Interdimensional Farming in Another World

Chapter 39 History

The world was not peaceful a hundred years ago. Most of the tribes were fighting for supremacy and the central continent was embroiled in chaos.

And it was at that time that a new danger brought all the tribes to their knees.

It fell from the sky on a sunny day, decimating everything around it in a kilometre radius.

At glance, it looked like a meteor. Although rare, it was normal for meteors to strike the planet. Yet somehow, this time, it was different.

The meteor was alive.

Small tendrils of roots sprouted from its core and took root in the planet. It quickly grew to a height of hundreds of meters. Turning the decimated land area near it into a lush green forest.

Quickly the people got wind of the mysterious lifeform and began worshipping it as a god. As if it was a new spirit guardian. Among them were the power-hungry tribes and powerless people.

Like that, the tree grew to a humongous size.

It was harmless at first. But soon, someone found out a secret.

By sacrificing living organisms or powerful artefacts to the tree, they could make it flower and fruit. And eating the flower or fruit increased their strength and prevented ageing. It was a discovery that changed the world as it is.

The more the sacrifice was, the better the reward.

Some people quickly understood the danger and wanted to destroy the tree while others wanted to exploit it for their own purpose.

In the beginning, animals, magical beast and other special items was used as a sacrifice. The tree would sprout roots and cover the sacrifice and consume it before giving out a reward.

For better or worse, the curious humans decided to try more. They fed it relics of the spirit guardians, magical items and even humans themselves. In hope of getting the best reward. And the tree never disappointed them, it gave enormous rewards.

Among them were the elders and patriarchs of the great tribes of the central continent who renounced the teachings of spirit guardians. They wished for strength that could surpass gods and they were so close to it. So, why should they bother caring about the warnings from their spirit guardians?

But unknown to them, something nefarious was growing deep down in the ground just beneath the tree. In a cocoon made out of corpses, relics and artefacts, it was growing peacefully.

The tree was a camouflage that carefully took attention away from the monster dwelling beneath the ground.

It was an embryo that fed on the energy that the tree provided. It consumed the genetic information from the planet and constantly improved itself. It was evolving at a far outer pace than any living thing on the planet. It was trying to be a perfect living organism.

And even before its metamorphosis into the perfect organism. It was already stronger than a tier 5 warrior. And unknown to the world, it was waking up from slumber.

The alien meteor that fell from the sky had spawned a demon on the planet. And it had only one goal, to become the perfect life. And to do that, it wanted to consume all the living things on the planet.

And finally, the day came. The day that the demon awakens.

Demons were a symbol of death and destruction, synonymous with hell. Yet this time, the demon was trying to bring forth hell into the central continent, into the whole planet.

It was the apocalypse.

It was at that moment the oracles from all the tribes saw a vision. A vision of death and destruction of the whole world. This riled the people who were against protecting the tree to declare war against those who wanted to protect it.

And thus, the great war began.

Even then, they couldn\'t prevent the demon from awakening. The moment it woke up, it took control of all the people who consumed its fruits.

People became puppets.

With its immense intelligence, it knew that its life was threatened.

By controlling the people, it waged a war against all the powerful tribes. With its strength above a tier 5 warrior, no one stood a chance against it.

Humanity was on the brink of collapse.

And at that moment, a man with the spiritual contract of primal chaos came forth. With the power of primal chaos, he bound the evil creature in the depth of darkness. A thick plume of black smoke covered the world.

It was complete sensory isolation of the demon.

With a shake of his hand, he created a miniature sun in his hand and smashed it on the demon. But it still survived.

He created ice spears the size of a mountain and plunged them into the demon\'s body. Yet, it still survived.

He used all sorts of techniques to kill the demons. Even after all that, the demon still survived.

The grave injuries that could kill anything were easily healed and it became vigorous once again. The demon was unfathomably strong, close to complete immortality.

After trying and failing all other methods, the man condensed the black smoke towards the centre, into the demon to seal it momentarily. Even though he could not kill it, he could weaken it.

In that moment of weakness, he moved the demon to the north with the help of the nine great tribes. And he sacrificed himself to seal it in the northern tundra.

Then ice phoenix tribe was given the pivotal task of repairing and strengthening the seal due to their ability to freeze anything.

After the great war, the world enjoyed peace. And the destroyed civilization built itself up forgetting about their saviour.

That was how peace returned to the central continent. And yet, someone was trying to destroy that hard-earned peace.


To prevent the first elder from causing immutable damage, Alex held his arm crossed across his chest in panic. Trying to prevent the frozen spike from piercing his heart. It was a dangerous moment.

Thankfully, only his arms were frozen in the sudden burst of energy. Before the spike pierced his body. He successfully escaped by teleporting to the farm.

And the extent of damage to his arms was significant. Only after thawing it by releasing a huge amount of energy could he finally move it. He was lucky to survive an attack from a tier 4 warrior unharmed. Any normal tier 2 warrior would have died if they encountered a similar situation.

After a few seconds.

"Ha ha ha …"


Laughing like a maniac, Alex stood inside the interdimensional farm. The attack was instantaneous. But instead of fear and anger, he felt something different. This time around, he realised something.

He thrives in chaos.

He wanted conflict.

And he liked danger.

About the first elder, he didn\'t care. But the danger he felt was real.

In a peaceful society back home. He might have tried to fit in. But something laying dormant deep inside him awakened. It was a primal feeling that was hard to describe, yet he didn\'t hate it.

\'What did the crazy geezer think? Did he really expect me to die with that attack?\'

\'Any threat to my life needs to be eliminated. The first elder should die.\' Alex decided in that instant. He couldn\'t let it go on anymore.

He could reason with a reasonable person. However, the first elder was not one.

To achieve his goals, the first elder could do anything. And he proved that by trying to execute Alex publicly. This was a world where all the laws and rules he knew were nonexistent. It was time to act instead of avoid.

With a thought, Alex exited the interdimensional farm. It was time that he showed his true power.

For the past couple of days, he was under house arrest. He couldn\'t do anything but wait.

But he was not wasting time. He was preparing for the problems that he would eventually face.

\'It is time to use the special ability I got from level 3 farm.\'

Alex had a lot of stocks of vegetables that he accumulated while he was waiting.

He used it to quickly gain enough FP to buy 300 units of land and unlock the level 3 farm. And his plan was successful.

After reaching level 3, he got the skill of short-distance teleportation.

With this skill, he could teleport 300 meters in any direction. The teleporting distance directly correlates with the amount of land he owned. This meant that the skill has enormous growth potential. If he could buy more land, he could teleport even further away.

It was a great skill. And the only requirement was to have enough MP to use it. With that skill, Alex appeared before the elders once more. He was ready to wage a war if it was necessary.

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