On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 383 Equal Exchange (End)

Chapter 383  Equal Exchange (End)

The Great Reset happened because of Ragnarök, the clash between the Great Demons and the Ancient Gods. Ragnarök had been initially planned to be the end of the Demons, but the Ancient Gods underestimated the Great Demons and the sheer madness of the Demons. They had managed to kill all of the Great Demons, but they also had to perish.

A lot of unknown and unexplained things in Ragnarök. The clash between the Titans was enough to restart civilization and change the world forever. The battlefield of such beings was as precious gold mines and cursed as Hell. They might have left behind Spells that were enough to condemn the soul who caught it to eternal purgatory.

A lot of things might exist in Abhorred Alluvium—Divine Relics, the Great Demons\' Legacies, Magic Tools, and even rare ores—but they weren\'t so enticing given the death risk. The Nine Demon Kings had even declared that travelling to Abhorred Alluvium had a 90% death chance for them. It was enough to shy almost everyone away. Those who didn\'t shy away left and never came back.

The Demon Kings Summit was held in such a place. It was to prevent an ambush from any party who attended the summit. Although they were calling themselves siblings and were related in a way, they didn\'t trust each other. Even as they talked about helping each other, they were thinking of a thousand ways to stab each other. Thus, Abhorred Alluvium was the most ideal place for them to \'hang out.\'

In the sky of northern Abhorred Alluvium, two figures were flying at a rapid pace, leaving a line in the sky. The sky rumbled as they cut through the air. One of them was a black-haired tall man clad in a royalty outfit. None of his clothes fluttered even though he was moving at such a speed. On his side was a tall woman wearing a blind mask and turquoise full-body armour. Her scarlet hair fluttered graciously in the air. They were no other than the Ninth Demon King Ilschevar Verniculos and his counsellor, Valeria Koschinum.

"We should have waited for Layland," Valeria muttered with a tinge of annoyance.

A wry smile crept up Ilschevar\'s face at Valeria\'s rather expressive remark. "He will find his way here. He figured out the way to Consio on his own. Finding the Death Valley will not be hard for him."

"That is not what I am talking about." Valeria frowned lightly before gesturing at the scene below them. "You need expertise to deal with an Abhorrent Child."

On the ground below, a monstrosity with hundreds of long tentacles was eyeing them like a predator. Its tentacles flailed around as it glided on the ground, following them while destroying anything standing in its way. It was one of the Beasts residing in Abhorred Alluvium. All of them looked the same but not equally strong. Measuring how strong they were was close to impossible. They didn\'t use Mana and their size didn\'t reflect their power.

"He will be fine," Ilschevar reassured. "As long as he remains in the sky, that thing—"


Ilschevar clamped his mouth shut when the Abhorrent Child propelled itself toward them. Valeria curved her mouth upwards in distaste, prompting him to not give any defence. Pointing her hand at the abomination, a golden beam came out of Valeria\'s forefinger. The abomination gladly opened its mouth, devouring her attack as if it were a meal.

When its longest tentacle was a few inches away from touching Valeria\'s face, the Abhorrent Child bloated and fell. Its flesh bubbled furiously before exploding. A golden light briefly covered the place as if blessing it. When the light died down, the bits of the Abhorrent Child inched closer, becoming a new one. It was only a tenth of the previous one\'s size but still stared at them with a predatory gaze.

"You can\'t kill that thing, can you?" Ilschevar remarked with a hint of fascination.

"I will meet up with Layland as soon as I feel his presence," Valeria stated, ignoring the wry smile on Ilschevar\'s face.

"Aren\'t you babying him too much? As worried as you are about him, he is still the Demon who destroyed a tenth of Consio by himself, you know."

Valeria said nothing and the flight remained quiet ever since. After encountering another three Abhorrent Children, they finally arrived at Death Valley where the Demon Kings Summit was held. It was located between two mountains covered in black rocks. A stream of golden liquid ran through the valley. Despite its radiant appearance, it was giving off a dreadful aura.

A few hundred feet above the river, an arena-like structure was floating stagnantly. There were nine mighty thrones surrounding the long elliptical table made out of polished black stone. Unlike the mountains that absorbed most of the light thus leaving them dull, the table beautifully reflected the light. Despite its intimidating design, it still looked elegant. This was where the summit would be held.

"Well, hello, Ilschevar. It has been some time since we last met."

Ilschevar was greeted by a purple-haired Demoness as soon as he sat on his designated throne. The woman had a gracious smile on her face, but her eyes conveyed anything but positive feelings. He briefly looked at her before turning his gaze at the two Demons standing on her sides. Their gaze was pinned on Valeria.

"It has been a century, Violeta," Ilschevar greeted back. "I wonder what pushed you to finally come to the summit after ditching three of them in the last century."

Violeta Actova, the Eighth Demon King, smiled maniacally, partly revealing the repulsive Demoness behind the beautiful mask she always donned. Ilschevar was already used to her antics, so he didn\'t show his distaste even though he was irritated.

"Someone from your kingdom has brought quite a significant change. The last time it happened was two centuries ago which was when you snatched the throne. I wonder if he would fall the same way you did. The higher you climb, the harder the fall."

Instead of listening to Violeta\'s words, Ilschevar put a hand on Valeria\'s vambrace. Valeria could barely conceal her killing intent and he thought it was necessary to remind her. Violeta giggled and stared at Valeria smugly. She revelled in the negative emotions that she caused. Fortunately, Valeria was a cool-headed woman. She only stared back at Violeta from behind her blind mask.

A soft thud was heard as another Demon King arrived with his protégé. Violeta lost her grin as she donned her graceful mask once again. The green-haired Demon sent an acknowledging nod at Ilschevar which was mimicked by his protégé before silently taking his seat. Silence descended upon the table as the Demon Kings waited for the others to arrive.

A few minutes passed and only one throne remained vacant. No one was concerned, but they were looking at the empty throne in curiosity. Just as one of them was about to start the summit, the awaited Demon King arrived with his successor. He silently gazed at everyone before focusing on Ilschevar, making the Ninth Demon King narrow his eyes slightly.

"I thought you opted out of the summit, Rusceus," the First Demon King remarked.

Turning to the black-haired Demon, Rusceus replied, "I had to do something first."

Ilschevar narrowed his eyes further when Rusceus\' successor, Maurice, grinned widely. Rusceus broke eye contact and then sat on his designated throne.

"It has been over a century since all of us attended the summit," the First Demon King declared. "I thank you for your attendance and I hereby commence the summit. First of all, I would like us to share about the noteworthy happenings around us." At this statement, everyone\'s eyes turned to Ilschevar and Rusceus. "Why don\'t you two explain the situation between you."

"Nothing is happening," Ilschevar denied with a frown. "It is merely a rivalry between two candidates."

"I heard that you sent a Demon to Consio," Violeta chimed in, causing some of the Demon Kings to harden their gaze.

Coldly staring at Violeta, Ilschevar replied, "That Dragon is my successor. He is a Draconic Demon, to be exact."

"I heard that Aurelia Genelos was there. If my source didn\'t fail me, she should be one of the Dragons who survived Ragnarök." At this information, even the First Demon King looked at Ilschevar disapprovingly.

"She was there, indeed, but didn\'t do anything. I had properly told her not to meddle in the candidates\' affair and I dare swear on my being that she didn\'t break my instruction."

Violeta\'s lips slightly curled upwards in disappointment when everyone softened their gaze. His swear aside, Ilschevar was the most trustworthy among them. Most of the Demon Kings were inclined to believe what he said. Regardless, they still thought that Ilschevar needed to be scolded for what happened. The fight between candidates shouldn\'t have involved civilians.

When the First Demon King was about to call Ilschevar, his mental alarm went off. The others mimicked him as he looked upwards.


Something fell in the middle of the table, cleanly splitting it in two. The Demon Kings widened their eyes when they saw a red greatsword planted firmly on the ground. The audacity of the Under their disbelieving gaze, Layland landed gracefully on the greatsword\'s hilt in his human form. Rusceus smiled in amusement action aside, it was an impressive feat given how sturdy the table was. After all, it was made to withstand the Demon Kings\' fists when they were enraged. Shattering it was barely impressive, but splitting it cleanly in half certainly was.

Under their disbelieving gaze, Layland landed gracefully on the greatsword\'s hilt in his human form. Rusceus smiled in amusement and intrigue meanwhile Ilschevar cringed inwardly.

"Who are you, audacious youngling?" the First Demon King asked, not in the slightest bit amused.

Ignoring him completely, Layland focused his attention on Rusceus. "I have spent three days to get here, fighting weird Beasts along the way. I am quite irked, so don\'t beat around the bush. Where is she?" he asked coldly, unhesitatingly flaring his Dragon Intent.

"Why don\'t we make a trade, Layland Kleinhaus?" Rusceus replied calmly. "Receive my Geas and I will pardon you for killing more than two hundred thousand of my people. The location of your plaything will be my reward for your allegiance." He quirked an eyebrow. "What do you think? An equal exchange, no?"

Layland\'s answer to the offer was swinging Rexorem at Rusceus.

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