Author's Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting

Chapter 235 Enemies [4]

Done with the girls I turned behind looked in the corner to deal with the remaining person.

His name was Wynfir probably, he was standing away from everyone else in a dark corner of the cave. As I walked close I saw that he was shivering just by my presence.

"Now, we don\'t want you taking revenge for you two friends, do we?" I said as I stood a few feet away from him. He looked at me but didn\'t reply. "I don\'t want any more trouble, so I\'m going to kill you," I said, and used elemental magic to create three shards of ice in my hand.

He didn\'t try to run or showed any type of hestitation, rather he hugged himself with hsi arms and started trembling violently.

"If I were you, I would be running now. But since I know how cowardly you are I\'m going to wait a moment before starting," I told him, "because it\'s nice to see someone like you suffer."

I could feel his fear and pain through his mind. It made me smile. I was enjoying this a lot more than I thought I would. Maybe that had been the reason why I killed humans so easily in the past. I wanted them to suffer. This one had clearly given up on life already, and if I took his head off he wouldn\'t even feel it. So what did it matter if he died?

"Goodbye Wynfir," I whispered, "You\'ll have plenty of time to regret not dying now."

The sound of crunching bones filled the air as I brought my fist down onto his neck. The man let out a gargling scream which I cut short with another strike. Blood began to pour from his throat and he fell to his knees.

I watched him for a moment, then I stepped back and released the magic holding all three shards together I threw them at him. They flew to him and drilled themselves deep into Wynfir\'s chest. He died in no time, I\'d aimed for the heart.

[You kill without hesitation.]

\'And you don\'t stop me.\'

My blood lust no longer existed, since I was out of danger now my THAT side had went back as well. I just hoped that there\'d be no longer any need for it to come again any time soon. But I knew that just wasn\'t possible.

My sadistic side was like a self-defense mechanism, whenever I felt like I was in danger, I went back to being what I was in my previous life. And as much as I hated it, I needed that side as well in order to survive in this world.

Those were the things I had to live with. Thus I pushed those thoughts aside and began to leave the cave, I released the elemental magic and the boulder blocking the entrance of the cave.

It was still night but I felt the fresh air fill my lungs as I stepped outside. I looked back behind for the final time. I\'d smacked Nsiria a little softer compared to the other so she\'ll probably get up and left alone. As for the rest of them, I don\'t know. There\'ll be some drama I think.

I turned my head forward and began to walk.

\'I thought the plot wasn\'t changing, but it was. The main cast was still doing what they were supposed to do, but my very existence had caused many changes in the background and many people are getting affected my me.\'

I was walking down the an uneven path when my vision suddenly felt blurry.

\'Fuck. Not now,\' I cursed inwardly when I saw where I was standing. A few steps and I\'d be down a cliff.

[Well, this had to happen. Even if you have a sizable amount of mana, you\'ve used way too much elemental magic, and on large scales too.]

\'I know…but…right now.\'

My feet stumbled and I began to feel dizzy. I tried to concentrate, but it was hard. My vision blurred, and I tripped over something.

\'Ah! Fuck!\'

I fell backwards, rolling down the slope. I rolled and hit multiple rocks on the way, this wasn\'t the cliff I\'d climbed to come up but a rough, slanting slope. I had nothing to stop myself hence my body was dragged downward by gravity.

My head struck with rocks multiple times but I did my best to not lose consciousness; it will be the worst thing right now.

The slope ended and I was tossed on the flat ground. I hit the ground hard, then rolled over for a few meters before coming to a halt.

There were many injuries I\'d gained, my blazer was completely ripped aprat and there were more than a few scratches on the pants. I somehow forced myself to stand up, although it was very hard to do so.

\'Should have brought some healing potions with me,\' I thought, but there was no use dwelling on it now.

Actually, this wouldn\'t have been much bad of a situation. I would\'ve managed somehow. But then I heard a growl. I turned to see. White fur, purple eyes, a horn on the head. There was but a single horned wolf standing behind me.

It was either a part of the pack I\'d killed before or his teammates hadn\'t arrived yet, since horned wolves didn\'t hunt alone. I wished it wasn\'t the latter.

This was bad. I was out of mana, and mana exhaustion was also hitting me. I had no weapons with me either. I had to fight this monster with nothing but my physical strength.

I jumped, using my speed to reach the monster first. It growled at me but I kept going. My hand reached its throat and grabbed it firmly. It snarled ferociously but I held it in place.

I slammed my knee down on the wolf\'s head, and it fell to the ground. It opened its mouth as if trying to bite me, and I punched it hard in the muzzle.

I quickly stepped back and readied my fists, ready to attack again. The wolf lay there, struggling to move. I waited for a moment, then I kicked it hard in the stomach.

That seemed to have done it. The creature groaned and stopped moving. However, as if that weren\'t enough, I heard some more growling sounds around me. A while later three more wolves stepped forward, all of them looking at me with hungry eyes.

[Seems like you\'re lucky.] Req\'s voice said in my head.

"Ah well, let\'s do this," I said as I raised my fists in front of me. I shook my head once rapidly to shake off the dizziness that was taking over me again, and then focused on the wolves.

My hands and knuckles were already bleeding after beating that one wolf, but I had no excuses right now. My bones were aching and my muscles felt like they would come apeart. My whole body writhed in pain, while the three wolves closed in on me.

I raised my fists high above my head and waited for the oncoming wolf to attack me. Then I hit it in the jaw, and as it was distracted I punched it repeatedly in the face.

I felt its teeth tear into my arm and flesh, but I ignored that. I punched it over and over again until it stopped moving. After a while it finally lay motionless on the ground.

I turned to the other wolves, who were staring at me with their jaws wide open. I grinned at them and quickly stepped between them to avoid the sudden rush towards me. I dodged the first two attacks and hit the third on the nose with my elbow.

A growl escaped its lips and it backed away. It was smart to retreat. I followed the wolf and hit its stomach with my fist. It yelped and then ran away.

I glanced at the other wolf who was watching me, wondering if I would give chase. One decided to go on with its plan and charged at me.

I ducked under the jump, and grabbed its neck. I slammed it against a tree and the force of impact sent the wolf flying. I caught it by the wrist and pulled it closer to me.

"What are you waiting for?" I said as I smiled at the wolf. It looked at me confused for a moment, then turned to run. It ran about ten meters before stopping and turning back to look at me.

I laughed and gave chase. There was no way I was going to let it live after all this. We ran a few meters, then I swung my fist at its head. It spun around me and landed on its back. I bent down and grabbed its neck before slamming it against the ground. It struggled and bit me on the leg.

I twisted my body and used my legs to pin it down, then I punched it as hard as I could in the stomach. It cried out in pain and I leaned forward and slammed my knee into its neck, there was a snapping sound as its neck broke and the wolf took its last breath.

I was walking away from the wolf\'s corpse, and I\'d been able to take a step or two only when the world around me spun and my head slammed onto the ground as I fell. My body had lost all energy, and I was covered in injuries and blood.

This forest was filled with monsters, and I was about to black out in the middle of this forest without any protection.

[You should have brought me with you.]

I heard her say that, but didn\'t have the energy left to reply even with telepathy. I watched the sun slowly rise and the surroundings break out into dawn as I lost consciousness.

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