Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 97 The Cunning Queen.

Chapter 65: The Cunning Queen.

We went inside of their palace home, the same place I\'ve often visited for Princess Cecilia\'s invites to her tea parties. I have not set foot in this same hall for two years, after she cut me off from her life.

"Whoaaa..." (Vivienne) mutters looking up, down, behind and front. It seems that her curious eyes have taken course. This should be her first time coming to such a glamorous place. It seems that she can\'t help herself from squirming around Rose\'s embrace.

I couldn\'t help but lean over and scold Vivienne, "Behave. Don\'t move around too much, mommy over here will drop you if you do." I joked but it seems Vivienne really took it to heart and from then on she actually stopped moving and just laid her head into Rose\'s shoulders.

"Umu. Mommy..." (Vivienne) pouts her blue eyes glistening with tears and I immediately felt guilty but she really shouldn\'t move around too much. I think she was more afraid that Rose would drop and leave her behind.

"Commander Kein, that\'s not nice... there, there Vivienne. I won\'t drop you, promise. Go on to your heart\'s content and look around." (Rose) assures the little blonde figure she was cradling around her arms and I was left with a small scolding.

Every time I scold the little girl, I get scolded right after!

"Hahaha. It\'s certainly nice to see you two getting along." (Cecilia) laughs in her wheelchair while her maid smiles at her.

Catherine, who was walking right beside Cecilia, seems to agree, using her sign language she turns to us and she says, \'I was not expecting you two to be back together as well. My sister has certainly missed you so much, would you like to know what she does when she misses you?\'

I looked at Rose a little bit surprised, she was now in a deep red state glaring at her two sisters. "Catherine no." she says with a furious tone that even I would be afraid but for these two siblings of hers they seem to be immune.

"Erm... your highness I\'m rather curious to know what she does." I told Catherine who smiles brightly at my presence. Enjoying teasing Rose, so this is what it feels like to have siblings. The teasing is never ending just by watching these three.

"Kein... no..."(Rose) looks at me with a pleading face. "Please? I\'m rather embarrassed for you to know." she looks away blushing and seeing her in that state made me completely... admit defeat.

"Your highness, I take back what I said. I... don\'t need to know." I covered half of my face with my mouth trying to hide my blushing face as well. I could see Cecilia rolling her eyes and Catherine placing a hand on her waist looking at me disappointedly.

\'It seems that you have this one under your thumb.\' (Catherine) taunts her sister who just smiles politely but clearly her face is screaming that she\'s going to punch her anytime soon.

Well! In my case! I am not... exactly fully under her thumb.

"Cease your banters. We can talk in a more civilized manner once we\'re inside the garden." (Cecilia) scolds the two while looking fondly over her maid.

It took me a bit to realize but Cecilia\'s hands were on top of the maid\'s hands who was pushing the wheelchair to move at our destination. If I remembered correctly- Cecilia is not one to let people touch her.

Do... these two have something that\'s beyond platonic?

Or am I reading things wrong?


When we arrived at the gardens, Cecilia\'s favorite place to be was for her afternoon tea parties. Her maid- whom I believe her name was... Kazari?

"Your tea." she hands me over my drink and I nod feeling grateful for their hospitality. I looked at the others who seemed to be loving the taste but when it was my turn to drink I almost threw the drink all up at the bitterness.

However, I managed to swallow it whole with a faulty smile, coughing a little. They all turned to me because of it and I could only reply. "Ah... the tea is... nice." I commented and the moment that I did she came back with a cup of water in hand.

"Apologies but here is your water. It looks like you need it." (Kazari) hands me the water and I accept. "Um... thank you." I took the cup of water in her hands and suddenly felt afraid of drinking it fearing it would be mixed with salt but thankfully it was just normal water.

She was definitely giving me weird stares and made my tea a little too bitter. Erm... What did I do? It seems that she\'s actually out to get me-

"Mama! Mommy!" (Vivienne) shouts who was placed in a small baby seat. She tried reaching for the cookies but her small tiny arms couldn\'t reach so she deliberately called for us- in our... ahem silly nicknames in front of them.

"Hnghhh." She continues to attempt at getting a cookie while the other light princesses stare at Rose and I.

The princess beside me was definitely in an awkward position. I just realized they haven\'t heard Vivienne call us by those names yet.

"I-I can explain." I blurted out in a panic while sweat ran through my face. "I assure you- she\'s not ours even if she does call us- those nicknames." I feel like a lover through family interrogation.

It feels like I did something wrong when clearly I haven\'t- but it certainly feels like I did.

"Oh I\'ve already heard her muttering that when we were walking here. I know the two of you cannot conceive. The both of you are not really that subtle- you should fix that." (Cecilia) takes her hot beverage to her lips, drinking elegantly.

"Oh and dear, please help the little one reach the sweet treats she\'s been craving." She turns to her maid who nods happily at her master\'s orders.

The maid walked around us and now showed up behind Vivienne with the plate of cookies in her hands. "Here you go, little miss." She addresses Vivienne who looks up at her in admiration.

"Twank you." (Vivienne) politely gives her a slight nod before holding a cookie in her hand. She takes a huge bite out of it, Rose and I couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief that Cecilia seemed to have dropped the topic.

Catherine, the youngest princess seemed to be charmed by little Vivienne so she decided that she\'ll watch over her for a while, as we get into some adult talk.

"Speaking of which, eldest sister." (Rose) turns to Cecilia with a serious look, now that I looked at her cup it seems to be untouched. "Did you... did you plan all of this?"

"I did not plan for you to be an early parent, sister. You exceeded my expectations, bonding with your significant other that is." (Cecilia) smiles while taking a refill for her drink.

"To answer your question however, yes I did." She told us both, looking so proud of her plan and that made me angry.

I am gravely thankful- but angry.

"Did you really have to blackmail Vincent\'s father? I can\'t believe you would drag innocent people into our business now he\'s-" I bite my lip wanting to say more but... I almost forgot I\'m speaking with a princess here. "He hasn\'t slept properly because of it."

It might\'ve also ruined his relationship with his father that he treasures dearly.

All ruined just for the sake of us.

"Hmm..." she hums while looking at us with a steady state. "So what? As long as I get what I want. Nothing else would matter and I always... get what I want. Well except for traveling artist here, I\'m quite glad I didn\'t." (Cecilia) casually breaks it down to us that she would literally dispose of a friend to get what she wants.

As someone who values Vincent as a good friend. Him being used like this- it disgusts me!

And- for your information I don\'t ever regret rejecting you princess! I would do it all over again if I had the chance!

"What was even your goal?! You hurt someone because of it- was it worth it?" I was about to jump out of my chair to fight for this woman, hurting my friend who had my back from the start especially when the time I had my heart broken in two.

I will not let Cecilia trample Vincent\'s pride and respect that he deserves.

"Kein..." (Rose) held my shoulders and I relaxed back into my chair.

Cecilia chuckles, finding my reaction amusing, waving her hand around us both in dismissal. "Both of you are together with a child, laughing happily. I would say it was very worth it. However, if it\'s any consolation..." she lands her tea into the table and presses her hands together.

"I will explain to Lord Vincent what he needs to know and even give him several merits for his successful escort mission for my sister." (Cecilia) tries to sweeten the deal and I am not moved.

"That\'s not enough compared to what you did... it won\'t bring his father\'s favors back towards him." I retorted back and I could hear Cecilia sighing from her table.

"To appease you, I will find other ways making Lord Vincent so successful his father won\'t even bat an eye to his crossdressing hobby. Might I add, he does look fetching in a dress." (Cecilia) chuckles once more, possibly imagining the guy in a dress.

"Still Cecilia, a proper apology is needed." (Rose) bites her lip before looking at her sister in a conflicted manner. "But... Thank you for thinking of me. Maybe if you hadn\'t stepped in- we would still be-"

"Miserable? Depressed? Longing for each other looking like a bunch of love birds in different cages?" (Cecilia) began to list all the different words that would fit our situation.

"All of the above I suppose." I tell her with my arms crossed to my stomach and she grins.

"My, I have more to say but I feel utterly satisfied with both of your faces right now. Absolutely worth it." (Cecilia) beckons her maid over and she gives the first princess some sort of letter with a seal I\'m not familiar with. "Sadly I did not invite you all for idle chit chat. I\'m glad Catherine is currently taking care of your little one over there so they\'ll be busy overhearing our conversation."

She tears the letter open and reads the contents. "I see."

"Speaking of which, sister. I have something to discuss with you-" (Rose)

Cecilia cuts Rose off with her hands raised, "No need. I know everything that\'s needed to know." the moment she told us this sentence we both looked at each other and thought-

She does?! How many steps ahead is this woman at?

"Even the [Winshern Kingdom] is planning to take over our home?!" (Rose) asks testing her sister who just replies quickly.

"Why, yes. It was very obvious after all why would they marry their only daughter- well in this case pretend son to my little sister. I have told you many times that I did not agree with such marriage. If you might as well be marrying a woman this idiot is a better match for you, sister." (Cecilia) turns to me and I blush at the compliment-

"Hey! What idiot- I\'ll have you know I graduated top of the class-"

"Top of the class merely because of an accident. Leading the original valedictorian exposed of cheating and using banned crystals to heighten one\'s ability. Hmm... even without magic you\'re still top of the class." (Cecilia) took another sip of her drink and I swallowed the lump in my throat. The matter was disclosed upon my peers and even the staff of my school.

Has she been keeping an eye on me this whole two years without me knowing?

"Did you- How did you even know that? Actually- you knew the second prince was actually a princess as well?!" I stood frozen in my seat. The first princess- I might have underestimated her but to think she\'s this cunning!

"Cecilia... don\'t tell me." (Rose) glares at her sister who calmly brushes her off.

"Planting informants inside your little trip was easy. Particularly, you haven\'t noticed anything weird with your team?" (Cecilia) turns to me while I take her words carefully. My team- does she mean...

"You planted someone in my Lion Brigade to spy on me?!" I yell in surprise. I wasn\'t expecting for any of them to be working for Cecilia! Not even the guys or the girls!

"Not just someone but two of them. A little optimistic girl that\'s definitely sweet and drunkard who took on an unlikable role. They\'re always the underestimated bunch, easy to not be suspected of being a spy because well- one is too pure looking and the other is just expected to drink all day." (Cecilia) reveals the twist of the century.

If she has people working for her in my group that means- she has many more in other areas of the kingdom or even outside. "Simply amazing." I slowly clapped for this woman in front of us and respected her for being such a strategist.

If she had more power I fear what things Cecilia might do.

The first princess smiles but then it turns into a serious expression right after. "It is nothing. However... you keep really peculiar people that even I can\'t take much information on and it took several sacrifices before I could have what I want." she slides us a folder on the table and we inspect it carefully.

"What\'s this?" I took the folder and noticed that the cover had Natasha\'s full name.

If I remember correctly Natasha doesn\'t have a last name. "Natasha... Ivanonva?"

"Your adventurer friend." (Cecilia) starts off still looking seriously at the folder in my hand. "Is dangerous. How she even crossed the border of our kingdom alive surprises me."

"What\'s wrong with Natasha? She doesn\'t seem dangerous- she\'s actually been kind towards us since I met her." (Rose) defends Natasha and Cecilia sighs at the words of her little sister.

"Of course. You think very lightly of everyone- you\'re too soft and just because they treat you kindly it doesn\'t mean they\'re not a spy. Which brings me to my next conclusion, I would like you to open the folder." (Cecilia) turns to the folder in my hand and I didn\'t notice I was shaking.

I shook my head and refused to read this. I won\'t have another friend be tainted by this nosy princess. "I... I don\'t think I want to open this. Whatever you\'re suggesting- Natasha is not a spy. I don\'t need this paper prove her innocence on the matter besides- she told me she was banished-"

"That part was not a lie, however, did she ever tell you why she was banished? I believe you would want to know what that girl did. I\'m surprised they even let her in last time? Don\'t you think that\'s weird? Why was she let in if she\'s banished? Unless?" (Cecilia)

"She\'s... a spy."

I don\'t know. I think we\'re just overthinking this. There\'s not enough evidence- Vanilla is a good judge of character and I refuse to see the girl who loves horses so much would be capable of doing things like this.

I found her in Slima forest all alone and in need of help.

She can\'t be a spy!

"She\'s not a spy!" I slam the table with the folder\'s contents spiraling on the floor. "Aren\'t you too nosy in other people\'s lives, your highness?!" I couldn\'t help yelling at her but she didn\'t react.

"It\'s my duty to make sure my kingdom is safe. A normal person could pose such a potential threat, you didn\'t even know such simple people were actually there to watch you in your little team. Let this be a lesson, don\'t trust anyone." (Cecilia) gave good advice but still it feels wrong to just do this.

Or maybe... I\'m just too soft and unfamiliar with playing on the same field as her.

"If what you believe is true, I\'m just here to give you a slight warning all I ask of you is to be careful of the people you surround yourself with." she continued and I agreed.

"Fine but enough about Natasha. Since you already know pretty much what\'s happening, the cross dressing princess of [Winshern] would like to extend an alliance on stopping her family from going out on an all out war between our two kingdoms." I took out the royal seal she gave me before and showed it to Cecilia.

"And you believed her?" (Cecilia) shakes her head in disappointment looking at us both.

"What else were we supposed to do? We were at her utter mercy in there and she practically saved our skins when we needed it." I tried defending my cousin once more and she inspected the seal.

"Hmm... so she was telling the truth. This is all new news to me so tell me all that I need to know." she instructed.

Rose and I decided to tell her some of the things she needed including the plan on getting the cure she needs.

Apparently they don\'t have it. They never planned to.

Thankfully the crossdressing princess was kind enough to actually know how to make one, and I still have to expect the heroes at my house to take them on a quest with me to kill a dragon and harvest its heart.

"Using my death as a weak point. A little low of them to do but I suppose its a good plan if they want to take us on unprepared for such war." (Cecilia) commends their dirty plan but I just felt angry at them.

Whenever a royal family dies there\'s usually days of mourning where everyone needs to stop any events or festivities and just go to church and pray.

We... were there at the Queen\'s burial before.

I never actually thought about it much when I didn\'t know Rose was part of the royal family but now I feel utterly horrible and I should make it up to her the next time. "We should await the crossdressing princess\' further notice. Its their turn to visit our kingdom and stay in the next two weeks just so you know. I think it would be after the festival they\'ll be here." I speculate and both Cecilia and I just brainstormed for any possible strategy we could use to distract the upcoming royal family in [Puronia].

Rose was quiet now and she stretched her arms looking at our conversation in a tired manner. Worried, I leaned over her and asked with my brows furrowed. "Are you okay? Do you need to rest for a bit?"

My girlfriend shakes her head dismissing my worry, her silver hair runs along bouncing as she did. She gives me that really nice smile I will always never tire to see just to reassure me. "I think I\'ll be with Vivienne and Catherine. I\'ll fill her in on what\'s happening." (Rose)

She was about to stand but I grabbed her hand and kissed the top of it, earning a groan from Cecilia and the maid. "I\'ll be with you in a bit." I tell her feeling butterflies in my stomach and she looks around with a flushed face.

Kissing her in front of her siblings was another weak point I\'ll have to remember.

"Ahem if you don\'t mind, sister. We would like to continue our conversation." (Cecilia) coughs and we both nod in understanding.

"See you in a bit then, Kein." (Rose) waves weakly before her figure disappears in the side with Catherine drawing together with Vivienne.

"Now that your horrible public display of affection is over. Where were we?" (Cecilia) recalls our talk and I follow.

"Do you think the King, your father, knows about this?" I asked, almost forgetting about his existence. He was the one who proposed the idea of arranged marriage but I think even if we tell him the other kingdom\'s evil plans he won\'t likely believe his daughters.

After all, Rose is already past her coming of age. She should have been married two years ago.

"My father is useless. He might be an alright of a father but a king? Horrible. I could see my starving people even from here."

"The economy of the Kingdom is not great- he plans to close all trade routes from [Sprivanto] just because they offended the church by their free laws." (Cecilia) takes a map and puts it on the table. "We\'ve tried our best changing the tides and giving help however... that\'s just some temporary fixing."


The situation of the kingdom is dire with the demand for work lessening and trades being blocked.

Many of the commoners are not known to have proper education and most of them don\'t even know how to write or read. "This is why you approved of my request to build a public academy? I bet the other nobles did not take my request kindly."

Cecilia chuckles, placing several circles on certain parts of the map. "They might not have at first but they have no authority over a princess. My father also approves and has thought of your little idea well."

"I\'m glad his majesty approves of it." I really felt glad that the kingdom\'s commoner children will have a better opportunity by the years go by so that they won\'t leave the kingdom for another.

"Education is a must. I will have it approved one way or another if my father denies it." (Cecilia) said it with such intent that I feared for what she\'d do if it wasn\'t approved. I would feel sorry to the people that she\'ll be blackmailing after this.

"I have also been anonymously donating some resources to the rebellion against my father." (Cecilia) suddenly dropped that fact on me. I\'ve heard of news about the rebellion forming- but no one knew why they had so much resources and I suppose this is confusing me.

"Why would you even do that? Isn\'t he your father?"

"My father died the moment our mother died. He\'s a changed man, you wouldn\'t know and I ask for you to never tell any of my sisters about this." (Cecilia) scowls at me and her father.

"My sisters have become attached to the King, their hearts still pure. Mine is not. I would kill anyone who I saw as a threat at this point." she stops to look at her drink and sighs.

Being a royal must be a pain with all of this ordeal but I have to give Cecilia much respect for holding out for this long. She\'s gathered much intelligence, people to use, she can manipulate and blackmail people with ease.

If anyone even dares show hesitance of loyalty to her.

I don\'t think they\'ll even get a second chance in life.

"I promise to not tell your sisters, your highness." I gave her the knightly salute by putting one of my hands on the chest of my armor and one on my back. "If Rose knew of your doing, I think she\'ll be heartbroken and I have to agree. I\'ve known her since we were children and she\'s too kind for her own good."

"You may even add selfless, reckless and utterly considerate of others. I can\'t believe she snuck out of the palace just to help out the orphanages and give donations to charity despite the danger of being found out." (Cecilia) rubs the sides of her temples and sighs some more.

"Do you know how hard it was?" she continues to rant clenching her fists. "Many times she could\'ve been kidnapped if it weren\'t for my hired men watching her... oh if she knew. I just couldn\'t tell her that her own people are miserable and desperate. They would turn on her if they knew she was of royal blood."

"It would break her heart for a lifetime." I finish for her and she nods. I wanted to ask her how long she\'s known about Rose\'s escaping routine to meet with the common people and she never... stopped her from doing so.

Cecilia might be rash and manipulative but its clear she cares for people who deserve it.

"You\'re really a good sister, your highness. I\'m envious of Rose having a great sister like you around." I couldn\'t help but compliment Cecilia at her dedication to protect her own kin.

I could hear laugh a little and her eyes softened right after. "You\'re now a sister to me. Rosarie over there, if you two ever tie the knot officially after all of this is over. Congratulations, you have the future Queen of [Puronia] as a sister-in-law." (Cecilia) offered the topic of my marriage with Rose.

I couldn\'t help but look down into the table, biting my lip in happiness.

"However, if you dare make her cry. You\'re even lucky I gave you a second chance. I heard you were quite the player when you were in your military academy." (Cecilia) takes a small serrated knife and cuts her cake with it. "Tell me if it is true, from my informants. You had the guts on two timing girls? Utterly horrible of you."

"T-That\'s another misunderstanding! Believe me I never had anyone in the military academy!" I pleaded innocence in the princess\' judgment and explained what really happened. "Two girls I helped before thought I was flirting with them and planned to confess at the same time- they both waited at the front of my dorm room and thought of the worst!"

"Really now?" (Cecilia) smiles in a really scary manner and I want to run. I thought we were talking about plans on how to save the kingdom from ruin, not my love life history! "I\'ll let you be with that. Now for my next question..."

"Pardon me, Princess Cecilia but there\'s more?" I wanted to run and hide but I felt trapped by her maid behind me who was holding something in her hand.

She leans over to me and places a small chocolate cake in front of me. "Your cake. You\'ll need it, milady." (Kazari) quickly leaves as she comes.

Cecilia seemed to be in a happier mood after seeing the both of us together but this maid of hers really seemed to not like me at all! Why was she even happy at this point?! Jeez, I\'ll just eat this cake then.

I took my form at the side and sliced a part of the delicious treat in front of me, chewing the soft texture of the sweet chocolate glaze. "This will be the last one. Now how far have you gone with my sister?"

She looked at me innocently before I made a weird sound while eating, "UNGH-" The question made me choke on my cake. I reached for my cup, realizing it was empty. I thought I was going to die over cake.

In hand the maid was already prepared, handing me the cup of water,

I took it quickly and drank it all. "Ugh... thank you." I tell her and she nods.

I turn my gaze back to Cecilia with my face blushing. "That\'s too personal- I refuse to tell and I\'m sure Rose will kill me if I say anything."

Cecilia frowns but finally stops teasing me. It made me feel uncomfortable that she didn\'t press on because after that frown was a smile. "Alright, I still have other ways to know. However, that child you brought with you, I\'ve been curious to ask why does it look like the both of you?"

"I don\'t know either. We just found Vivienne in one of the village we suspect she has been abandoned at the state she was in." I explained how a few days ago we literally brought a small child along the way home.

Who calls us Mommy and Mama now.

"I see you\'ve named her. She also calls you both such affectionate names, getting attached now are we?" (Cecilia) chuckles, settling down in her wheelchair and I look away in embarrassment, fearing she was right.

It really doesn\'t take long for us to get so attached. I cover half of my face in reply, "You can\'t blame us. She\'s really adorable and- whenever that little rascal is with us- Rose and I... feel like a proper family." I couldn\'t help myself from smiling and I was glad I was covering my face.

I was glad that Rose was not here to hear me say these embarrassing things.

"It made me happy and I thought about our future a lot together but- don\'t tell Rose any of this, please your highness." I tell Cecilia who only smiles wider and nods at my request.

"I promise I won\'t tell my sister a single thing from our conversation." (Cecilia) promises and to my relief I trust her completely. I bow a little to show her my deepest thanks. "Thank you, Princess Cecilia."

"For now we\'ll further plan on what we\'ll need with the so-called \'Prince Alexanderk\' now shall we? Including your quest for my cure, I\'m really grateful you\'re volunteering to venture for such a quest. When will you leave?" (Cecilia)

I have thought about it... in order to not raise suspicion and I want to spend some time with Rose after all these years of being apart. I want to take her out on the festival and show her around what she\'s been missing out on.

Including her old friends whom I\'m sure they\'ve surely been missing her so badly.

"After the festival which is in a week. I will have to get ready and I have the heroes with the quest and pay them. I\'ll just be having the one from [Puronia] and [Sprivanto]. The one on [Winshern] could be potentially dangerous so I won\'t risk hiring him." I tell Cecilia of my plan and she approves.

"We\'ll certainly be busy over here trying to entertain our guests with events such as a grand ball. I do need you all in one piece and as quickly as possible so I will be handing over my maid to join you in your journey." (Cecilia) motions to her maid who was behind her and nods.

"As her highness\' orders I follow." she replies accordingly.

Hold on a moment. Why would I need a maid in the journey and I look at Cecilia in confusion.

"Oh I forgot to mention. Kazari is no ordinary maid, she\'s a descendant of an old Japanese Hero who came at the time of reign of a certain demon king. She has a special magic to be able to teleport and cast it all in a group." (Cecilia) explains and for some reason I see her maid in a new light!

That\'s so cool!

"The only downside of my ability is I cannot teleport to a place I have never been into. I will take you all that I can, if the dragon you seek is in [Sprivanto] then be at ease because I was born there." (Kazari) explains and I didn\'t know she was from there.

"We\'ll gladly add her to our party. Thank you, we\'ll be in your care." I turn to Kazari with a smile as she just gives me a regal nod in reply with a serious look. I don\'t think I\'ve ever seen her smile this whole time.

"She\'s wonderful isn\'t she? Truly I am fortunate to have someone like Kazari by my side." (Cecilia) praises her maid and I thought this girl could never smile but I was proven wrong at fast speed!

It was more like... she was trying her best not to smile.

And that was enough evidence for me that these two... might be a thing and I\'m third wheeling.

After some more talk strategizing on what we should do and even a one heart to heart moment with Cecilia. I said my goodbyes to the three princesses and brought Vivienne home with me to my estate.

Thank you to my patreun!


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