Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 86 - Second Family

They had only been there for about half an hour after Clive and Romeo had left to apologize and say that something came up and that he needed to leave. Candice thanked him for stopping by and said good-bye to the girls who were reluctant to leave with their father but listened when he explained very clearly that they weren\'t allowed to stay there without him.

From Samuel\'s perspective it seemed as though Julian was maybe more firm with his kids than Zane was with Lena and Leo. On the other hand, he couldn\'t imagine with Lena\'s current spirit that anyone would have any easy time getting to listen.

"I\'m sure that the hospital food isn\'t doing much good for either of you so I\'ll make sure to send Jeff by later with some real food as I don\'t imagine that you would want to leave the hospital before your daughter is ready to." Lena told Candice who shook her head.

"I don\'t think that I could handle being away from her with how fragile a state she is in. Even though the doctors say that she\'ll be okay and that there is nothing to worry about it, it does little to ease my mind." She replied as she looked towards the hospital door. Clive spent a lot of time visiting Eva in her place and telling how well their daughter was doing, but she knew that she wasn\'t going to feel truly reassured until she was able to see and hold her daughter herself.

"If you two are thinking about having kids, it\'s definitely better to do it while you\'re still much younger. You\'ll have better energy to deal with problems like this and also less risk to your health." She looked at both of them as she spoke.

"Thinking about having kids? Even you must know that my father wouldn\'t accept me taking over if I wasn\'t planning on having kids in the next five years. Part of the tradition of being the first born. Though my brother will expected to have a son as well to carry the family name. We\'re supposed to at least have one kind by the time I\'m twenty three otherwise there might truly be an uproar." Lena scoffed as she said the last part. Samuel wasn\'t sure if it was related to the expectations that were put on her by those around or the fact that she wasn\'t that thrilled over the idea of having children. It was something that he would have to ask her about at a later time.

"While I do see the young Sir there around the house on occasion while I am busy. I wonder if he\'s always this quiet or just because he doesn\'t know what to do with himself?" Candice commented when she saw how quiet Samuel was still being with it just being the three of them. He looked less tense than before, but he hadn\'t inserted himself into the conversation at all, choosing to let Candice and Lena speak instead.

"The little chickadee is just an awkward and quiet one, though he can be straight forward when he wants to be." Lena replied as she moved away from the wall to go over to the side where Samuel was sitting. Her initial intention had been to sit on his lap just for the satisfaction she knew that she would get from his reaction. She however didn\'t the chance to do this as Romeo and Clive returned to that moment at time. Based upon the reaction on Romeo\'s face she could that there was something up.

"I\'m sorry princess, but a meeting has been called and your presence is requested at the usual place." Romeo apologized looking between the princess and the other two in the room. She sighed when she heard this. It wasn\'t quite unexpected by the way that Julian had been behaving when he left, but it was still an inconvenience as she was hoping to be able to take the rest of the day light.

"Very well. We\'ll stop by the house to drop my fiancé off first." She replied as moved towards the before.

"Thank you for allowing us the time to visit. Please don\'t forget to send me the pictures when it\'s allowed." She looked at Clive when she said this part.

"As you request, princess. Do you need me to be on stand by for anything?" He then asked to which she shook her head.

"No, it\'s not likely to be anything that serious. Right now your first priority should be on being here with you wife and making sure that your family is safe. If anything changes, you\'ll be alerted." She then motioned for Samuel to follow as she walked out ahead with Romeo.

"What\'s this about?" Samuel asked once they were outside of the hospital room.

"It\'s about family matters you\'re not allowed to have knowledge of yet." The princess simply replied as he pressed the button to go down the elevator.

"You will learn about it later, It\'s just not something that I can talk with you about right now." She clarified already knowing that he wasn\'t going to happy to hear that answer again.

"And that\'s why I can\'t go with you?" He then asked once they were inside the elevator. Lena didn\'t say anything at first making him think that she wasn\'t going to answer his question.

"No, you\'re not going with me because you\'re not ready yet." She replied right as the elevator hit the first floor and the door opened up. That was all the little queen said until they got out into the car and she had instructed Romeo to head home first.

"When I say that you\'re not ready, I don\'t just mean physically. I mean mentally as well. When you start to learn about everything going on that you don\'t know about, it\'s going to be an adjustment for you and you\'ll need time to process it."

"The way you talk about it makes it sound like I am preparing myself to learn about something terrible after we get officially engaged." He commented quietly causing Lena to look over at him.

"Do you think me or my family are nice people?" She suddenly asked as she looked turned to look at him, watching his expression to see what his reply would be.

"I\'m not sure what you mean by that question, but from my interaction with you and everyone I would say you\'re nice enough. I mean some of you come across as rough around the edges, but I don\'t think that if you were nice I wouldn\'t have witnessed what I saw at the hospital." He replied.

"With Clive, that\'s because he and his wife are life a second family. Not just Clive himself, but his family has been working with ours since his father and grandfather\'s generation. They\'re like a second family for us, his wife included.  So of course we\'re going to be kind to them." the princess replied.

"But what you think is based upon a perspective that is built up from what you know about us, not anything to do about the parts that you don\'t know." She looked out her window as she continued speaking.

"If you knew everything, you might change your mind about certain things or think differently. We\'re not thugs, but we certainly aren\'t the nicest group around either. Things have only really changed since my father has been in charge, but there\'s still a lot that most people wouldn\'t agree with."

"But either way, I am going to be getting married into this type of family, right? So somethings I guess I will need to figure out how to deal with even if I don\'t agree with them." He was trying to approach the situation from a more objective perspective even though he had the feeling that there were going to just be some things that he wasn\'t going to like or agree with like Lena said.

"That\'s one way to look at it. But until we\'re engaged and you\'re allowed to find out more- for now you just get to be good and stay at the estate where it\'s safer. I\'ll text you when we\'re done and I\'m on the way back." The princess told, pausing for second as thought of something before speaking again.

"Actually I do have a request that you could fulfil while I\'m away. Be a good fiancé and make me a tiramisu cake." She requested.

"Tiramisu, are you planning on being gone long enough for it to have set by the time that you come back?" He asked confused.

"I honestly can\'t say. We don\'t hold meetings like this that often, but they can either be short or lengthy depending on the reason that they are being held. I won\'t even know everything myself until the meeting starts." She answered. She could probably call her father to find out, but she was sure then that he would want to take about what happened at work that day which she still wasn\'t in the mood to talk about.

"Either way. Even if it doesn\'t sit for the required about of time, it\'ll still be good to eat when I get back." She told Samuel.

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