Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 42 - You'll Find Out Later

Samuel had thought that once they got back to the estate that there would be a few minutes for them to talk before Lena had to get on to whatever work was stopping her from taking the day off.

He was mistaken however because she stopped to talk with Clive and ended up waving him off inside saying that it wasn\'t a conversation he could be to be privy to yet but would find out about it later. Her serious attitude all made him think that it was something rather important that she was dealing with.


It was only mid afternoon and he wasn\'t certain what he should to keep himself preoccupied until dinner came around. Not having any friends in the immediate area made it hard for him to find something to do. He could call Roger, but he knew that the other would just want to ask him about what had been going on in his relationship that was making him come home early. He hadn\'t told the other a decision had been made because he wanted to talk about in person.

Samuel was sure his friend was going to be happy for him because he knew what the answer meant to him. He himself however wasn\'t sure quite yet how he felt about it. He was excited certainly. He was not sure though if this was just because the little queen had said yes to him and it would take pressure off of his family, or if it was because he was excited to continue on with their relationship.

A week was certainly enough time to get to know if you\'re comfortable being around someone and if you can get along with them, but it was no where near enough to determine if it was possible for two people to love each other. Samuel knew though that there were a number of arranged marriages that took place without a concern put towards love but instead directed out of some type of status or materialistic benefit from it.

He hoped though that in their case something else would come out of it, or that they\'d at least figure out how to keep getting along if they were supposed to consider having kids sometime in the future.

"Well, well. It seems like you survived your trip to the shooting range. No holes to be seen from what I can see." Leo greeted him as he entered the mansion. The younger boy was sitting inside the guestroom reading a book. Based upon the cover, Samuel presumed that it was something work growth rather than as a pleasure read, unless the other enjoyed such books. He had his feet braced on the end of sofa he was sitting on with his sandals on and hanging over the edge.

Unlike his older sister, Leo always seemed to prefer to wear something that was more business casual yet comfortable. Usually in the range of dress shirts and loose slacks.

"It wasn\'t that bad really. I mostly just watched. Apparently between my aim and inexperience with guns, I\'m not quite ready to be handling them on my own and shooting." Samuel replied as he came to sit across the room from the other. Even though Leo had never said anything to him about a potential relationship since that one night in his room, the older boy still preferred to be cautious around him. Whether Leo took notice of this or not he was unsure of.

"It can take some time for people to get used to guns. Learning early helps for sure, but different circumstances can make it easier or harder for you to learn. Don\'t you play paintball though?" Samuel couldn\'t stop himself from rolling his eyes when Leo asked this question, resting his book against his chest as he turned his attention to the other.

"I do and that\'s the exact same thing that Lena asked me about. I have played for a while, but my hasn\'t been when it comes to hitting targets. It has never really bothered me though because my friends and I just did it for fun. Being a good aim or bad only really mattered based upon how competitive you were and what your goal during the game was." Samuel replied with a sigh.

"Sounds like you need to maybe change your objectives then. Not be so laid back and nonchalant about it when you play and put your focus on actually trying to hit a target." Leo suggested.

"I have never really experienced paintball myself though I know what it is, but maybe you can find a friend who would be willing to help you with moving target practice. Offer him a reward for being a good sport or something." Samuel couldn\'t deny that it wasn\'t a bad idea, it added on to what the princess had suggest he do once he was back home with his family. He would have to figure out though who wouldn\'t mind be smacked by paintballs if there was something worth their while to receive afterwards.

"It isn\'t a bad idea. I would just have to figure out who would be willing to do it with me." Samuel replied as he leaned his head back in the chair. Being away for almost two weeks, he was going to miss how comfortable the chairs were at this place. Just a couple of days and he was starting to feel as though he was already getting spoiled.

"I\'m sure there will be some willing victim for you. Lena would probably never tell you this, but back in the day when we were learning how to shot, I ended up being her practice target." Leo snickered when he said this.

"Really? I always assumed she must\'ve been a good shot from the start?" This news had gotten Samuel\'s attention and he was intent on hearing more of what the younger brother had to say.

"Nope. It was probably though that I was automatically allowed to learn how to shoot, but she had to convince our father that it would be alright for her to do it as well even though she was the older sibling." Leo replied

"In this case though, the gun used for practice was a toy one one that shot darts which couldn\'t end up accidentally causing anyone to get hurt if they were hit by one. It ended up taking us a few weeks of practice before she got good enough to be consistently hitting me before my father agreed to let her move onto a real gun. Not targeting me of course, but at the shooting range under his supervision.

"You know, you really shouldn\'t get into the habit of talking about your older sister behind her back in places where she might end up hearing you." Because of where the room was positioned and how quiet she was and how softly the door opened and closed, neither had heard him approaching.

She reach her arm over to ruffle her younger brother\'s hair, but by the way he hissed in response, Samuel knew that it wasn\'t that gentle of touch unless the other hated his hair being messed with.

"What were you talking with Clive about?" Samuel tried asking her again now that she was inside. Turning to look at him, she gave him a very blank if not slightly annoyed expression.

"As I told you outside, you\'d find out about it later. I have other stuff I need to do now." She replied, leaving her brother alone so that she could head further inside.

"Keep yourself behaved and don\'t talk about people behind their backs unless you want to get in trouble for it again." She said over her shoulder before she was too far away to be heard without raising her voice. Samuel had hoped once she was done talking with Clive that the other would answer his question, but he guessed he would really have to find out later from her.

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