Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 361 Everyone Has Their Vices

Jovani sighed with a roll of his eyes as his body went limp. He seemed to concede to a certain point. At least ALnoso took his behavior to be that of someone conceding rather than getting ready to further engage.

"Jovani, I want you to repeat back to me what I am said to you. You can do whatever you want after this but right now, your focus is with me." The Vedova Nera boss didn\'t comply however. He threw daggers at the other as he refused to look at the other beyond from the corner of his eye. Drugs were great except for in situations such as these. Impairment made it impossible to fight against someone who managed to retain the full capabilities of their mind and body.

"You\'re only getting away with this thus far because of the current state that I am in. don\'t for one second think that once everything settles I\'m going to fully let this slide." Jovani would absolutely get the other back. The only reason he didn\'t do it now aside from being almost completely inebriated was the small matter of his pride remaining intact due to the currently empty estate halls.

The Vedova Nera boss being taken out by his right-hand man would be gossip that would buzz the halls for weeks. For all the wrong reasons at that. The strange gaggle of mafioso that Jovani collected over the years and swore themselves to him independently for some strange reason enjoyed watching the untraditional dynamic between him and Alonso.

As one man dared to say, it was a shared top power dynamic. The question would always be- who would on the top what day though? Some more daring folks went so far as to take bets and hold wagers who would be the one on top when such struggles took place. Loyalty on either side was bought by who made the matter more amusing or did the unexpected to take over.

Right now, that happened to be Alonso. Alonso would definitely be crowned the winning party of this struggle. While Jovani didn\'t care what his men did for entertainment, knowing that they\'d bet against him gave him more than enough reason to do his best to remain on top least his pride get wounded. Even if no one said anything to his face, he still would know what all his men were thinking- Alonso was the main man in charge today.

"Jovani, can\'t you give this up already? Do you honestly think that I enjoy going this far in fighting with you over these matters? I\'m the one who is trying to help you keep your head level so things don\'t get out of hand anymore than they already are. Is this the kind of example that you\'re wanting to set for your younger cousin to follow? Are you wanting matters to go the same route that they did with Marcus?" Those were words were more than enough for the rather lax man below Alonso to suddenly see red.

He ought not to have said that.

After Alonso and Jovani left, Samuel found himself struggling to remain engaged with the game in fronr of him. He\'d been winning up to the current moment in time but it seemed as though the tide had begun to turn away from his favor.

Cain took notice of the other\'s distraction and used it to his benefit to get more points back. Though it was based on luck, some bad moves could lead to someone else taking control.

"Kid if you are going to want to keep playing with us, you\'re going to need to get your head back focused on the game and away from whatever it is going through your mind." Cain pushed the beer bottle towards the other\'s hand. Drinking helped to solve most distractions. At least that was what he found to work over time.

"Sorry. It\'s just that\'s the first time that I\'ve seen him like that and it has me wondering what is going on." Even though he didn\'r really want to, SAumel took a drink out of the bottle to see if it would help as the other suggested.

"There is a first time for everything in this world but likely not the last time that you will be seeing him like that. Everyone hits those points in their lives where they make bad decisions and do stupid things. Even for fun it can turn out badly. Fun like this can even cause problems if you\'re not paying attention to what you\'re doing." Those words were puntucated by Saumle once again losing another round against the other. Two more times and he wouldn\'t have anything left tat he could put to pay with.

Someone else would have to take over and keep the match going for fun.

No one had been eager to join in thus far, they seemed to be enjoying watching their boss go up against the strange new fresh blood that had come in to join them. Different from his older cousin, Samuel proved to be much more entertaining and interesting with his lack of knowledge and over interest in too many things.

"How do you think that most people around here handle what goes on? We all find our vices that work best with us to keep our heads in the game. For me it is drinking For your cousin and boss man out there, it would seem he likes to dabble in a little bit of everything. Hardcore drugs, I would suggest that you stay away from until you have a better understanding of them." Cain stopped there as the next round got ready to get started.

"Maybe one day, I can introduce you to some of the good stuff. That is, if you managed to beat me in this game. I don\'t see that happening right now but if you do, I\'m sure that your cousin wouldn\'t mind such things." The mercenary nudged the other to get his mind back into the game.

Samuel didn\'t find that it worked well, but a small part of him was interested in knowing what \'good stuff\' referred to, if only to know more about that part of the world he now lived in.

So what would it hurt if he could get his focus back enough to win?

Before answer could be found, everything came to a halt when a loud crash sounded outside the room.

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