On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 100 New Things (End)

In terms of sexual drive, it turns out that Cursed Creations are on it together. While Monsters are not naturally as lustful as Demons, their self control is practically nonexistent.

They are just as helpless as dogs in heat when they find themselves aroused. The females are not as bad as the males when it happens, but they still need to relieve themselves whenever that happens.

Still though, as long as they are not necessarily aroused, Monsters are way better than Demons whose nature make us look like we are born just to copulate.

With that said, I have just accidentally burned herbs that are used to make aphrodisiac. It ends up arousing the already lustful Demons and the easily aroused Monsters in my troop.

We should have arrived at Amizanima Forest this noon, but because of that, we have to take a slight detour and visit the nearby human village.

We arrived at the village an hour before sunset. It is already night now, but they are still relieving themselves.

"I wonder if they are so good at it or so hard to satisfy," I mutter to myself.

"If you are that curious, why don\'t you try it with me? I would like to suggest you to watch them, but you won\'t like it, will you?"

Quirking my eyebrow slightly, I turn my gaze to the person sitting beside me. It is an extremely beautiful woman with a white hair and an extremely desirable figure.

She reminds me of an Android character in one of the games I played, but better looking. She looks too cold for a human, but that is why she reminds me so much of that game character.

Shaking my head as I turn my gaze to the front, I take another sip of my drink. "Nah, I am fine—I am not even aroused. Also, I still want to keep everything between us the way it is, Eliseus."

"Oh, that is slightly unfortunate. You look pent up, but I guess it\'s just my imagination." Eliseus shrugs.

In case you are wondering where we are, we are in the tavern of the village we are stopping by. All of us have disguised ourselves as humans with Magic, which is the reason why there are no horns on Eliseus\' forehead.

Contrary to my expectation, Velucan and his chaotic subordinates still have enough brain cells to be careful. Velucan has ordered us to do this because he doesn\'t want us to ravage this village.

The village is, after all, already close to the outermost part of the Kingdom. Although ravaging it won\'t cause the whole Kingdom to after our asses, it will still notify the Kingdom, thus spoiling our mission.

Velucan doesn\'t want that to happen. He hates when he fails his mission.

With that said, all of my troop mates are now banging chicks as humans.

"What will happen if we don\'t let them relieve themselves?"

"They can\'t focus, in a sense that they can fight but too violent to stay in order. It is not beneficial to keep them that way—allowing them to relief themselves is also not a tedious job—so it\'s better not to forbid them."

"... Are we talking about the Monsters?"

"Of course, we are." Eliseus nods lightly. "Demons are aroused all the time, so not allowing them to relieve themselves doesn\'t affect them that much. Of course, allowing them to is better."

Humming in interest, I wonder why I don\'t feel the arousal that the other Demons in my troop feel. I breathed in the smoke together with them after all.

Although it managed to get a reaction out of me, it was as much as it did. I wonder if this is because I am a young Demon or perhaps I am not a full fledged Demon.

I shake my head immediately at that thought though, since many people have confirmed that I am a Demon.

"Anyway, Layland, why are you still keeping your mask on?"

"Hm? Oh this?" I point my finger to my intimidating mask that has scared many humans away. "It is more comfortable this way. I can still drink without taking it off anyway—why should I bother to?"

The mask Valeria has given me has so many features that I haven\'t uncovered yet. Other than hiding my presence whenever I want and many others, it also allows me to eat or drink without taking it off.

I only have to think about wanting to insert something inside my mouth, and the mask allows food or drink to pass through it. It is a simple yet amazing feature that dangerously makes me want to wear it for eternity.

"Do you have such a hideous face that you don\'t want to show it to everyone?" Eliseus quirks her eyebrow. "Just so you know, we, Cursed Creations never look someone for how they look, but what they are capable of."

Waving my hand, I say, "No no no, it\'s not that deep really." I sigh. "I just feel more... Powerful while wearing this, I guess? It enhances my sense greatly, so I quite like the feeling."

"Hoh? You are a very careful individual, aren\'t you?" Eliseus nods her head in appreciation as she takes a sip of her drink. "I still wonder, however, how you look underneath."

Blinking my eyes upon seeing Eliseus\' eyes that are now shining in curiosity, I shrug my shoulders lightly in the next moment. Dragging my chair closer toward her, I sit facing her then gesture at my mask.

"If you are that curious, you can see it for yourself."

"Oh... I thought you would vehemently refuse it." Eliseus slightly widens her eyes in surprise. "There are, after all, people like Lady Valeria who have decided to never show their face to anyone except for the selected few."

Quirking my eyebrow at the information about Valeria that I have known but I couldn\'t confirm previously, I gesture at my mask again.

Unlike Valeria, I certainly don\'t have any intention to hide my face. I am just wearing the mask because it is more beneficial for the current me, so I don\'t mind if people know my face.

Clearing her throat after blinking her eyes twice, Eliseus raises her hands then put them on my mask. I allow my mask to stop sticking to my face, and Eliseus faintly jerks when she feels she can pull it off my face.

She can just do it to see my face, but instead of doing that, she slowly raises it to my head, gradually revealing my face from my chin. At this point, people are looking at us, probably wondering what we are doing.

"Uh... I—I guess, I will just see your face when you are ready to reveal it."

"... Okay."

Blinking my eyes in surprise, I put my hand on my mask and put it back on. Eliseus only managed to lift it high enough to reveal my nose because she abruptly stopped as her hands trembled.

She quickly turns away from me as soon as she retracts her hands, so I can\'t tell what has actually happened. She is also exuding the \'Don\'t ask me\' aura now, so I am reluctant to ask.

Turning my gaze to the other people in the tavern, I find the men looking grumpy whereas the women turning their gaze away from me. I think they are disappointed I am not handsome, and it honestly slightly hurts me.

"Well, whatever." I scoff as I empty my glass.

"A-A-Ah, d-do you mind to have a drink w-with me?"

Quirking my eyebrow in interest, I turn my gaze to my left where the voice comes from. I find a rich looking blonde that doesn\'t suit to be in this kind of place.

I will say she is a Noble from her well taken care of skin and her outfit, but from the amount of Mana she has, I am sure she is a Mage.

"Sure, why not." Nodding lightly, I take the drink the blonde is offering me. "Oh, my name is Klein. What\'s yours?"

"M-Megan," the blonde answers timidly. "I—I have never seen you before. Are you not from here?"

"That is correct." I nod my head. "I am from the neighboring Kingdom, and I am on my journey to Brontes Dukedom with my partner here. I hear it is rather dangerous—the life there—so can you tell me about it?"

"O-Oh, partner?" Megan slightly frowns. "Do you mean your girlfriend?"

"She is just my female coll—"

"Yes, I am his girlfriend," Eliseus suddenly interrupts.

Blinking my eyes in surprise as I wonder what kind of situation this is, I turn my head to Eliseus who is blushing madly for, I guess, what she has just said. Tilting my head to ask what the heck she is doing, she merely harrumphs and doesn\'t elaborate.

I wonder if she has a sore throat, but I soon ignore her because gathering information is more important. Megan looks slightly disappointed, but she soon beams the moment she puts her hand on mine.

"Do you want to see some Magic?"

"I am not that intrigued by Magic, but if you do it while telling me what you know about Brontes Dukedom, I will let you show me your Magic."

Without saying anything, Megan stands up and grabs my hand excitedly. She is about to drag me somewhere, but the seemingly pissed Eliseus stops us in our track by grabbing my shoulder.

"Tsk! Can\'t you see he is taken? Piss off, bitch."

I am not too sure what is currently happening, so I just blink my eyes. As the word goes, "We learn new things everyday," and tonight I learn that I am not that good at reading the atmosphere.

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