Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 124 Festival With Vivienne (XVIII).

Chapter 68: Festival with Vivienne (XVIII).

Kein\'s POV

The morning came and I could feel my body getting a little stiff from the way I was positioned. I groaned uncomfortably seeing the stack of papers on the side of my face.

I held my head feeling a bit dizzy when I sat right back up. "Augh... I can\'t believe I slept while I\'m at work again last night."

Last night was the time where Vivienne asked me if I could tuck her in and tell her a little bedtime story before I continued back into finishing some of the tax paperwork, problems covering some of our lands and estate.

I grabbed a hold of my quill that was placed onto the side of the table, the ink on the tip of it has already been dry. I organized some of the papers and placed them in an orderly manner, so that I won\'t be too confused when I\'ll do them again later when I come back...

From the festival.

Will Rose be coming to meet us later?

She told me she will be with us from the last time we talked. I would want her to be with us and this will be our first festival after two years of not seeing each other. I wanted her to show everything that\'s changed.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Hmph! Hmph! Moma!"

I could hear small hasty footsteps walking towards my door, immediately I knew that it was Vivienne knocking and trying to reach the doorknob to open my office door. I forget that she\'s still so small... I couldn\'t help but giggle as the sound of her struggling continued.

"Vivienne, hang in there. I\'ll go get the door-" I yawned a bit, stretching my body, feeling some of my bones make a satisfying sound as I stood right up from my chair.

"Moma! Moma! Moma!"

"In a second-"

Is she excited to attend the festival too? She got up so early in the morning-


The moment that I opened the door I saw Vivienne already in her new dress and shoes that we bought yesterday. She looked so adorable-! It felt like I was looking through a small little mirror reflection. Her braided blonde hair from side to side, cute little red dress and black shoes definitely made her shine out to be some noble\'s child.

My child!

"Vivienne! You look so- cute." I felt like there was a pang in my hand and an impulsive decision to take her in both my hands and lifted her up.

"Hehehe!" (Vivienne) giggled like a cheeky little thing and waved her arms happily at me. I\'m so glad that we went shopping before because she looked so darn cute in a dress, I felt my pride going up for some reason and this feels the same when I had my Vivienne from earth.

"Look at you! So cute and adorable no one in the city will be able to take your hands off of you!" I told her and dropped her down gently to the ground where she stands up and points at me.

"Moma dwess. Please-! Festival go!" She pulled to my white robe and I got the message. She seemed to be really impatient in going to the festival and I couldn\'t blame her after her next words to me. "Mommy! Mommy is going too!"

Vivienne never forgot what Rose told her back when we were at her castle. Rose will be there in the festival, promised to be with us and I know for a fact she won\'t let her new daughter down. "Okay! Festival we go! Why don\'t you get your grandpa too? I heard he\'s going to be with us to host an art competition again like every year."

"What\'s that Moma?" she asks with those little curious gray eyes of hers. Every bit of it reminds me of her other mother, I felt happy that she even got her curiosity for things from Rose.

"I\'ll show you when we get there, so come get grandpa for me please? I\'ll be quick with my shower and clothes so we can leave as soon as we can." I slightly kneeled and patted her blonde head gently. She leans up more to my hand like a little cat liking the pat that I did.

"Okie Moma, I go get grampa." she rustled out of my office with her little legs running, when she ran the image of Mister Krabs flashed to my mind and I couldn\'t help myself from laughing a bit.

Children are funny.

"Alright time to get dressed too." I left as well after final touches of organization in my office. Some of the papers in there are really vital to our business so I would rather have them kept in a safe place.

I made sure to lock the door to it before going to my room before taking a quick shower, I don\'t have much time to relax in there if Vivienne is this excited to see Rose.

I... have to admit I also can\'t wait to see her. It\'s been two days- and its been that long since I was left with Veronica\'s... useful gift to me. I don\'t know when I\'ll be even using it but still I decided to keep it in my [Storage Ring].

Best to be prepared for anything right?

"Now... What should I wear...?" I muttered to myself, seeing my wardrobe full of suits tailored specifically for me but I\'m afraid that some of these are a little outdated on the size of the bust and I want this Lumineria festival to be perfect.

Shit I was focused on giving Vivienne all that she needed that I didn\'t think for myself- I did buy some new shoes but- I doubt Rose will notice that!

"Come on- I gotta have something nice to wear... One that will make me irresistible when I meet her..." I even dug through the deep side of my closet and I noticed there were small cobwebs forming in there. I suppose the servants haven\'t cleaned it, but I have to inform them sometime today.


Some speck of dust must\'ve caught my nose because I sneezed and-


Something fell out from the top covered in magic cloth where it\'s enchanted to keep your clothes dust free. I wasn\'t aware of something like this being in there. "What\'s this... new things keep popping up the the right time."

I grabbed it from the ground and opened it to see a black vest covered in gold buttons with dove symbols inside of them. It even came with a black cape, a blouse, as well as a black ribbon to tie and gloves that seemed to be of good quality silk.

"It\'s... exactly my size too." I held it from both sides and saw that a little letter that fell out on the vest. There were some writing on the front and I recognized it was from my father, Baron Hills.

"To my daughter, if you are reading this you are definitely going on a date. Use this when you don\'t have anything to wear. Love, dad."

I blinked at the letter and felt like I was too predictable. Then again I don\'t usually shop for clothes so the only thing that was in here was my old formal suits that I kept and nothing else.

I got used to wearing the same thing every time because I didn\'t care and I didn\'t have anyone to impress back then. To think father would think ahead- because I don\'t even look deep into my closet because of a certain trauma someone gave me... so this was a little smart.

I would only come look at the very deep back of the closet if I was so desperate to find something to wear. "Huh... Thank you, father."

I looked at the letter once more and decided to keep it in my [Storage Ring] for safekeeping. I couldn\'t wait to wear it and so I did. I wore a white blouse underneath hiding all my scars that I got, the black vest and I wrapped the cape around me feeling like a prince from the stories.

I tied the ribbon around my neck before placing the gloves in my hand. I used the same hair tie to tie my hair into a long ponytail and smiled.

Hmph, Rose won\'t be able to resist me now.

Looking in the mirror I would say I looked so mature, I felt so confident... in a while and that made me bring back my childlike excitement.

I exited out of my room feeling ready for anything.

All the servants that walked past me couldn\'t help but give me an admiring stare, especially the maids that stopped whatever they were doing just to look at me. Alfred was one of the servants who nodded and looked satisfied with what I was wearing. "Good morning, Milady. You clean up well. It seems that you\'ve found Master Hill\'s hidden gift for you."

"Father with his surprises, he never really tires of them."

"You look good, milady. Master Hills gave it his all with this gift." With Alfred\'s smile I became even more confident, if he approves it means I won\'t be going home crying today. "Master Hills and the young miss are already outside with the prepared carriage in hand that will escort you into the capital city."

I nodded gratefully for his service. "Thank you, Alfred. I\'ll talk to my father about giving you a long two week vacation after this." I held his shoulder with a wide grin and gave him a thumbs up.

"Granmpa! Moma!"

Vivienne was the first to notice my new outfit and she immediately gasped looking shocked but very pleased. "Moma cool!" She praised my outfit and I became even happier than before.

"Thank you, Vivienne. I really appreciate it."

Father turned to me and laughed with his hand by his hips, with his face of \'I see you\'re using it\' as usual. "You found it, I always knew you would be needing an outfit for a date. So... is it the same girl as always? Rose will be waiting for you right?"

Father, my other accomplice for Romance asks, and I nod in reply. "Let\'s go get her, dad! I\'ll definitely not let go of her this time. Just you wait, I\'ll bring home a wife!"

He gave me his proud smile revealing a set of dimples I never noticed before. "Indeed, you brought me a daughter. It wouldn\'t be a complete package if your wife is missing." (Baron Hills) joked with me as he opened the carriage door for Vivienne who says her thanks and called out for me to hurry.

"Moma! Mommy waiting! Let\'s go!"

She yells out and I shake my head looking at her pouty expression of wanting to leave already. I smirked and looked behind the estate, my home and one day I\'ll have Rose with me the next time I visit. "Wait for me, Rose."

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