Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 90 - Honeymoon Idea?

"Are you liking what you\'re seeing?" He asked as a tease when he came up close to the fence by where Samuel was standing. Once they stopped, the horse lowered it\'s head to where he was on the outside of the fence and sniffed at him before flaring it\'s noise. Samuel wanted to pet it, but he was worried that it would spook them since the horse seemed a bit on edge as it was.

"Quite actually. I\'m curious to know what the name of this beautiful one is." He replied as the horse lifted it\'s head and shook it. Leo patted it\'s neck which caused its ears to go back.

"Tomboy. Quite a fitting name for the amount of attitude she shows. You might think that she hasn\'t yet been properly broken in with her behavior, but she just likes to show off more than actually try to hurt anyone." He replied.

"Though, I was more hoping to hear that you were more enjoying watching me ride than looking at this majestic creature here. Rather wounded to hear that she caught your attention more than I did." Leo sighed. Not sure what else to do, Samuel just shook his head at the other\'s antics.

"I\'m sure you\'ll find someone here who will appreciate that hidden charm of yours." Samuel replied as he held his hand out for Tomboy to sniff, but instead the horse tried to nibble his fingers through the fence to which Leo clicked his tongue and pulled the reins slightly to get her to stop.

"Remember, we\'re working on not biting the things we\'re interested in." He told the horse who didn\'t seem to care much for what he was saying.

"As to your comment, if I do find someone. It\'ll probably be over in the UK rather than here. I\'m probably not going to be staying here for the long haul." Samuel was rather surprised to hear this.

"I thought that you were coming back for good from what Lena had said?" he clarified to which Leo shrugged his shoulders.

"I don\'t know that it feels the same being here anymore. Of course I love being around my family and I missed them every minute that I was in England, especially when I was younger, but after being there for so many years, I got rather used to it over there." He replied.

"Plus if I continue my education over there, there would be a chance for me to expand us outside of the US at that point. Perhaps more so on the legal side, but it is something that I know my father has been considering for some time but I\'m the only one in the family who has the connections to make it a reality."

"Wouldn\'t be hard to be away from everyone again?" Samuel then asked. He had thought about traveling overseas when he was younger, but he never thought he could actually go through with it because he didn\'t know if he could handle being so far away from his family.

"I\'ve done it for six years, not like there would be much of a difference if I went back now." Leo replied.

"It\'s not like anyone couldn\'t come visit me either. In fact, you and Lena could come for your honeymoon if you\'re thinking about doing something overseas." He suggested.

"I can\'t really say about, we haven\'t actually talked about the wedding, we\'re just still working on what the engagement party is going to look like." Samuel gave a light laugh. He wasn\'t ready to think that far ahead in their relationship when they had so much to still do at the current point in time.

"It\'s worth considering. Especially when you think about the fact that you aren\'t really bound by money barriers." Leo pointed. He had never really thought about it that way before. Obviously based on what he saw he knew that the princess and her family wasn\'t lacking money. If they were, they wouldn\'t have been able to afford everything that he saw. Samuel had never really thought about it though from the perspective that marrying Lena meant that he would have access to that money as well or that with the money he wasn\'t technically limited in what they could do for their honeymoon or in general for that matter.

"There\'s that, but it would be up to Lena as well. I wouldn\'t want go somewhere that she wouldn\'t find enjoyable as well."

"Aww, aren\'t you such the thoughtful fiancé." Leo cooed in a teasing tone not missing how Samuel seemed to be flustered by this. He was trying to be considerate, yes but that was because he thought that was how this type of relationship should work, not for the praise.

"Honestly if I was you, I wouldn\'t worry about it too much. Knowing my sister, she would be fine wherever you decide to go. I don\'t think she cares much about things like that as long as the choice isn\'t some place troublesome, dangerous, or mundane. England would have a lot of interesting sights to see."

"Maybe, I\'ll talk about it with her later, probably after everything with the engagement goes smoothly and she starts asking about what should be done with the wedding." Samuel replied, he would also need time to think about what it was that he wanted to do.

"Right now though I need to leave. Clarice will probably be here soon and she wouldn\'t like if it I ended up being late for our training because I got distracted."

"Training again today, I thought that you were getting the day off after yesterday?" Leo asked, pointing to the bruise that was still noticeable on the other\'s cheek.

"Lena said that it would be a good distraction while she\'s at the office today. It\'s not like it\'s that bad either. The morning training I get in between now and the engagement party, the quicker I will reach my goal." He reasoned.

"I see, well let me get this one put up and I\'ll join you in about five minutes. I\'m interested to see how this training is going." Leo said as he began to lead Tomboy away without waiting for Samuel\'s reply though the other wasn\'t certain that he wanted anyone else there watching while he was still trying just barely getting the hang of keeping up with the pace of training that Clarice set for them.

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