Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 206 - Last Minute Gift

Once of the actual day of the engagement came around, things were much busier. Simply because everyone had to ready before they left and make everything was in place before leaving the estate.

Which was the time when Julius went over things at least three different times in order to make sure nothing was forgotten or left behind. As it turned out though, he was the only one who forgot anything through the running through. Zane laughed it off though because he was used to how his younger brother.

The rest of the family that didn\'t stay at the estate would be coming towards the actual start of the event. Since it was only the engagement, there wouldn\'t be as much of a trouble if they got held up or made it late since it was more of a kind formality than a necessity for them to be there for the engagement. The only time that it would cause problems was when the wedding itself took place. Everyone would have to be present for that.

"Is there anything in particular that\'s bothering you?" Lena asked once they were inside the car. She noticed through everything that was going on that Samuel was being far more quiet than he usual was even if they were awake far earlier than they usually were. Things like this usually turned into an all day event because of how everything had to be organized.

"Not really. I\'m just paying more attention to everything that\'s going on to get a better idea of how to best to organize something like this in the future." He replied as he glanced over at her as he grabbed her hand.

The hand holding thing was something Lena was getting used to the more it happened. It was small contact and because he did more naturally rather than as a pushy thing, it didn\'t bother her. After today, it wouldn\'t be as huge of a deal if people outside of the family spotted it since the news would travel fast who she was getting engaged to.

Some things she would still prefer to keep on the downlow simply because it would be safer in the long run. It was most likely her paranoia, but she didn\'t like the idea of coming across as too affectionate or enamored publicly in the relationship that she had with Samuel as she felt that it would be too dangerous to do such a thing.

"You\'ll have plenty of practice in the future between having to do it for two different families." The princess replied. Looking her soon-to-be officially finance over, she realized that there was something that she had forgotten.

"Ah. I forgot that I had something for you as well. Not quite as romantic as what you gave me, but I thought that they would be fitting." Lena told him as she opened the compartment in the middle to pull out a box and handed it to him.

"You got me something? You didn\'t have to you know." There was a hint of surprise at the back of his voice as he got ready to open the box. She wasn\'t sure that he would like what he got her, but she felt that it was fitting enough.

"Of course I would get you something. That surprise wounds me." She half joked as she waited to see what kind of reaction he would have to what he got her.

When the box was opened, he didn\'t expect to see a set of cufflinks inside. They looked rather expensive and he could instantly tell that they were custom designed by the way that they had been made.

The one was a red scorpion, because it was normal to give such a gift to one who was getting ready to join the family. It served as both a symbol of protection and acceptance into the family. The second was something a little different.

"A monarch?" He asked a little confused as he held up the other cufflink to which was shaped like a butterfly.

"It fits you." was all the princess said at first. She wasn\'t quite sure how to explain what she wanted to say and felt slightly conscious with the fact that her father and brother were with them. It was one thing to give Samuel the gift, another to explain why she had chosen that as the second symbol.

"Not only because you\'re a monarch in the meaning of the world, but also because you\'re calm, collected, and even though you\'re naïve at times and still have a lot to learn, there\'s still something majestic about the way you go through life the way you do." It was the best explanation that she could give without showing how flustered she felt for saying such a thing out loud.

Samuel from what she could tell seemed rather happy about it however based upon the smile that had spread itself across his face. He probably would have hugged her as well if it wasn\'t for the fact that the box was on his lap and he didn\'t want to risk ruining or losing what the princess had gotten.

"I love them. Though, I will need a little bit of help putting them on." He admitted. He wasn\'t used to wearing such things and still often struggled getting the ones that Jovani had given him to wear on properly most days.

Lena had no problem helping, it gave her something to do to avoid the amused and pleased look that was on her brother\'s face and the ghost of a smile that had appeared on her father\'s.

Zane was the one she was more bothered by as she knew even without him saying anything verbally to her that the thought that was going through his head was very much an \'I told you so\' in that he had made the right call by insisting on going through with the arranged marriage.

Once they were on, they somehow looked even better to Samuel then they had in the box. Having this done also meant that he was freed up to give the princess the hug that he had wanted to. Though it had to be a side hug since the car was still moving and there wasn\'t a lot of space to give her a proper hug.. That would have to wait until later.

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