Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 212 – Im a bit hungry

Chapter 212 – I\'m a bit hungry

Qiu Shuijing was despondent. The clever Cang Jiuhua of the Qin Sword Pavilion was here to test the truth of Yuan Shuo. If Yuan Shuo remained weak, then they would attack him. If Yuan Shuo became stronger, then they would seek opportunities to cause internal strife and drag him back into weakness, unable to rise.

This was the purpose of the Qin envoy!

Although Qiu Shuijing could see this, he felt powerless because there were not many people in the court of Yuan Shuo who could see the changes in the world!

Some stubbornly clung to the old ways, unable to see the changes in the world, still holding onto the old ways and speaking only of the past.

Some had completely lost their sense of the Tao, thinking that Yuan Shuo was backward and inferior to foreign countries, and that all the techniques and abilities based on Yuan Shuo\'s cultural civilization should be discarded, along with Yuan Shuo\'s cultural civilization.

There were even those who groveled before foreign countries, even if they were barbaric and poor, they thought the other side was superior and would kneel down and bow to show respect.

There were also those in the court who were like grass blowing in the wind, seemingly moderate and fair, but actually had no principles. They were good at throwing stones into the well. Whenever someone fell into the well, they would be the first to come and throw a few stones and self-righteously scold them, claiming to always stand on the side of justice, of course, whoever was outside the well was the one on the side of justice.

There were even those who thought it didn\'t matter if they leaned towards foreign countries. Wasn\'t it just the emperor? If foreigners came to do it, it didn\'t seem to be a big deal as long as their interests were guaranteed. They would make a fuss over their own interests, even if they were trivial, and feel that there was a great injustice.

Even if Yuan Shuo was in danger, and they had to sacrifice for the country, they would not give a single penny, completely ignorant of the principle that a fallen nest cannot keep its eggs.

Qiu Shuijing felt like he had skills but nowhere to use them in such a court.

Although his return to the capital seemed glorious, with the emperor\'s favor, he was actually a lone person dragging a broken ship through a sea of fire.

The ship was crowded with onlookers waiting for him to burn to death, but they were completely unaware that the ship could break apart at any moment, causing them to fall into the flames as well.

"We must not let the Qin envoy see that Yuan Shuo is weaker than thirty years ago!"

Qiu Shuijing smiled faintly and said calmly, "Yuan Shuo is a superior state, and was only temporarily surpassed by you. Now that we are alert, there are naturally more people who can see the world clearly. If no one else, then there is at least one person by your side."Cang Jiuhua looked towards Bai Yuelou with a stern expression. As a disciple of a saint, Bai Yuelou had an exceptional appearance and was followed by hundreds of young men and women in Shuofang, naturally exuding an extraordinary aura that was quite intimidating.

Cang Jiuhua sneered in his heart and looked towards Su Yun. Su Yun\'s appearance was more pleasing than Bai Yuelou\'s, but at the moment he seemed to be absent-minded for some reason. Cang Jiuhua withdrew his gaze and looked back at Bai Yuelou.

Bai Yuelou smiled faintly, secretly feeling troubled and having a feeling of being caught in a dilemma.

"In recent years, His Majesty has governed the country with both civil and military virtues, and is no longer a country that overseas barbarians can bully. Nephew Cang, you are an envoy, I won\'t make things difficult for you. Your Majesty."

Qiu Shuijing turned around and bowed towards the Golden Luang Hall, his voice resounding: "Da Qin is an overseas country that has suddenly become rich, but does not know the etiquette of the upper countries. The Golden Luang Hall is the place where the courtiers pay homage, how can overseas barbarians enter it? It is a disgrace to the etiquette of the upper countries. Your Majesty receiving us outside the hall is also a courtesy. Please move, Your Majesty."

As he finished speaking, the voice of Di Ping came from the hall, laughing: "What Tai Chang said is very true. Let\'s go."

The civil and military officials bowed and successively exited the Golden Luang Hall.

These civil and military officials were divided into two columns, sorted according to their official ranks, and stood on both sides of the steps of the Golden Luang Hall, waiting silently.

Yuan Shuo considered black and red as beautiful, and the officials and generals in the court mostly wore black with red sashes or embroidered various mythical beasts with red threads on their bodies.

There were also Jinwu Guards moving the dragon throne to the front of the hall, and on the armrests of the dragon throne, two petite golden dragons suddenly swam, which were actually real golden dragons!

Su Yun also saw the two golden dragons on the armrests and couldn\'t help but step forward to look. He saw that the golden dragons on the dragon throne were not real dragons, but some kind of four-clawed dragon, which was still extraordinary.

"If I could taste it..."

Just as Su Yun was thinking this, the civil and military officials began to whisper and point towards him, each with a look of surprise and suspicion.

"It\'s this person who challenged Your Majesty at the Heavenly Dao Academy!"

"...His skills are divine!"

"Your Majesty was forced to use immortal techniques!"


Cang Jiuhua also saw this scene and his heart trembled slightly. His gaze fell on Su Yun in front of him, but then shifted to Bai Yuelou behind Su Yun. He thought to himself, "The civil and military officials of Yuan Shuo all recognize him, it seems that he is indeed a young talent cultivated by Yuan Shuo to suppress our Da Qin envoy. I have a heavy responsibility on this trip and cannot afford to make any mistakes."

Di Ping walked over and sat on the dragon throne.

At this moment, Di Ping\'s face was full of redness and he no longer looked sickly, appearing full of energy.

Cang Jiuhua clapped his hands and five Da Qin spiritualists drove a tray of lamb forward. The lamb was not carried on a building, but was covered with white cloth and raised high.The five Qin Ling Shi pulled the white cloth hard, revealing a bronze round platform on the back of the goat. The platform was supported by four people and the bronze goat, and a huge eyeball was held between the platform and the goat\'s horn.

The outside of the eyeball was pitch black, but inside was white, completely different from a normal person\'s eye.

Suddenly, the eyeball rolled and a light screen shot out from the white part, displaying countless runic arrays, various runic equations, text patterns, and extremely complex designs between the Golden Luang Hall and the bronze goat.

The officials and generals of Yuan Shao were amazed and exclaimed one after another.

"This is the mystery of martial arts and supernatural powers!"

"The Zhou Tian Xing Dou array! It seems different from the traditional San Yuan arrangement!"

"The trend of dragon veins and geographical buildings is extraordinary!"

"And the manufacturing of spiritual weapons and weapons is also extremely clever!"


Cang Jiuhua stood up and came to the tower, slightly bowed and said loudly, "Your Majesty Yuan Shao, this is the gift that Great Qin has presented to our brotherly nation. These martial arts and other documents are the knowledge of our Great Qin from over a decade ago, and are presented to Yuan Shao today to help him step out of ignorance."

The officials and generals of the court were furious and criticized them one after another, mainly the conservative officials and generals, who said that these techniques were vulgar and degraded the knowledge of the sages and so on.

However, there were also officials and generals who came out and said that the foreign martial arts were exquisite and should be accepted with gratitude, and they should also give gifts in return.

Some people sneered, some remained silent, and some looked like they were watching a tiger fight from a mountain.

Qiu Shuijing smiled and said, "Your Majesty, Great Qin is a brotherly nation and has good intentions. Why not accept it and give some old items from ten years ago as a gift to the envoy? What does Your Majesty think?"

"Just wait!"

Cang Jiuhua smiled and said, "Mr. Shuijing, these documents and knowledge cannot be taken so easily. On my way here, what I saw were Yuan Shao\'s people in tattered clothes, hunched over and struggling to survive, with hungry faces. The floods, droughts, locusts, and plagues in various places do not seem like the great country that has been famous for a long time. Therefore, these documents and knowledge must be examined before they can be taken away!"

He laughed heartily and said, "I have heard that there is a Tian Dao Academy in Yuan Shao, and the scholars there are the smartest and wisest people in Yuan Shao. Therefore, I ask Your Majesty to send some Tian Dao Academy scholars to learn the knowledge of our Great Qin from over a decade ago. If they can learn a few divine techniques, pass the assessment, and give them to Yuan Shao, it\'s fine. If they can\'t..."

Cang Jiuhua smiled and said, "What kind of virtue and ability do these barbarian nations have to occupy this fertile land? This is a land of treasures and great Qin should occupy it!"

The officials and generals of the court were suddenly enraged. The hawks wanted to kill people, the conservatives wanted to sacrifice these barbarians to the gods, the surrender faction called for surrender, and the fence-sitters watched the show.

Suddenly, Di Ping said, "Qiu Aiqing, as the Tai Chang of the Tian Dao Academy, what do you think?"Qiu Shuijing bowed and smiled: "This is a small matter. Why bother sending the scholars of the Tian Dao Academy? Your Majesty, there are talented individuals like me, a Yuan Shuo scholar, on the envoy\'s carriage. Let him try it out. If he fails, then the scholars of the Tian Dao Academy can come and teach the envoy a lesson."

Emperor Di Ping glanced at Su Yun and waved his hand. "Permission granted."


Qiu Shuijing stood up straight and nodded towards Xue Shengren, who was watching the show from the side. Xue Shengren was confused but still responded with a smile.

Qiu Shuijing suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, "Bai Shizi from Bai Yuelou, are you a scholar from the Tian Dao Academy?"

Xue Shengren was stunned, thinking to himself, "Is Qiu going to use my disciple as a sacrifice?"

Bai Yuelou was also stunned but quickly replied, "No, I am not."

Qiu Shuijing\'s smile disappeared as he shouted, "Then bring your followers and learn the knowledge of the barbarians from ten years ago!"

"My followers?" Bai Yuelou blinked and looked at Su Yun, realizing, "The follower Qiu Shuijing is referring to is my eldest senior brother. Actually, Qiu Shuijing knows that I am better than my senior brother, so he mainly wants to have my senior brother suppress the barbarians\' arrogance!"

Bai Yuelou was a smart person and felt a little sour in his heart. "Does Qiu Shuijing, who is half my teacher, really think that my senior brother is better than me? I must learn this knowledge of the barbarians and make him see me in a better light!"

He walked slowly to Su Yun\'s side and looked at the rune curtain in the air. Suddenly, his eyes went black. "I don\'t understand! I really don\'t understand!"

Bai Yuelou remained calm and composed, causing Cang Jiuhua to think to himself, "This person is very confident. Could it be that the knowledge of Yuan Shuo is really so powerful? Or is it that his intelligence is too high, allowing him to comprehend the contents of these documents in a short amount of time?"

However, he did not know that Bai Yuelou often greeted the cheers and compliments of young men and women with a smile on his face, and had long reached the level of being unshaken by anything.

- What the sage teaches, aside from thick-skinned, there\'s nothing else to say.

Cang Jiuhua took out a pocket watch and looked at the hands, beginning to time. "One hour later, we will evaluate what Bai Xiong has learned."

Meanwhile, in Yuan Shuo, the officials of the Monitoring Heaven Bureau rang a large clock to time Su Yun, which was much simpler than the yellow clock of Su Yun.

Beside Bai Yuelou, "follower" Su Yun observed the array of runes and various equations of Da Qin. He heard the voice of Ying Ying in the spiritual realm, surprised, "The knowledge here is indeed much more advanced than that in the Wen Yuan Ge of the Tian Dao Academy!"

Su Yun said, "However, their array of stars and constellations is wrong. They calculate the stars and constellations with the sun as the center, which cannot calculate the complete seventy-two heavens. No wonder it\'s knowledge from over ten years ago."Ying Ying quickly calculated and said, "It seems that there are some errors hidden in these documents, intentionally left by the cunning Ling Shi of Da Qin. If Ling Shi from Yuan Shuo were to cultivate and go to the battlefield, they would definitely be caught by these flaws and lose their lives to their opponents!"

Su Yun had been practicing with her for these days. Although he still couldn\'t learn all of her knowledge, his vision and insight had increased many times over. He immediately found several flaws.

He squatted on the ground, writing and drawing, while Bai Yuelou stood calmly in the wind, wearing white clothes and carrying his hands on his back, looking at the rune curtain.

The two of them were clearly distinguished!

Cang Jiuhua frowned, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead. He forced the sweat back into his body and thought, "Is this Bai Yuelou really so powerful? Can he really understand everything at a glance? There can\'t be such a person... but he captured the seven great heavenly gods without a sound..."

While Su Yun and Ying Ying were communicating and learning, an hour passed. Cang Jiuhua closed his watch with a snap and shouted, "Time is up!"

At the same time, the big clock of the Heavenly Supervision Court rang out with a loud sound.

Bai Yuelou laughed loudly and was about to speak, but Cang Jiuhua suddenly laughed and said, "Since there are two scholars learning the knowledge of Da Qin, let\'s test this scholar today!"

He pointed to Su Yun, and the officials and generals of Yuan Shuo were in an uproar.

"This test will determine life and death and the winner will show their knowledge!" Cang Jiuhua said in a deep voice.

The officials and generals of Yuan Shuo were even more in an uproar, whispering and discussing.

Su Yun suddenly heard a roar full of wildness and demonic energy in his ear, as if there was a cruel demon god showing its claws, waiting for the battle and waiting to tear its opponent apart!

"I\'m a little hungry," he licked his lips.

- The friend of the lazy pig has read your suggestions and decided to follow everyone\'s advice and shave his head.

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