Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 368 Political Donkey

"You\'re trying to pull my leg on that one, aren\'t you? No way in the world did you, of all people, manage to find something like that." Gabriella muttered, hands ceasing their action, but she still refused to move her body from boxing the other in by the door. The moment she let go of the Princess again, she knew how impossible it would to get ahold of her once more. 

"Do you think I have anything to gain by lying to you about something like this? I needed to find something beneficial to get you around." Lena\'s tone held a firm confidence to the back of it. The Princess didn\'t have to see the other\'s face, too, knowing that the other was likely silently cursing her right then. trying to sell me on the fact that you managed to get ahold of something so precious; let me have another look at it." Gabriella\'s demand came without her moving away from boxing Lena in. The taller woman didn\'t want to give the Red Scorout Princess a chance to get away item\'s validityidity of the thing for herself.

Lena may have been good at what she did, but Gabriella hadn\'t come without her tricks. Ones that she wouldn\'t hesitate to engage with it if she needed to get the princess to become more compliant. A rather lofty task but one she would manage to accomplish in the name of getting what she wanted. 

"If you will get off me once more. I would be happy to let you have another look. You won\'t be getting your hands on it, however. Not until you do what I want." Damn it. If that overly eager cat-like woman didn\'t get off her soon, Lena would have to find someplace to dry her jacket. Getting soaked was also not ideal for someone feeling less than perfect.

"How do I know that the moment I let you go, you\'re not just going to take the item with you and leave me out here?" The next question came as Gabriella retracted her hand slightly but refused to create any breathing room between.

"You know exactly how much that item means to me and how far I would be willing to go to get my hands on it. I don\'t think either of us intended me to come here and start a blood bath so early on." Lena let out a low, dry laugh in response to the other\'s comment. Blood both? Did the other honestly think the Princess would allow such a thing to happen?

"There will be no blood bath taking place here today. You have to do what I\'m\' telling you to, and you can confirm what I said. I don\'t have any reason to hide behind such lies." The Princess was beginning to feel more inclined towards breaking the damn item with each passing second that the Italian woman continued to hesitate. Her method had become more complicated than she\'d initially thought.

Damn Hester for being right on this matter.

"Very well. You can keep your hands on it, but I want a good look at it. You know what I need to see to confirm that you\'re not lying." Gabriella begrudgingly shifted away from the Red Scorpion Princess, creating enough space for the other to turn around but remaining near enough that she could grab ahold of the more petite woman once more if the other tried to trick her.

"You should know I don\'t\' go back on any promises I make. I agreed to you get this in return for your help. The fact that you chose to believe that I might still go about trying to trick you shows how little you have changed over the past few years." Lena kept one hand on the door\'s handle as she turned away to look at the other woman.

Pity Lena had forgotten to bring her gun with her. Three times would be far too much for her to allow the other to grab ahold of her. That would\'ve made this situation far easier to deal with.

"I don\'t understand your obsession with these little things, but if it gets you to do what I want, it\'s\' worth the hassle." Gabrielle looked as though she were ready to pounce once more as Lena revealed the item. The sight of the cylinder-shaped object caused Gabri\'s eyes to light up like a child\'s on Christmas morning.

"Fucking Christ. You weren\'t lying about it! How did someone like you manage to get ahold of it." Without thinking, she reached out to try and grab it, only to have Lena stop her once more.

"What makes you think I haven\'t been holding on to all of this in case a situation like this should arise?" Gabri was too captivated by the rarity of the item to be offended by the Princess\'s response or the smug tone of her voice.

"I thought, according to stories, that there were only supposed to be three of these in existence. Political Donkey is one of the rarest ones there is! Let me at least touch it for five seconds. I need to feel it to make sure it isn\'t fake." Lena wouldn\'tturningshe placed it again in her pocket before she turned to face the door. You would get would getting it once we finish up here. The less time you waste out here, the sooner you can get your hands on it." Lena didn\'t bother watching behind her as she turned to open the conference room door.

Having proven to Gabriella that she wasn\'t lying, she knew the soaking wet, crazy woman would follow her and do whatever she wanted, if only to get her hands on her precious little treasure.

What exactly was so addictive about collecting Pez dispensers? Lena never understood it, nor cared to so long as it helped her get what she wanted. She would collect a hundred of them in the future if she needed to. 

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