Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 148 The Story Of The Successor VII

After hearing the mysterious voice, Hinako immediately veered around to check what could be making such a terrifying sound.

As soon as she turned, Hinako was shocked by what she saw, standing at a distance was a being dressed in a white godly outfit with no face but white glowing energy formed into a humanoid shape.

All the angels in its vicinity had a dark lengthy figure, linked from the sky and tied around the neck of the angels. Hinako could see that the angels were struggling to move.

"Damm…" Hinako sought to approach the mysterious being but was immediately held down by one of the dark ropes that wrapped Itself around her body.

"Child, come to me." Observer asserted, standing a few distances behind Ethan.

"No, Ethan! Stay where you are!... Don\'t-".

Before Hinako could complete her words, the dark energy wrapped Itself around her mouth, causing her to go mute almost instantly.

Little Ethan turned around and saw the Observer standing only a few feet away from him. The angels tried their hardest to move but they were powerless.

"Who are you? I haven\'t seen you before…." Ethan asked with his hand resting under his jaw as he thought, "Oh! Are you here to see mummy?" He asked again with a smile.

"Mummy? She actually gave herself that title? I am disappointed." Observer sighed, "All the more reason why the child must go".

The Observer began moving toward Ethan, his plan was to erase Ethan from reality and it was something he was very well capable of doing.

The closer the Observer proceeded, the more tensed the angels got, they began adding more effort to freeing themselves because they knew nothing must happen to Ethan.

A few more seconds and the Observer would have completed his agenda, but just when it seemed all set in stone, The creator showed up.

"Get away from him, Ethan!" The creator yelled from a far distance.

Ethan looked back and just in a split second, the angel to the right managed to reach his sword. He pulled it out and cut himself free before speeding toward Ethan and carrying him away from the Observer\'s front.

The angel sped to The Creator\'s side before he placed Ethan down and fell to his knees, panting heavily.

"Ethan, are you okay? Quick, stay behind me." The creator voiced out, holding his hand before pulling him close with her eyes still focused on the Observer.

"Creator… How long did you plan on hiding from me?" The Observer spoke out.

She glared, tightening her grip on Ethan\'s hand, "What do you want, Observer?" Creator asked.

"Observer, I know why you are here… and I think you should reconsider… the child you are after could prove to be beneficial in the future." Punisher chimed in, the moment he set his eyes on Ethan, he immediately knew the child was something special.

"I am the Observer, I know the faith of everything, thus I know the faith of this child, and I do know he is one with an exceptional skill… that said, my reasons for wanting him gone differ from that…" The Observer expressed, "I refuse to be on the same level of authority with a human child… that is only seen as an insult".

"You want to eradicate a life form based on your childish ego?" The creator questioned.

The Observer replied, "I already added a rule a few years ago and I\'m sure you\'ve noticed… there can only be one of these of us, if your son is going to be the Creator then one of you has to leave for the other".

"We are born of the energy in the world and exist by the energy. If two Creators exist simultaneously, the energy will need to pick one of the creators to give its powers to… in this case, if he becomes your Successor? He will most definitely perish".

The creator smiled before she uttered, "You sounded so proud saying that, but … my son already created something called a multiverse… if energy runs out in this world, he can simply tap from the others".


"Observer! You do not belong here… return to Heaven\'s gate and continue your duty… whatever I do is of no concern to you." Creator voiced out.

The Observer\'s ominous words hung in the air, and The Creator felt the terror of his words. "Is that so..." He murmured. "I didn\'t want it to lead to this, but it seems you gave me no choice... a battle is unavoidable."

The Creator watched in horror as dark, shadow-like monsters began to crawl their way to the surface from the ground behind the Observer.

They seemed to multiply by the second, and before long, there were over nine million of them, filling the area around them with their eerie presence.

But The Creator\'s eyes were drawn upwards as a thousand angels appeared in the sky above her, dressed in full body armor and wielding golden weapons.

They looked like a shining beacon of hope amidst the darkness that surrounded them, and The Creator felt a surge of courage well up inside her.

The Creator stood tall and resolute, her eyes never leaving the Observer\'s form. She knew that this was a battle that would determine the fate of the future, and she steeled herself for what was to come.

The air crackled with energy, and The Creator could feel the tension building with each passing moment.

"Fire!" One of the angels voiced out, raising his hands to the sky, signaling the archers to fire their arrows. The arrows went falling from the sky and landed right on the angels held by the dark energy.

The angels were surprised when they noticed the arrows were freeing them from their bondages, but scaling the situation, they knew that they didn\'t have time to be calm.

One by one, they began stationing themselves right in front of the creator, forming a huge defensive line while Hinako and five other angels stood at the front.

They were prepared for war and willing to defend their home with all their might and skill.

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