Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 88 Side : Imprisoned Princess.

Side Chapter: Imprisoned Princess.

Two years ago.

The sound of music runs through the room as the instructor claps guiding the new crown princess who dances swiftly but graceful like the wind. Her form was so beautiful it was like time played slowly into her beat, the birds even came to stop and peek at the girl dancing on the floor.

Left, right, step. Back and twirl.

The perfect form, with her arms spread wide and slowly waved through the air. It was as if she was a beautiful bird flapping her wings, her hair ran through her shoulders then to her back as she danced.

The instructor was speechless and couldn\'t help but compare her to the first Princess, Cecilia. Her elder sister was nothing compared to the younger one.

Why didn\'t she notice it before? How come the second princess is so much better despite being known to be nothing but a freeloader in the castle? Why is she so talented?

Is she a genius?

It wasn\'t only dancing.

Princess Rosarie excelled in arithmetic, mathematics, literature, history, etiquette, morals, politics, and just- she seemed so perfect!

Why is she only showing these talents now? Does she perhaps feel responsible and want to ease the burden of her elder sister now that she\'s unable to take the place of the crown?

The Princess\'s dress twirls around before coming to a stop with the music, the girl breathes slowly taking her hands to her sides like a dove hiding her wings.

The instructor clapped in amazement and walked forward to her, "Your highness good form! Her highness princess Cecilia practiced all of her life but you\'ve measly surpassed her so easily! I\'m so amazed! Perhaps transferring the crown to you was a good choice."

Princess Rosarie gave a disappointed look at the instructor realizing this person was new and was not the former caring instructor they had before. "Please be careful with your words the next time you speak, a simple showing of a dance will not decide the fate of the kingdom. My sister will be well and once she does, she will reclaim her ascendance to the throne."

The princess\'s words echoed in her mind.

To think naively, just because she showed great progress on mastering the traditional dance some people would just decide that she\'s fit to lead a kingdom.

While they were trained to do so, it was not in the princess\'s heart that she wished to lead the kingdom at front.

The princess loved her people, but she thinks her purpose is to help her people not in a castle to make political decisions and charm other nobles with wit. "Y-Yes your highness. I apologize for the words just slipped-"

"If practice is over I will be heading elsewhere now." She didn\'t let the young instructor finish and just left to get a sense of peace. She walked and walked, until she found the place she sought for comfort.

The doors opened and revealed hundreds of books through shelves, the smell of paper and ink was everywhere and there was no one inside the library so she could be at peace inside. Princess Rosarie\'s hands went through the leather covers of each book until she opened a secret compartment only a few knew. Her hands reached out to a secret lock and-


The compartment lets out a satisfying sound before the girl takes out a little worn out book.

"Poems by the goddess of sprivanto to her human wife." She read the title and found a secluded place to read her book. How wonderful, these poems are truly romantic and she wonders what would Kein think of many of these pieces?

To you I bow, my love is deep.

The fire of the brostach flower could never compare.

My heart would always leap.

To you, I wish I can seek.

To tell you what my heart has been aching.

My wife, how I love you so much.

How can I ever let you go?

A kiss and bond in marriage we will seek.

May the earth and sky be the witness of our love.

For I, the goddess offers her life to you.

A human immortal, through and through.

May our love last till eternity, Maliah.

"I know if Kein had read this piece, her eyes would be bawling with tears." she giggles softly, turning the pages to the next until she is almost halfway through the book. It was her only remaining comfort in this place other than her sisters.

How she missed strolling in the city and talking to her friends. It\'s been a month since she\'s left the blonde girl to be rejected and has no word or news about how she\'s doing.

It\'s not helping that her life inside the palace was dull. Whenever she was with Kein, everything seemed a lot more colorful and free but here... it\'s just so depressing.

The princess takes a look at the library with no one else inside feeling a little alone.

It\'s a repetitive cycle of work, eating, sleep, and practice.

She couldn\'t sneak outside the castle. She promised to not meet the others again and so she will. The minutes passed she could already hear rustling footsteps of sounds with someone shouting her name. "Your highness! It\'s time for your meeting with the duchess and duke! Please reveal to yourself the king is also seeking your presence!" the servants yelled and she groaned tiredly closing the book of poems.

Break is over, work must be done.

She gets back into the secret compartment and hides the book leaving no trace. Rounding the servants with haste, meeting her father the king and the duke and duchess of the east part of the kingdom. "Greetings, Duke and Duchess of Summersolm.\'\' The princess greeted them both.

The nobles were impressed by the beauty of the princess as well as her elegance.

"The new crown princess I presume? It\'s been years since I last saw you, you\'ve become so mature over time. Isn\'t that right Marcus?" the Duke addresses the king who laughs and nods in agreement.

"If you can only see Cecilia as well she\'s also a woman now fit to marry, Catherine on the other hand we would like for her to come of age before settling her into a worthy suitor. I presume you\'ve heard about the announcement of my daughter\'s engagement to the Winshern prince?" The king continued talking with her friend and ally over a cup of green tea.

The Duchess was the first to reply that marriages seem to give women excitement and pride. "My! To think you\'ve gotten an alliance already on the way! I\'m sure her highness is also thrilled about the engagement! I\'ve heard they have the brightest prince in Winshern and that they\'re quite handsome too." she was singing praises of the country clearly she was not familiar with.

"It would be beneficial for the country, I\'ve heard they\'ve been making weapons that\'s strong enough to kill a wyvern in one shot. If our country can get our hands on it as well, think of all the fights we can win." The Duke commented, relaxing his body into the conversation.

The king nods and gazes through her daughter who was keeping a polite smile. "We were hoping to get a cure for Cecilia as well for their medicine in far more advanced. Magic won\'t be able to heal Cecilia so easily."

"I\'ve heard about that. I\'m sorry for you for losing Marcus, I hope your other daughter will be well." the duke offers his condolences as the duchess sighs in question. "A shame, it\'s the same sickness that... took the queen right? The one with no cure?"

Both the King and the crown princess\'s body stiffened in their seats. They should have expected for the question to come but the loss of the Queen was still fresh from their memory. It was taboo to ask.

The Duke glared at his wife thinking that was such a shameful question to ask! The Duchess noticed her husband\'s glare and immediately lowered her gaze in guilt. "I would have to apologize for my wife\'s nosiness, my King. How about we talk about something else? Perhaps the plan of marriage in two years? That\'s the Winshern Kingdom\'s request right? Don\'t you think it\'s rather ludicrous to ask why they want it for that long?"

Princess Rosarie\'s ears perked. It was indeed strange, they were engaged but usually this is an arranged marriage. They can just be married in a week if they wanted to, or in a month but why in two years?

Cecilia\'s health will deteriorate when the time comes!

Did the king really not think of that?

The princess looked at her father worriedly. He was a man she never got to know for she accepted that he was just a stranger that she was only related by blood.

A father that always favored the first born is what she thinks of him.

The King\'s body was still not relaxed from the way he sat and his knee kept moving up and down impatiently. "Perhaps we are done with this conversation and I would need to get back with my work, Duke Summersolm. If you\'ll excuse me.\'\' The king stood from where he sat with a conflicted face walking towards the door and opened it to go outside followed by his personal guards.

The crown princess and the two nobles sat in awkward silence for a moment before the Duke sighs. "I see that he is still in mourning. Crown princess, you have to forgive my wife for not knowing her place." (Duke Summersolm) casts down his head in apology and the Duchess does the same.

The princess laughs slightly as if to relieve the tension forming in the room. "No need for you to cast your head down. Father is just not in the mood and will be alright shortly after some quick breather. Mother has... always been a huge part for us both."

The king has lost his wife and best friend.

But to their daughters, they lost their mother.

"Other than that I suppose, what will you be doing for the rest of the castle visit?" she asks curiously, taking in her tea, learning her manners and trying to imitate Cecilia of what she\'s seen her do before.

Her eldest sister has always been so talented in smooching other nobles. Connecting with them, befriending them, and even negotiating in high places.

One of the rare things Rose can never best Cecilia at. "We\'re mostly here to check up on your father, your highness and see if he\'s holding up even after all the rebellion happening. We believe that someone powerful is backing them up." (Duke Summersolm)

The rebellion?

Princess Rosarie has heard their public speeches when they were on the commoner streets before with Kein. She didn\'t like trouble and as someone part of the royal family, whenever they spoke ill of them it hurt her inside.

"The rebellion. I know they have been a thorn in my father\'s side but have there been any leads on who\'s helping them?" (Princess Rosarie) asks curiously but the Duke shakes his head.

"No one knows. They cover their tracks really well, everyone we\'ve interrogated apparently just says it was an anonymous donation from someone of the name \'Martagon\'. What a silly little name." he scowled and couldn\'t help but put the tea cup back into the table with a little more force.

"Yes, it is a little silly. I hope the anonymous provider will be caught soon for the sake of my father." The princess settles down her cup as well and the Duchess decides to gossip some more but that was all.

They all bid their farewells and the princess was asked to relieve another duty that was set upon her and that was being the [Light Princess] and head onto healing some people that requested for a private audience with her.

She wore her traditional white robe with blue inclining and gold scriptures that was supposed to be the lost languages of their deity. People who are in need come to the private church and the princess would offer her blessings.

This was usually Cecilia\'s duty but now it\'s hers.

"Maybe the blessing of our church be with you." The princess holds a scripture before reading out words of healing and suddenly a magic circle below the floor appears. "The magic of light, heal all that is broken. [Light Magic]! Heal!"

The crowd gasps in excitement when all of their problems were solved, those who were sick and bleeding were now alright. Everyone then turned to the princess and worshiped her whole being.

"You are all healed." she says giving the scripture to a servant before bowing.

"All kneel to her highness! She has healed you all! Bow down to her highness!" one pastor yelled his voice echoing to the place, everyone followed his orders and kneeled down to the floor. Some of the other crowds had their heads bowed down and the princess believed that was too much.

The princess felt weird, she liked helping people but a simple thanks would have been enough!

"It is alright. No need for this, please rise." She waved her hand in dismissal and the pastor glared at the crowd. They didn\'t dare to look up.

"We are the church! Without us you won\'t be able to hear our God\'s will! And without her highness you won\'t be healed!" He continued to preach, making the crowd more tense than they were before. "Express gratitude to the princess by kneeling-"

Princess Rosarie looked at the pastor with a glare. Yelling at her people- does he think he has the authority to tell people to kneel?

"I said enough. I am already happy that I could help my subjects. It is my duty and no kneeling is needed." She walks through the crowd holding one of the people\'s hands lifting them up.

"Please no need to kneel, you may stand." she tells the girl who was nervous to the brink of fainting but she nodded and stood up slowly. "T-Thank you, your highness." was the only thing the girl could mutter out in the presence of their princess.

If she does become queen, she\'ll abolish this system of making her people kneel for something they didn\'t even wish to do.

Once they came back into the castle carried in a carriage. She felt so drained, tired, from healing all those people. There were at least a hundred or so and I think she\'ll be doing that every week. "At least I\'m helping people."

Back to the castle she goes, slumping onto her chambers, body relaxed on the bed. She looked through the secret chest she has below her bed to where she stored all the things Kein gave her.

She holds them closely looking through the sketches and trinkets they made together. From the pressed flowers she used as a bookmark and letters they used to give on birthdays.

"Should I... send her a letter?" the thought crossed her mind but immediately distinguished it. "No I can\'t. How could I even have the right to send her anything after what I did."

She takes everything and places them all back at the chest with haste. If she sticks too long into these items, the more she\'ll miss her. "I\'ll just... write everyone a letter but I won\'t send it to them. I just need to get these feelings out of my mind."

Paper after paper, ink after ink.

She wrote all she wanted to say and tell day after day.

"Princess Rosarie, it\'s time for the ceremony."

"Your highness the nobles of the south would like to speak with you."

"We will go to the church with your duties as crown princess, your highness."

"You seem distracted today at your etiquette lesson, your highness."

"Please focus your highness, we don\'t need an incompetent queen if you can\'t even follow one simple rule!"

Make it stop.

Without even knowing, the letters doubled. Jars of ink were empty as two years passed by it was time to be pawned. "Are you alright, Rosarie?" a voice called out to the princess that looked through the mirror with a polite smile.

Her hair was a little longer, curly and silver. The brush smoothly went down to her hair, gently stroking the strands in deep thought. "Yes, Cecilia. I\'m far more than alright. I have to be."

"Catherine was worried about you. You\'ve been zoning out these days." (Cecilia) rolls her wheelchair to her sister and looks at her seriously. "I told you, you don\'t have to do this anymore. I don\'t want to be cured for the sake of you being married off to someone you don\'t like." she tells her stubborn sister.

"No, I have to. I don\'t want you to become like our mother. Once you are well, I know I\'ll have to remove the title of crown princess and it will be returned to you. Father will have me live in the Winshern Kingdom while you rule."

"That\'s what I don\'t like. That kingdom is- problematic. Actually ours is pretty much the same." (Cecilia) sighs, holding her twin sister\'s hands in hers. "There is still time. I have plans that can get you out of this. I just need you to tell me, you don\'t want to get married."

"I don\'t want to but I need to. For you," she tightens her hold onto Cecilia\'s before smiling. "If that\'s all, father is waiting for me in his study to talk. Let me do this for you big sister, please?"

Cecilia bites her lip and curses in her mind. "Fine, suit yourself but I\'ll find a way to ruin things one way or another."

The both of them walked side by side, Kazari was outside the door waiting for Cecilia so that she could push her wheelchair as they escorted Rosarie into the King\'s study. Cecilia bid her goodbye after escorting her little sister because she suddenly didn\'t feel well and had to rest.

She knocks through the door, opens it slightly and sees his father being frantic. Pacing back and forth in a single lane. "Rosarie came in, this wedding must be done at all costs. If you can marry the alliance will come through and Cecilia\'s medicine- and the money-"

"You need to get married. You must get married." she hears these words as she sat down from the sofa feeling her father\'s breakdown. "You\'ll like it there, you\'ll have a husband you\'ll love soon. You\'ll have heirs, you\'ll be a Queen and you\'ll make us proud won\'t you?"

"That\'s already settled isn\'t it?" She responds to her father who nods, taking in her daughter\'s face.

"I know you won\'t disappoint us. Your family is everything. You want Cecilia to live don\'t you? If you don\'t. You\'ll be the reason why she dies." He says one final time and Rose nods obediently.

"Yes, father."

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