Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 107 Festival With Vivienne (VI).

Chapter 68: Festival with Vivienne (VI).

Kein\'s POV

Ellis was wrapping up the end of the academy tour, we had a few more talks about the price of the uniform and the people he\'ll be contacting to try and get a tailor building on the side of the school.

"Milady, if it will be in our budget I believe this would be beneficial. We should also think about the commoners who will have to be able to afford schooling..." (Ellis)

"Perhaps we should offer a few discounts to those who are in dire situations," he continues, using his pen to tap on the clipboard.

"I wouldn\'t mind. I have fixed the paperwork to have some of the taxes. If the kingdom moved to the education of the commoners, we can place discounts to those who have more than two children enrolled, single parents, the children from the orphanage and the list would go on."

The paperwork to get this approved was hell. I had to fight tooth and nail in order to be able to get this into the light, finally the King issued my work to be progressive and something we should try getting to be implemented.

Even though he didn\'t exactly say it to my face, he just sent his reply through a letter. Thankfully, after talking with Cecilia she was the one who pushed it through so I owe her my thanks.

Rose\'s father, the king- seemed wary to be keeping this much distance. I know almost all of the nobles have disagreed with my ideals.

"Thank you, milady. I wish we had this kind of thing when we were young, but it\'s great that the young ones would have this at least." (Ellis) tells me as he smiles softly, attention looking at the front door. "It seems we have arrived. The appointed Dean is inside this room, I will be with you on the side as you two talk with one another."

When Alfred told me that I might know the appointed Dean- I\'m getting curious now wondering who it is. Surely they hired someone with expertise with someone running an entire school, right?

"Alright, would you mind taking care of Vivienne while I talk with the Dean, Lenard is inside there as well right?"

"Certainly, milady." (Ellis) replies gently, taking Vivienne away from me who tries her best to grab onto my sleeves after seeing Ellis was pulling her away from me.

"Eh- Mama... Eh... Nwo!" she looked around her Uncle Ellis and reached out for my hold. "Mama..." she calls out to me weakly, tears forming in her eyes.

She was ready to burst into tears, somehow lately when I see Vivienne crying it reminds me of how Rose would usually cry when she can\'t cling onto me-

"Oh, Vivienne. It\'s only for a few minutes okay? Uncle Ellis will be babysitting you for a bit while mommy talks about work with your other Uncle, okay? Remember- if you don\'t behave we won\'t be getting any Ubie nuts." I managed to calm her down with the mention of food. I\'m not sure if she has ever eaten them but it did the trick, she seems to be curious about foods she hasn\'t tried before.

"No... nuts?" (Vivienne) asks sniffing.

"Yes, if you don\'t behave we won\'t get any." I tell her, crossing my arms and finally she relents, giving in to food. I was able to breathe with no worry of her running amuck and hearing her ear-piercing cry.

I gave a little knock on the office door.

Knock! Knock!

"Kein is that you? O-Oh! Come in!" I could hear Lenard\'s nervous voice over the room. I wonder how he has been, I haven\'t seen him since he dropped the latest girl\'s love book that he ordered from [Sprivanto] and [Puronia] for me.

I wonder if he\'s with the Dean, "I\'ll be going in now."

I opened the door to see Lenard holding some papers in his hands while sitting on the Dean\'s chair. His hair looked rather haggard, his blue eyes looked tired as he put down the papers and turned to me with a smile standing up from the chair.

"Kein! I missed you! D-Did you eat already?" He greets me with a tight hug and I accept it in confusion. I patted his back noticing that he was not wearing his usual clothes, ones that were tailored for nobles with their family crests.

"I missed you too, Lenard." I hugged him back tightly, my reply was shaking a bit, feeling rather emotional.

Even if the thought crosses my mind that he\'s actually the real Kein\'s cousin I have thought of him as mine. I am glad for all the things he did for me when I was still at Aunt Haren\'s house. "But what are you doing here in the academy with Ellis? This is unusual for you to hang out in- and do your paperwork here. In commoner clothing too..."

Lenard slowly lets go of my hug and faces me with a pained smile. I felt something was off with how he\'s being quiet and that he\'s here in the academy instead at the estate and continuing his work as a scholar there.

"Did... something happen back home? Is everything okay?" I ask him, holding his hand and staring into his tired dark blue eyes. He looked at me and then behind, where Ellis was currently holding Vivienne and wore a conflicted expression.

I waited for Lenard to continue taking a deep breath before telling me, "I... Well... I suppose..." he stops for a bit, recollecting himself. "We got... kicked out of the estate." he tells me putting up a smile but I know Lenard is hurting.

"They what?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs angrily. I\'ve known for my entire life that Lenard couldn\'t even do things that would be considered dishonorable to the family. I\'m surprised that he\'s the one being kicked out instead of Lucas!

"Why?! I can\'t imagine you of all people would do something to get you kicked out- you have been getting merits from being a scholar in magic studies!" I told him but he laughed weakly in reply.

Being a scholar is a highly regarded rank in [Puronia]. Studying magic, especially the concept of the light and research towards the goddess would make them a highly respectable group of people. Lenard was the top of his class when he graduated and I know he\'s working within the kingdom.

So why...

"W-We definitely have a lot to catch up on, please sit down while I brew you some Earl Grey." He pointed to the leather couch and I sighed tiringly.

I\'ve only been gone for about two weeks and things have already escalated this much to the others. I\'m afraid that when I\'ll get into the capital city I might\'ve missed out on something important- what\'s next?!

Someone getting married or someone getting a baby?

"Alright but where is the Dean? I thought the person my Father hired would be here." I asked Lenard who chuckles, letting Ellis and Vivienne inside before closing the door.

I watched as Lenard noticed Ellis who was carrying a little blonde girl in his arms and avoided my question. "U-Um... Honey... where did you find this little one?" he points a finger at Vivienne to which he raises his eyebrow noticing something.

​ "And doesn\'t she seem to look a bit like..." (Lenard) turns to me and I look away.

"Yes, for the nth time she looks like me." I cross my arms, sitting down into the couch. Ellis sits beside me and puts Vivienne down in the middle of us.

Lenard smiles fondly at Vivienne and walks towards one of the room\'s cupboards and prepares some hot water that was on a kettle. I watched him take a few cups, put it on the table and poured the hot water until it was almost full. "What\'s her name? And where did you find such a sweet looking girl?"

He asks, setting the tea kettle down and waving slightly.

"Hewwo... Uncle!" (Vivienne) who was sitting out in the middle was waving back at Lenard.

Lenard being the soft boy that he is, enjoyed the small interaction and even made a sparkling excited expression.

"O-Oh! Hello! Kein she\'s so precious, she called me uncle! C-Can you believe that? U-Uncle Lenard..." it seemed like he was over the moon being called Uncle. I suppose in this world, we were already at that age where we would usually have children and such.

"This is Vivienne, I found her while I was on a mission to escort the crown princess to [Winshern] kingdom. I told him you were Uncle Lenard so she must\'ve picked it up on that." I introduced her to Lenard who eyed him curiously while he made some tea.

"Kein... I know as your older cousin- I am responsible for you. Y-You can tell me if you got someone pregnant or something. Did you do the ritual in [Sprivanto] when going home with someone-" (Lenard) suggested such a thing-!

I was at work! On duty! Not flirting around!

"NO! I was strictly busy at work! Maybe the fact that we look alike is just a coincidence!" I accidentally yelled at him but Lenard didn\'t seem to have minded it.


"Nom nom?" (Vivienne) muttered out after her stomach grumbled that it was hungry. My eyes widened in surprise at how loud it was. Lenard laughs taking something out of his [Storage Ring].

"Some dried sweets I\'ve been saving up, here you go." (Lenard) offers up some dried sweets in a clean cloth.

The blonde girl happily took it, saying her thanks before eating. "Thank you... Uncle!" she yells out gratefully.

"Vivienne... didn\'t you already eat some pancakes back at home and the fruit that Ellis gave you-" I listed all the things that she has eaten ever since this morning- we haven\'t even ventured out in the afternoon and now I was afraid of what will happen.


Did I bring enough money?!

"The only thing I can differentiate about you two is the way you eat, Kein you eat very little but this little one\'s appetite seems to be bottomless- all the dried sweets are gone." (Lenard) covered half of his face in shock, I stared at Vivienne who put down the empty cloth with no more sweets left.


I think she got Rose\'s way of eating or this girl just has some amazing metabolism that the food vanishes into thin air.

"Is it normal for children her age to eat this much? Or should I cut it down... I should, right?" I ask my cousin, who I assumed can help me decide things but he shrugs weakly.

"Well- Kein I don\'t have any experience with children... And I\'m afraid that whatever I will add is wrong. A-After all I researched magic not that..." (Lenard) answered and I lost my hope when it came to taking care of children then.

I look at Ellis hoping that he might be able to add some of his opinions instead- but he shakes his head meaning he also didn\'t have any clue on how to care for children. "I also don\'t have any experience with children, so I cannot be of help, milady." (Ellis)

"Ah the only person I know who\'s good with children is erm... You know who..." (Lenard) whispers to me and I tilt my head at his words.

"Who\'s good with children? It can\'t be Lord Vincent and for all the other noble acquaintances we have they would prefer having a maid care for their children."

Truly, when the topic of children will pop up between the talk of nobles they would just say they\'ll leave their child at the hands of their maids to be cared for.

After all, it\'s their job. They would say.

I digress... if the parent is present and would be able to care and nurture them. They should be the one stepping up and at least try or else the child will grow up having conflicted feelings about their parents.

To the point they see them more as a stranger than parents.

Lenard fiddled around with his fingers and answered, "D-Didn\'t Rose worked a lot with children? Her name crossed my mind when you asked who was good with them..."

Ah! Right speaking of which!

Lenard doesn\'t know Rose is the second princess of the kingdom!

Should I tell him? Or just... wait for Rose to reveal it on her own? Maybe it would be best to leave it like that. "I actually met Rose... Uh- in my mission to escort the crown princess! We talked about how we\'ve been fairly well and she wanted to reconnect with me- I thought of... doing the same as well."

"Didn\'t you tell me she left you and told you to just forget about her?" (Lenard) huffs his chest at me looking displeased at my decision to reconnect with Rose.

"Y-Yes but that was all in the past!" I told him, truly Rose and I are currently fixing things for the better and we\'re taking things slow.

"Kein you are too forgiving!" he tells me but I feel like Lenard is averting the question that was pointed at him in the first place- why did it become an interrogation for me?!

"Enough of Rose-" I stopped him there and looked at him seriously, feeling like he\'s been dragging me for too long being left unanswered. "When are you going to tell me why you\'re here, Lenard? In my father\'s academy, fiddling with papers as well as files- and you\'re telling me you got kicked out of the estate-"

My cousin, who has been by my side for a long time, is crying. He has always been a soft crybaby but the last time I saw him cry was when we were children. I panicked, my first thought in motion was that I should apologize quickly.

"H-Hey! I\'m sorry! Lenard, don\'t cry...." I immediately stood up and supported him. If he\'s this broken then what happened at the Yulien estate must\'ve been bad...

"Kein... sniff..." (Lenard) calls out to my name and I nod, being there to hear him out. "Father knows... of my relationship with Ellis and he made me choose between my family and him..." He tells me to bite his lip and cry some more.

Lenard\'s father... Viscount Lenois Yulien.

I remembered when I was still staying at their home. I know he\'s well aware that I was being treated like a dirt bag but when he found my prowess in the arts he decided on giving me the offer of being adopted fully into the Yulien family, to which I refused.

"And I choose Ellis... over them."

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