Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 290 Not The Plan

Lena knew that her fiancé would the first one to fall asleep. In fact, she made sure of it. The princess\'s plans weren\'t ones he could be involved in. Samuel needed to stay somewhere safe so she didn\'t have to worry. Her uncle wouldn\'t care to stop her.  Julius wouldn\'t even pay attention to her with everything else going on. She betted on that at least.

"You know that I am technically not supposed to allow anyone to leave here. That goes for you as well." The ever-diligent Romeo would be the one she would have to argue with.

"You wouldn\'t actually try to stop me though. We both feel the same way and you know exactly why I\'m doing this."

"Precisely why it would be wise of me to stop you from what you\'re doing." The burly guard replied.

"Creating a scene in the hospital though I don\'t believe would over well with everyone else." The hospital was practically deserted. Only the late-night staff were on call. The rest of the visitors were requested to leave hours earlier. The Vedova Nera and Red Scorpion families were granted special privileges allowing them to stay however long.

"You\'re right. That\'s exactly why you\'re not going to create a scene. Should things go well, I will be back way before morning." The princess fiddled with the pipe in her pocket as she stared the guard down.

"First Alonso and now you. What exactly am I supposed to say if neither of you turn back up before morning?" There was an edge of exasperation at the back of Romeo\'s voice.

"You can say whatever you need to. More people will be around come morning. No one else would likely be able to leave by that point." The princess shrugged. She only really cared if one person knew where she went.

The engagement didn\'t make them bound to each other though. The princess still held her freedom to do as she pleased. After all, she held the most power between the two of them.

"Very well. If you\'re not back by morning though, I may come and fetch you myself. You know that your father wouldn\'t accept anything happening to you during this time." Lena let out a dry chuckle as the guard shifted to let her pass.

"I think that that is something you hardly need to worry about. Now that things are starting to shift into motion, I hardly intend to die before they are settled." Roneo watched as the other left but didn\'t say anything. Nothing he could say would stop the princess after all.

Too many things to do and too little time to accomplish them all. Still, she would pause to smoke before she left. With the caffeine wearing off, she needed something else to replace it. Something that would help to calm her nerves.

"Fancy seeing you out here tonight. I thought that we all agreed earlier that no one would leave before morning."

"You\'re one to be speaking. I didn\'t expect you to be coming back here with that injury of yours, Jovani." The princess put the pipe to her lips without turning to look at the other.

"As if such a small flesh wound would be able to keep me down. I just needed to make sure it got treated. You would be surprised by the wonders that alcohol can do for such things." Stepping away from the car, he rolled his injured shoulder to emphasize how little it hurt.

"So you\'re telling me that I\'m expected to trust a drunk man to take me to our destination." Jovani let out a sharp, amused laugh. His eyes shone brightly with amusement as he flashed her a grin. Something about it made the world feral flash through the princess\'s mind. An indication of a man close to the edge?

"Did you really think that I would allow you to have all fun yourself? That would simply be unthinkable. Not to mention you need  a guide to get you there." Against her better judgment, Lena offered him her pipe.

"Of course not. But, I figured that we would end up meeting there. Not be going there together." Jovani gave the pipe a good look over and a quick smell before putting it into his mouth. The man had special tastes when it came to such things.

"You guessed wrong on that. I couldn\'t let you go there alone when you don\'t know your way around that well." Jovani took another puff from the pipe before handing it back over.

"You certainly have good taste." The princess willingly took it back. If Jovani would be driving them there, she could continue to smoke.

"It actually belongs to my father. I just borrow it from time to." With the pipe, at least she could keep something of her father\'s close to her. Even if she needed to leave the hospital for a while.

"We should be getting now before we waste too much extra time. Everyone here should be fine for the time being."

"Very well then. We shouldn\'t take too long to get there. I know the best route to reach our destination in the quickest time. What about my younger cousin?" The princess paused getting into the car at this question. Shooting the other the first harsh look of the evening.

"Two can play at the same trick. He likely won\'t be waking up until the morning. Certainly not before we get back if you stop wasting time."

"Indeed. Very well played. You can\'t blame me for choosing to stoop to such methods. Sometimes it takes all sorts of things in order to make sure someone stays safe." The Vedova Nera boss obviously regretted nothing. In fact, he would do it again if the situation called for it. He would teach his younger cousin all the harmless tricks he needed to know. The more dangerous ones would never leave his lips unless absolutely necessary.

"I suppose you should know now that we\'re leaving you and I probably have different plans. Both routes are going to help us reach the same goal. Just, probably not as quickly as you\'d like." Jovani fastened his seatbelt before making sure the car door locks were in place.

"I thought that you were taking me to where we could get some answers." Did she make the wrong choice deciding to come with him?

"Yes, but not exactly the plan you\'re thinking of. Don\'t worry though, you will completely understand when we get there. I should say that Alonso will be coming along as well. He\'ll be meeting us there."

Starting the car, Jovani turned to look at the other with the same strange grin on his face again.

"I take it that you don\'t mind speed, do you Princess? though I\'m not often behind the wheel. I do enjoy a little bit of speed. Especially when trying to get somewhere rather quickly." Did she have a choice? Stepping into the car had practically sealed her fate on whatever he planned to do.

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