Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 9 The Weekend Came.

Chapter 8: The Weekend Came.

Kein\'s POV

"So this weekend yeah?" I paced around the gardens as Lenard eyed me curiously while cleaning his glasses.

"You\'re turning the grass flat, Kein. Come on, why don\'t you sit down for a bit." (Lenard) sighs as he smiles when he gazes at me, his flustered cousin.

"Lenard, I don\'t know if you\'ve noticed but am I looking at it too much?" I ask him while placing a hand on my chin wondering if I really looked into it too much.

"Yes, you are. You saved her, maybe she just wanted to meet up again and say thanks you know?" (Lenard)

"You\'re right. So meaning can you come with me?! Please! Please! Pretty please!" I begged him as I kneeled down dramatically to my cousin.

Lenard gives it a small thought and nods, "Sure...? Let\'s just be sneaky so no one would question us. I\'ll just use an excuse that I\'ll be studying all day in my room and no one should bother me."

"Agh thank you, Lenard! I owe you one again." I told him as I finally sat down and relaxed a bit. "Speaking of studying, what do you even study about anyways?"

"Magic and History. I did try out for swordsmanship training but I\'m so clumsy my mother didn\'t even bother... so she only got Lucas to train." (Lenard) told me the tone of his voice was a little disappointing but it all fades away a second later and he began explaining the complex properties of magic.

"But! I don\'t like dealing with swords anyways! I like to think and research about how magic runs through all of us! Everyone has this Mana or Magical power and we all use it for our everyday lives! Like for laundry, cooking, and just so many more!" (Lenard) enthusiastically takes out a book behind him like what the fuck? Where did he even-

"Okay so, I\'m a [Wind Magic] user. The common people use only four kinds and it\'s elemental based, you do know Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind?"

I nod, "Yeah, I get that part but is it only the common people? I\'m not really an educated person... I can read and write but... some deep aspects about magic I might not understand."

I just can\'t say to him that I\'m literally clueless when it comes to magic because I\'m literally just a person who got hit by a truck and died. "That\'s weird? Aunt or Uncle didn\'t teach you anything? It\'s all common knowledge." (Lenard)

I shook my head, "Yeah so this is all so... vague to me."

Lenard understands and stopped asking more questions and decided that he will teach me all that he knows. "Alright! As you know, elemental magic is the norm for all common people. We might have a title but... it\'s clear we\'re not... you know."

"Not really of noble blood?"

Lenard nods, "Father might be a Viscount but... he was also a commoner. He only got the title out of merit."

"So what magic does noble people have?" I ask curiously.

"Nobles have the potential to have a rare kind of magic power! Either their ancestors were blessed by the gods and passed through their descendants!"

"Cool magic can be genetic." I muttered while still thinking what kind of magic I have. It should be something elemental and since Lenard possesses wind it would be really awesome if I have the same one as him!

"It can be genetic, or perhaps blessed by a god that favors you. Some common people are rarely blessed, sometimes they are even accused of being a noble\'s child." (Lenard) explained.

"Yikes, those can definitely lead to drama and heir problems." I replied dreading to even imagine families fighting over who\'s going to be the head of the family when the original one retires.

"Yes, and by example the royal family has been blessed by the Light Goddess. So they are able to use [Light Magic] for healing. The kingdom of Puronia has been worshiping the Light Goddess for centuries." (Lenard) was basically geeking out now but it was still adorable so I shall make no comment on it.

"Say if two nobles of different magic make a baby together? Would it like to make a whole new entire magic or?"

It would be cool but honestly it would feel like quirks now rather than you know magic but it would still be cool!

Lenard nods, "It does but it happens only 10% of the time." (Lenard)

"And the 90%?"

"45% the child can have the mother\'s magic and 45% the father\'s magic ability."

"That\'s some balanced numbers to me." I sighed as I learned more magic seeing it in a different light.

"Wait, how do you know what kind of magic you\'ll even have?"

Lenard explains, "Once you turn twelve usually that\'s where it appears. Sometimes some people are early bloomers and they awaken their magic at an early age."

So since I just turned ten a few months ago I have to wait for two years until I know what kind of magic I have? Hmm I wonder…

"What kind of magic do my parents have?" I ask Lenard who looks down at the ground unable to answer me for a second.

"I\'m not sure about your parents since I have only met them when I was just a baby so I can\'t really remember but mother is just also a [Fire Magic] user like Lucas."

"So your father would be wind just like you." I told him and Lenard nodded.

"Father is and his magic is definitely strong too." (Lenard) tells me with some more admiring words for his father.

No doubt, people just don\'t give away the viscount like free hotdogs on the street. "You know, you\'re good at teaching, Lenard. Ever considered being a teacher? You even look the part so why not?"

I laughed teasingly as I nudged him on the side. He blushes and hides his face in the book, "I-I don\'t know... I don\'t think I\'m good with kids."

"Jeez don\'t say that. Kids are definitely tricky and a pain to deal with but seeing them bloom was so worth it in the end." I smiled at the memories of my past life. I had to teach with an iron steel of skin.

Those kids might flatter you, but behind my back I know their talking shit about me. I was strict but I was like that because I care for them and in the end I know they\'ll understand someday.

"But you\'re also a kid too-" (Lenard)

I stand up on the bench and cut Lenard off, "Anyways so weekend see you there? Also, do you mind teaching me some more magic knowledge? I still need to learn a lot of things, that\'s for sure."

Lenard makes a happy face and makes an, "Mm." sound.

He\'s just really shy... Honestly that\'s so adorable.

"Perhaps, I can join you wherever you\'re going?"

I quickly turned around and realized who said that. "Y-You..."

"Pardon my intrusion, but I was looking for Lenard." It was the boy who Lenard likes!

Oh Lenard! He was looking for you! This is already progress!

I looked at Lenard, hopeful he\'s going to talk but...

He looked like he saw a ghost. I nudged him at his ribs and whispered, "Lenard the hell you\'re doing? Come on move!"

"I-I... Um..." (Lenard)



Ah, this mission is too impossible. Lenard is having a gay panic attack. My face palmed. Well, it looks like I\'ll be doing the talking today and lord knows how much I suck with fancy words.

"Hello Lenard\'s um… friend." I greeted him and he turned to my direction, appraising how I looked.

"Greetings, and you are?" He asked me.

"My name is Kein Rosenguard and I am a cousin of Lenard Yulein." I gave him a low curtsy and he seemed pleased.

"Vincent von Wolford, pleasure to meet you." Ah now I remember. Right, forgot to add, my last name is different from Lenard\'s and Lucas\'s.

Aunt Haren took on the Yulein name from her husband while I still took the last name from my mother because it was her last dying wish. I think that is what I heard. "Oh a relative of Lenard\'s in... servant\'s clothing."

Hey it\'s not like I had a choice. I had to wear long sleeves and pants or else you\'ll see the bruises I\'m trying to hide here. Jeez, people these days. "Yeah, I\'m a bastard\'s daughter so go on judge me."

This Vincent just looked at me and then at Lenard, "I am merely here to find Lenard. Not to judge someone\'s clothing choice. Are you not wearing servant\'s clothing?"

"Well I am but-"

"Then I was right. You are Lenard\'s cousin in servant\'s clothing." (Vincent) looked at me, his face still unchanged. His face was this thin line of poker face.

Okay, he\'s good though. He got me good. Maybe I thought of him too harshly. "Sharp mouth. I can respect that." I told him.

"I do not need your respect but it is welcome." (Vincent)

I looked at Lenard who looked at me awkwardly still blushing- LIKE WHAT DO YOU SEE IN HIM?!

I sighed, I guess it\'s in the eye of the beholder then. "Okay, Vincent. Wait, should I add Sir Vincent or young master because you know?"

Vincent shakes his head, "If you are on good terms with Lenard then you can call me by my name."

"Lord Vincent it is then?" I had to double check to make sure I got it right.

Is it just me or am I sensing a possessive person here. He\'s really scaring me like everything has to be connected with my cousin?

Bet you 20 gold coins. He\'s so Yandere.

What\'s next? I can only eat my food if only Lenard eats my food and tells me it\'s great? No offense to Lenard though.

I took a deep breath and talked to him again, "No offense I don\'t think a noble boy like you would even enjoy the common grounds. At least Lenard here is down to earth but people like you. I\'m pretty sure I won\'t be able to take the dirt and the germs."

"If I\'m with Lenard then I don\'t mind." (Vincent) answered seriously.

Lenard... I don\'t even think you need to worry about getting his attention because what the heck happened that he got so clingy with you?!

I sigh, I\'m watching you pretty boy. If you dare break my cousin\'s heart I\'ll tear you to pieces. "Even if I said no, you would still come right?"

Or even if I said no you\'ll probably come and stalk us right?

Vincent nods, not even bothering to lie or anything! "Lenard... Are you okay with this?"

I looked at my cousin who was still panicking deep inside but managed to get back to reality and answered while stuttering, "Y-Yes..."

I suppose it\'s settled then. "So meet us in the city then down by the entrance gate. We\'ll walk by foot there and make sure to wear something of commoner clothing. No offense, I don\'t want people staring at me while I shop."

Vincent nods, "I understand."

"Lenard you too. We\'ll sneak out and come back home before sundown. If we need an excuse- we\'ll just use Vincent to get out of trouble." I told him and Lenard panics.

"Um... I-I, but what about-"

"It\'ll be fine. Well Vincent if that\'s all we\'ll see you on the weekdays!" I told them and we dispersed.


Ah damn, weekdays were already here. I hope things go well today.

I fixed my hair as I looked into the glass window staring at my reflection. Blond hair, blue eyes, and a nice figure for a ten year old just…

I rolled up my sleeve for a second before sighing. "A lot of scars."

Maybe... should I change my outfit?

N-No! This is just a hangout time with some kid you just saved twice. It\'s not a date or anything. "Psst Kein!"

"Yeah Lenard?"

"It\'s the perfect time. Lucas went out for sword training and mother won\'t be home for the day." (Lenard) told me some good fucking news so we can get out shenanigans on the way.

"Yeah! Let\'s get the hell out of here."

"Language!" (Lenard) scolded me as we both snuck out of the mansion. Tsk, such a big house but after spending my time in there it\'s shit.

Lenard and I successfully escaped and walked through the city barefoot. We got there in an hour though I feel bad for Lenard because he\'s not really physically good... "Are you okay Lenard? We can take a break if you want to?"

He shakes head a little stubborn, "I can\'t... make... Lord Vincent, wait..."

"Aw, how cute. You don\'t want to make your date wait huh." I teased him as I laughed loudly holding my belly. Aw, this is too cute.

"N-No! It\'s nothing like that!" (Lenard) denies but I know the truth.

"Stop being a tsundere, we both know you like him. You even confessed, come on!" I encouraged him as he panted. "Well we\'re close to the city now so you can see your beloved crush Vincent so hang in there okay?"

He looks away and pouts.

I swear he\'s too adorable for his own good. Me and my lesbian ass are a little jealous you guys are falling off on your own. Luckily we both arrived at the entrance gates and realized Vincent was already there waiting for us wearing proper commoner clothing.

With his wavy dark blue hair, black mysterious eyes, everyone wondered who this was as they passed Vincent.

Lenard was staring too, I can feel it. "Lenard, how about you say go greet him?"

"N-No... I-I might say something stupid and agh..." (Lenard) stutters as he goes back into gay panic mode.

Wow, he\'s even worse than me, I\'m a little shocked.. "Lenard, if you let fear take you. Nothing will happen, do you want that?"

Lenard looks at me and frowns. "N-No, I don\'t."

"Then why don\'t you take some baby steps and say hi? Or good morning or it\'s nice to see you? You can do it!"

"Y-Yeah! I can!" (Lenard) shouts as he looks at Vincent again.

"Well done now go get your man! We\'ll meet here before sundown okay!" I pushed him in Vincent\'s direction and gave him a thumbs up. Good luck cousin!

He looks at me all flustered but then puts on a brave face before marching into Vincent\'s way and starting up a conversation.

I have never felt proud in all my life for Lenard. Agh, what a sweet boy.

But well, you know my plan was to bring Lenard to meet Rose and hang out. That plan is canceled.

Well at least for a better cause.

I need those two to deepen their bond and I did promise that I\'ll help Lenard with his crush. We\'ll consider this the first step although...

Vincent eyed me as Lenard pointed at me. Probably explaining that we\'ll meet here by sundown and stuff. He nods, and I smile. "The way he looks at Lenard. Is a bit of a possessive feeling... Is it possible? Or am I just reading this too much."

Either way. Lenard likes him and I trust Lenard. We\'re all kids here and I\'m sure nothing serious will happen for now. "Ugh, well time to meet my hangout buddy then."

I walked into the cliff where we promised to meet. I glanced up at the tree still admiring the colors as the wind blew ever so dramatically.

She\'s not here yet. Hmm. Well do I wait then? I guess I\'ll wait.

I waited and waited. The sun rolled around the sky slowly as I sat down into the grass for what felt like an hour now. "Is she even coming?"

I muttered as my tired ass gave up and decided to take out my easel and my paint something.

Well better make my day productive right?

I took out my brush as well and walked around trying to find the perfect image.

I went to find a nice view of the tree not too far from there. "This spot is about okay."

I settled my easel down to the ground as I held my wooden palette on my other hand as I took out the color of paints I needed and squirted them on the palette.

I began painting the tree and the scenery behind it. The tone of green, and the shade of yellow.

The place looked so peaceful yet so lonely. My hands stroked precisely as my wrist flicked with the brush gracefully as I tried understanding more of this feeling.

"Something is missing..." What do I need? This tree needs something...

"You paint?"

"Ah what the heck?!"

I held my brush high and hit the person behind me and they came tumbling down into the ground. "Ow..."

When I heard that it was all too late. "Oh shoot, Rose I am so sorry!" I told her as I looked at her covered face as I kneeled beside her looking for any injury or bruises I made.

"No, no. It\'s fine, I was the one who sneaked up on you any way but nice aim." (Rose) chuckled as she stood up and brushed her skirt. "Were you waiting so long you had to bring an easel out in the city?"

"I was waiting for about two hours or so. I took out my easel and decided to paint so that just in case you didn\'t show up I would\'ve made some progress on paintings to sell." I told her.

Rose looks at the medium canvas and my current work. "This is so pretty and cool! It\'s very attractive!" (Rose) looks at me for a second before looking at the painting. Ah right, the painting.

"Yeah, the painting I know but it\'s missing something." I told her and looked back at the tree. "I need a model."

"Say no more! I\'m good at staying perfectly still!" (Rose) said as she walked into the shade of the tree and sat down like a pro.

"Are you sure?! Wouldn\'t you want to do something fun instead of something?!" I asked.

Rose yells at me back, "I want to see the final product! If you need a model then I can be one for you!"

I smiled.

"Okay I need you to do a candid pose. Basically do not look at me and look at something else. Act natural!" I shouted so she could hear. Rose nodded and looked left instead.

"Perfect! Oh my gosh, hold still!"

With her sitting down there it finally didn\'t feel more empty. Sure the tree is really gorgeous but there was an empty space of shade. She was perfect!

Rose sat there with her red shawl covering her face, trying her best not to move and show emotion instead through her eyes. I loved it.

After half an hour later I was finally done. I tried finishing it right away but it turned out... to be... one of my best work yet. With paint all over my face I breathed a sigh of excitement as I eyed my work.

A girl sitting under a yellow tree, her gaze ever so wistful in the painting as she rested her back in the log. Appearing to be lost, still having a path set down for her already, and has been always so alone but full of love for others.

It\'s what I felt when I saw this.

"Hey, Rose! It\'s done. Thank you for volunteering. It turned out pretty well." I told her as she stood up and stretched.

"I wanna see!" (Rose) runs behind me and sees the painting. "T-This is me...?"

I nodded, "It\'s just how I saw you. You turned out pretty well, and the painting is definitely a one of a kind now. It\'s not just lonely scenery now."

"A-Are you going to sell this?" (Rose) asked me as she fidgets with her hands again.

I nod. I actually have no attachments to any kind of painting that I ever made. This one is no exception. It will take a miracle for me to get attached to any painting I ever did.

"C-Can you sell it to me?" (Rose) tugs my sleeve as she gives me these puppy eyes I can\'t explain. "Um, sure if you have gold lying around?" I told her and quickly she took out something not gold but…

"I have this ring...? It might not be gold but I know it\'s worth more than gold." (Rose) shows me the ring that had a blue gem on the top as it shined through the sun\'s light.

I already have a ring though and it\'s a [Storage Ring]. "I\'m sorry if people saw me wearing that or having it they might see me as a target or heck they\'ll even suspect I stole it. I\'m actually already wearing a ring already and I like it."

Rose\'s hopeful face fades away as she frowns, "Um... Is there any other way I could pay?"

"Do you really want this painting?" I ask her as I thought inside, is this another effect of my natural abilities?

Rose nods, "Yes, I am. I\'m willing to sacrifice my treasure for it."

Dude no if that ring was so important to you then no- ugh.

Curse me and my sweet soft spot for girls. "Just take it. Let\'s just wait for the wet paint to dry okay?"

"R-Really? Are you sure? You don\'t have to give me it if you feel guilty about it!" (Rose)

"No... think of it as thanks for being my model. I might just use this as a reference then so it\'s okay." As I told her that. Next time she wants a painting she\'s paying though.

Rose smiles so widely it made my heart leap a little but I managed to regain my focus back when her stomach growled.


Rose blushes as she looks away not wanting to meet my eye. "I-I um... It wasn\'t me!"

I laugh, "What the heck we\'re literally the only two people here!"

Aw man that was cute. I know it\'s a little embarrassing in her case but that was a little funny. "Do you want to walk around the market a little then? My treat." I told her as I set the easel aside near the tree putting support. "We\'ll just get back here once we get what we need."

I put my hands into my pockets and took out some gold coins from my ring. "B-But I\'ll pay you back then-"

"The only thing you have of value right now is that expensive ring and it looks important besides I just can\'t let a lady go hungry while in my presence."

I\'ve had enough hunger in that mansion. I think it traumatized me everyday, I had to have food on me or else I\'ll be paranoid all day.

I am not afraid of death but the pain was just too much. I don\'t want her to feel the same. "So let\'s go?"

Rose smiles as she locks her arms with mine, "Yeah! Let\'s go!"

Rose was now dragging me into the streets of Lindeshire. "Jeez don\'t be too excited." I say that but really deep inside I didn\'t have the strength to tell her she\'s like a wild cat on a chase and it was too cute.

"Hey hey! What\'s that?!" (Rose) points over the nice lady from before with the purple roasted peanuts.

"Oh those are [Ubie Nut Roast]." I replied, the smell of steamed nuts were really so good too.

"Can we get some! Please!" (Rose) gave me these puppy eyes look and I conceded.

"Alright. Ma\'am two small bags please." I walked over to the lady who seemed to recognize me as she smiled and nodded.

"Two small bags. That will be 1 silver." (Sweet old Lady)

Ohhh very cheap! I gave the old lady the silver coin as Rose dragged me into another store. Wow, she\'s also a glutton like me but has she never even tasted half of this too? That\'s weird. I thought she was a commoner but huh... I mean considering her figure seemed healthy, no traces of starvation like me and hmm... she actually has smooth skin so why?


"Uh yeah?"

Ah I didn\'t realize I dazed around for too long. "Sorry I was thinking of something, you were saying?"

"That vendor girl is looking at us weirdly." (Rose) pointed at Veronica who is definitely eyeing us weirdly. Veronica gave me a smirk as she looked over my arm. Wait what\'s wrong with my arm-

Oh we\'re linking arms. OH!


I immediately let go and ran to her to explain because I seriously can\'t take her smug face over me! "Oh~ how cute. You moved on so fast huh little charmer~?" (Veronica)

"AS I SAID IT\'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" I screamed. Ah her face right now is so punchable and I thought she was a decent person at least!

Kuhhhh! Ground eat me now.

"Why did you run so fast and leave me there Kein!" (Rose) followed behind and continued linking arms with me. I gently removed her arm away and shook my head.

Rose looks over to me and the smug Veronica right in front of us. "Do you know Kein?" she asks and I felt her piercing gaze a little too much.

Veronica smiles and waves, "Hi~ You could say we\'re close acquaintances."

Rose eyed her skeptically and yanked my arm. Ouch what the heck? "How close?"

Ow, ow, ow that hurts!

"Maybe loosen the grip please, you\'ll destroy my arm." I told her and man she did not even loosen even a little instead her hold on my suddenly got a lot more tighter. Ow!

"Don\'t worry this little charmer is just a friend to big sister Veronica. Although she was flirting with me before." (Veronica) said a little teasingly.

Oh no, no, no.


Rose\'s grip strength doubled as she smiled. "I see. Well, we\'re on a date now so... we\'re going to go! Hmph! Come on Kein!"


"Uhhh! See you Veronica!" I yelled and waved goodbye before Rose dragged me away onto another street.

"Have fun~ ah young love." (Veronica)

Man this is going to be a long day. I hope Lenard is having a better time than me.


Next chapter will have Lenard\'s POV with his date with Vincent!

It will be my first time doing a BxB writing but I hope it\'ll turn out well!

Also in this scene!

Rose looks at the medium canvas and then at Kein. "This is so pretty and cool! It\'s very attractive!"

"Yeah, the painting I know but it\'s missing something." Kein told her who was extremely focused on the painting.

Rose in her mind: The painting is not the only thing I find attractive around here. (>////<)

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