Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 53 Kein Hills.

Chapter 34: Kein Hills.

Kein\'s POV

"My lady, your carriage awaits." (Alfred) knocks on the door.

I tidied myself up properly, the new clothes that I bought consisted of long sleeves and a black jacket with thin golden highlighting. The same old black tight pants and the shoes, I stared at myself in the mirror thinking...

Kein is secretly a Duke\'s daughter.

Now I got her adopted into a Baron\'s House.

I have dark magic, a type where I absorb them. Is there a limit to how much I can absorb?

"I will be right there Alfred, give me one moment."

"Understood." he replies as I could hear his footsteps become faint with time leaving me alone with these unending thoughts. I pranced around the room trying to comprehend everything that has happened ever since I got hit by that truck.

It has almost been nine months since I\'ve been by that stupid truck and got reincarnated into a medieval setting of a world but it has magic in it.

I looked around my room noticing all the stuff that I\'ve gathered. Its been weeks but this will no longer be a guest room but my room fully.


"My name... its no longer Kein Rosenguard but Kein Hills." I muttered to myself slumping onto the sofa. I have to apologize to Kein wherever she is, I feel like I might have done something she will not like.

In her diary, there was nothing of the sort where she says she liked her last name.

"If it\'s to survive, I might be safer with the last name change." I tried to think positively standing up from the sofa brimming with confidence. "Now to tell Rose what the happened because I need someone to talk about this."

Ah but I also have to send Lenard a letter about it. He\'s family after all.

Knock-! Knock!

A knock on the door surprised me. "Sorry Alfred for keeping you waiting. I\'ll be leaving my room now!"

I walked up to the door and opened it but I was surprised to see another tall person who was awkwardly standing there with a cane in his hand. "Baron Hills? I mean- father."

He shakes his head smiling, "Call me father when you think you are comfortable with it. I am alright with Baron Hills."

"Did you need something?" I asked him and he moved aside in the halls. "Follow me. From now on I will teach you how to manage the estate\'s business for you are my daughter now." he walks slowly to match up my pace. I followed his steps closely while he spoke.

"You will have much to know and learn about the family business. I already have Alfred tell the carriage to wait for your trip. This won\'t take long." (Baron Hills) smiles, his eyes were truly genuine and sincere.

A smile suddenly formed on my lips, family...

It was always a sensitive topic for me. Especially back in my home country. I never had such a thing, and the only person I ever considered a family was my adopted daughter.

"Yes, father." I replied to him looking at his dignified back.

I noticed something peculiar while we walked through the halls. His smiles seem to have become wider whenever we pass every painting we walk through. "You remind me so much of my wife. She painted all of the paintings you see here." he points his cane through the long hall. "I treasured them all, because these are the only memories I have left of her."

I stopped to look into a portrait that had a beautiful woman. Baron Hills stands beside me and he laughs softly while looking ever so smitten at the same time... he was... sad. I wanted to lighten up the mood, my mind was also curious.

Who was the woman Baron Hills loved?

"Your wife... What was she like?" I asked. Hoping it wasn\'t much of a rude thing to do. I wasn\'t sure if he was still mourning.

"She was like a cold breeze. Pulling everyone into one direction to where she wanted to. She even pulled my heart into her way, embarrassing to say." He scratches his cheek like he was flustered being nostalgic. "She was my first love. You know, we planned to have a child together all those years ago. However, we couldn\'t have kids together. Her body was too weak for it."

I heard him sniff for a bit before composing himself wiping the lone tear on his face. "It\'s been twenty years."

At that point, he never remarried... in twenty years?! It seems like Baron Hills was really in love with this woman.

"I want her to someday meet you, Kein. I could tell her we finally have a daughter now. She would\'ve loved you too and perhaps even painted together." (Baron Hills)

I felt the pain in his voice, holding out his hands into the painting perhaps fondly remembering the memories they shared together.

"Was the reason you bought my paintings that day. I never noticed but now that I look at her past works more closely." my eyes scan the different portraits in the halls.

"I had a similar style to her past works... My work reminded you of your late wife..."

Baron Hills nods, eyes turning uncertain when it turns to me, "Yes. However this was not the mere reason I adopted you. Truly, I wanted you to be my daughter and to help you with your troubles, Kein."

I smile reassuring him. "I know or else you never would\'ve helped me when I was in trouble. Even if I didn\'t have any magic at all I know you would still help me. You know, if you didn\'t buy my painting back then I would\'ve died out of starvation. I have to be thankful to your wife, she\'s the reason why I\'m alive today." I told him.

He smiled happily and continued to walk with me into these halls full of well conditioned paintings. These were really well taken care of in these twenty years, I would be fooled thinking it\'s new.

Baron Hills must\'ve loved his wife so much. It\'s... painful to know about this just now.

"From henceforth, Kein Hills. Many of our family have been the many generations of Knights." (Baron Hills)

As if on cue, we stop at his office door and he opens it like one of those dramatic entrances. "My father, grandmother, and great grandfather before me have all been part of the Royal Knights. Serving our loyalty to the royal family."

He stopped when I entered the door of his office, asking me seriously. "However, as your father. I have to know what is the path that you want instead. I will not force my daughter to follow my path for the sake of tradition."

He waves his hand creating a blue magic circle, "[Open]." he chants and there is a hidden wall in the corner opening with a map.

"These are all the lands the Hills family has. It shall all be yours by the time you are trained to be a worthy heir." (Baron Hills)

I looked at the huge map and it had five huge lands marked in red. The coffee ground farm, and a barn raising animals and about five other manors. "This... This is a lot if I\'m being honest."

I looked at it more closely and realized he also owns the orphanage. "The Hills family also owns the orphanage?" I was surprised.

"Yes, to tell you the truth my father was also adopted into the Hills family becoming the heir. He was an orphan and he wanted a place where orphans will no longer suffer the way that he did." (Baron Hills) tells the tales of the story of his- our family now.

"Your... no- our family is amazing." I told him excitedly.

We stayed there for a few more hours conversing about business plans, and if I wanted to take on the Royal Knights Academy.

I told Baron Hills that I would think about it because I might want to become a merchant instead. As well as the fact that I signed a contract with the Mondregal merchant group where Valentina will help me build up my shampoo business and with the help of Madam Prisha advertising it.

He was surprised by it and asked all the details, leading to another surprise that I had another set of talent he did not expect.

When I realized I overstayed my time with him I told him my farewell and went inside the carriage to go into the orphanage which... the Hills family owns.

"Thank you," I told the coachman when he opened the door for me. He gave me a wide smile thankful for the gesture as I went down.

I quickly went around the orphanage and expected Rose to see her in the room where she often teaches children. "Alright. Thank you for the flowers, Alice. I love it."

I could hear her voice from this distance, peeking behind the door of the room.

I could see Rose sitting in a kneeling position, her eyes smiling when a little girl tried her best to put a flower crown on her head. My heart leaped a little when her silver hair went a little loose and tucked it behind her shawl.

"I love it... the flowers you picked for me are just beautiful."

Am I this... marupok- I mean weak-

Rose goes back seeing the other kid\'s work on their papers happily, as the kids lined excitedly for her attention. A little boy who shyly walks up first gives Rose his paper before looking at the ground all flustered.

"Nathaniel, you\'re doing well on your numbers! I\'m proud of you." she pats the little boy\'s head affectionately and the little boy turns even more redder.

I watched in the distance a little jealous maybe but... after I rejected her Rose has not been chasing me and I feel... ugh as I hate to admit it I kind of miss her.

Rose continued to do the same thing giving praises and criticisms on their writing.

She looked so... in tune there. With the kids... she would really fit in as an educator for them.

"Ah! Teacher! Someone is at the door!" One of the kids pointed towards my direction. It was a little girl who was giggling the moment she

Oh come on I was enjoying the view. You didn\'t have to point me out.

"Hmm~ really? I wonder who it is?" (Rose) tells the other children to shush for a moment.

I could hear her steps growing closer making me panic. Um- okay wait I need to go hide but I don\'t know why- but I want to hide my whole existence for a bit.

I didn\'t have enough time to find somewhere to hide myself because- "I got you!"

A pair of arms suddenly holds me close with her smile grinning so widely- "K-Kein!" she yells upon the realization it was me but still she doesn\'t let go. "Oh wait I\'m sorry I thought you were someone else-"

I... This is normal hugging nothing to be flustered about-

"I\'m fine- um..." I think we got stuck. "Here um..."

I moved away slowly holding my balance. "I\'m so sorry! I swear it wasn\'t intentional! There was a little girl that left the room and was having a small tantrum. I really thought she would be close here." she looks around worriedly and then sighs. "Apparently not."

I tried to hide my flustered face as fast as possible before she could even notice. "It\'s fine. I came to visit. I hope you weren\'t waiting for me long." I told her while I placed my hand on the back of my neck, my eyes not meeting her shining gray eyes.

"Uwah Kein was so late I almost got tired of waiting!" (Rose) teases me, my eyes looking up to her red shawl where an adorable flower crown was laying on top of it.

I thought to myself... so... cute.

"You look... um..." I tried to say something first but I stopped midway feeling nervous. Rose tilts her head looking confused at me, "Yes?"

She waited for an answer while I stood there trying to find the courage to tell her... she looks cute today... Rose stares at me for a moment, her eyes widening in the the realization.

"Wait do I look weird in this flower crown-" she worriedly holds her head in a panic.

I shook my head hurriedly to make sure she stops panicking- just give me a moment to compliment you wait-

I need to cover my face with my hand or else she might see me turn into an embarrassed tomato. "I just wanted to say... you look good in that flower crown... cute... even..."

Rose stops fiddling with her head and her hands travel up to her face too, I could see her ears turning red. "I-I um... thank you." she mutters in a whisper only I could hear and it was... beyond adorable.

"Uwah! Teacher is flirting!"

"B-But I liked her first!"

"Teacher Rose! Is she your friend?"

"Or girlfriend?!"

I looked behind the room and realized the kids formed a crowd between us asking all of these shameless questions! Kids are so shameless and nosy these days!

"Wah! It\'s the big sister who visited before hi!"

"Oh yeah! Hi! Thank you for the paper and pencils!"

Another kid comes up to me bravely glaring at me, "I-I called first dibs on Teacher Rose first!"

My face irked at his declaration of love.

Huh?! Kid let me tell you something, your dearest Rose confessed to me first. I scoffed. This isn\'t even a competition. I stared down at the boy and grinned. "Oh really? Did Teacher Rose say yes yet?" I told him smugly as he had tears forming in his eyes.

Just what I thought.

I\'m winning. Better get in line bud- I thought to myself proudly.

"Thank you, Matthew. I\'ll consider it. I might even wait till you grow up." (Rose) held out her hand to pat the young boy who in turn sticks his tongue out in my direction.

What the hell this little-

I was about to yank him and bonk his head in to learn some manners but Rose pulled me away before I could do it. "Alright kids! That\'s enough learning how to write! I\'ll have to entertain our uninvited guest now. Don\'t forget to attend the mass."

The other kids nod in a cheery harmonic reply, "Yessss, Teacher Rose!"

I pursed my lips when Rose tugged my sleeves. I followed over to the garden of the orphanage and pushed me gently on the bench. "Let me see your arm." (Rose) planted her hands on her waist staring at me down.

I did what she ordered for me to do and revealed the same arm that was still healing, having a small dry scab. "Don\'t worry it\'s healing."

I could see Rose frown through her eyes taking some sort of ointment from her pocket. "I-I brought this for you. Healing ointment... I was scared when magic didn\'t work on you and remembered to bring some." (Rose)

My heart leaped a bit when she shyly sat beside me as I offered my arm.

The cut wasn\'t that bad. I\'ll live but... did she really have to do this- wow it\'s cold.

Rose applied the ointment carefully trying her best not to make it worse but one thing she\'s definitely making worse is my heartbeat.

And I\'m really afraid she\'ll hear the loud reckless beating of it.

After she was done applying, Rose seemed happy and satisfied afterwards. "There, now I know you\'ll be alright."

Please stop killing me with those words of sincere care for me!

I cleared my throat, dragging my sleeve back down. "Thank you for even thinking of me."

I looked away while she took the ointment back in her pockets. We sat together on the bench enjoying the time off from any rowdy kids. "The monster attack was horrible. Everyone is in a panic trying to rebuild everything that was destroyed including the lives that were taken. It was really weird how the monsters even wandered around the capital." (Rose)

"Really? Did the Royal Knights pursue any investigations? Any leads?" I asked curiously. True, it\'s not even close to winter so monsters couldn\'t just hibernate like that unless it\'s different from this world.

Rose looked deep in thought before answering, "I have heard... It was a planned ambush. Someone was controlling these monsters in the capital."

"Even the ant that ran after us?"

"That is the theory... And there has been traces of magic manipulation... is what I\'ve heard but I am unsure." (Rose) sighs trying to get a grip of it all. "It\'s... been hard these days. I wish things will get lighter. Mom is still sick and everyone is losing hope... she\'ll be alright."

Rose looked sad hugging her legs. I looked at her in worry, "Your mom... I\'m sorry."

She laughs, hiding the sad tone in her reply, "It\'s alright. I guess I saw it coming after all, remember what the fortune teller told us? I\'ll have one of my loved ones die." (Rose)

"I... Yeah I think that fortune teller, Grandma Chio... I mean she\'s real-\'\' I stop my breath for a moment thinking about her future readings about me. I did get rich in a matter of moments. I haven\'t even been living here for a full year yet. "I got adopted by Baron Hills, the Knight Captain you met last time. My name is Kein Hills now on paper." I told Rose.

She looked so ecstatic when she heard of it, "Congratulations!"

I smiled sadly not wanting to tell Rose that I\'m also some lost Duke\'s daughter and that dark magic runs in my veins, "I wish I could share this luck with you somehow." I thought to myself. I\'m practically an heiress. I have a lot of money... but what to do with it.

I look at Rose who hums happily staring back at me. "I already feel lucky being with you, Kein. So thank you."

I embarrassingly held down my head feeling my face was overheating. Ugh. Stop! Saying! Things! Like! That! I\'m afraid I\'ll be a red tomato by the time I get back. "I hardly remember the attack. I was just hugging Kein from behind so I didn\'t know what happened so I\'m just glad the both of us are safe." (Rose)

So she didn\'t see me cast my own magic? I gave a breath of relief that she didn\'t or else I wouldn\'t know how to explain it.

When I looked down I also saw her knees having marks. Those weren\'t there last time. "Where did you get those by the way? I just noticed it?"

Rose stops humming and looks at her leg, not even concerned. "Oh must\'ve gotten this from kneeling too much. It was hard writing on the floor... but it was worth it to teach the kids how to write their own names. Some of them are already learning how to read so quickly." (Rose)

"Doesn\'t it hurt?" I asked worriedly.

"No. I could always heal if it gets worse... but it\'s alright!" (Rose) was too selfless.

It made me think... aha! I have an idea!

I stood up from my seat, making Rose shocked. I smiled brightly, even excited. I can\'t wait to come home and tell father of my plan. "Rose! I\'ll visit again but- do me a favor and not visit the orphanage for a week!"

She looked confused, even raising her eyebrow, "E-Eh? Do you want me out that badly?!"(Rose)

"Nope! Trust me! I need to have time before I can set this up!" I gave her a toothy grin and she just couldn\'t resist. Rose sighs, "Fine I won\'t visit for a week but you better make sure it\'s worth it and I have to tell the children about it too..." (Rose)

I held her hand close, leaning over a little and promised. "You won\'t regret it!"

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