like he could easily follow Uncle Mani. Making use of this strong new body, Alex ran after him pushing his body to the maximum.

For once, he truly felt free and unfettered. This was his second chance, a new beginning. He would live this life to the best of his abilities.

The moment Alex made that decision. A burst of energy came from his brain clearing all his thought. His senses expanded and everything became much more clear and defined. At that exact moment, an icon popped up near the left bottom of his vision.

It was a familiar icon reminding him of the farming game he was used to playing.

"Is this my cheat ability?" Alex thought.

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