Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 229 80:

Side Chapter: Vivienne\'s Two Aunties (I).

Two days after Kein left for the mission to kill the demon lord with Avery Williams, the hero who was summoned for the same mission to get back home-


Clack! Clack! Clack!

The sound of the gates opening could be heard all over the Hills estate. A carriage was coming in to visit the mansion. It seemed that someone\'s ears perked up and ran towards the noise.


Tack! Tack! Tack!

"Huff… Huff…! Hehehe!" The figure of a little girl running in her little frilly pink dress was being chased by several maids all over the mansion. The sound of her heels that her mother bought for her echoed throughout the halls.

A maid rushed in after their young lady and started yelling for their little miss\' safety.

"Milady! Hold on! You mustn\'t run or you\'ll slip-!"


"Wah!" (Vivienne) actually did slip onto the floor and had her face taste the dust that was there. She scraped her knee and it hurt quite badly.

"Milady! I told you to not run! Please behave yourself!" They all managed to catch up to the little girl and tried helping her up.

"Ah… sniff… Moma…" her face looked like she was about to cry.

Clack! Clack! Clack!


However it immediately changed into a determined expression, the expression on her face lights up and had the eyes of a fighter.

"Ngh… Bleh pheeew!" she blew on her face, wiping the dirt on her dress and started to run again.

The maids quickly followed behind her looking at one another with concern.

"Haa…! Haa!" (Vivienne) was at the door outside the estate, and she saw the carriage stopping by the front. "Hehehe!" she scampered down the stairs and ran giggling bouncing up and down looking ever so excited.


The little girl must\'ve thought her fiery mom has finally come home. With her little arms raised up in the air, Vivienne thought of pouncing on her mom\'s legs planning on not letting her go this time!

The carriage has just arrived, the horses panting for breath and the door could open any second now.

She stood near the carriage and one of the servants that was tending the garden in front of the estate noticed her. "!!!"

The little lady of the estate shouldn\'t stand so close to where the horses would be at the distance where they could suddenly take off.

The servant walked over quickly, gently pulling Vivienne aside.

"Wah?" (Vivienne) turns around and feels a hand by her shoulder dragging her away from the carriage, into a respectable distance.


As if on cue, the carriage doors open and the little girl sees that it wasn\'t her Moma that has promised to come home bringing gifts from her journey.

It was some nobleman bound to be her grandpapa\'s guest to talk about business from the way they dressed.

"Oh? Hello there-" The nobleman notices Vivienne who stares at him in confusion.

"Wah…" (Vivienne) looks up at the kind noble\'s face and waves it a little. "H-Hewo… Morning." she says her greeting of morning and the noble\'s heart mellowed in awe.

"Oh! How adorable, you must be Hill\'s new granddaughter that he told me about." He takes off his hat in respect for the little girl and bows slightly. "Well then, I have to excuse myself first to talk with your grandfather. Have a nice day."

He leaves giving a little wave, and Vivienne waves back in response.

"Bye bye…!"

"Whew." The servant sighs a breath of relief, placing a hand on his chest before he feels their little lady\'s tugging pull by the pants.


"Moma… come home?" She asks in question hoping the servant would know where she went and when she\'ll come back.


The servant\'s heart panicked as Vivienne\'s face was about to cry.

"Young miss… It\'s a guest for your grandfather. I\'m afraid Milady Hills has not come home." The servant kneels down seeing if Vivienne has already had a waterfall running down her face and she indeed has.

"Sniff… sniff… Moma…" (Vivienne) couldn\'t help but be selfish. She has traveled so far to find the same warmth, just to lose it all again in a short time of being together again.

She felt a sudden surge of anger in her heart.

"Wahhh! Moma dummy! Dum Dum! Poopy pants!" She crossed her arms and started making a little tantrum.

Vivienne started cursing her heart out.

The servant saw her tears and panicked not knowing what to do. "Ah! Milady- please stop crying! I-I\'m not equipped with knowledge on how to make children stop crying! Want candy? Want um cake?!"


"N-Nom nom?" (Vivienne) looks up sniffing her snot before wiping the tears in her eyes. Now it sparkled like little diamond gems, hearing that there was cake in the kitchen.


He pats another hand on his chest feeling relieved that cake was the answer to the little girl\'s crying burst.

"Hah… Hah…"


A maid\'s figure was panting, seeing the girl she was chasing before.

"H-Head maid?!" The other servant recognized the old maid who was trying to keep her back in one piece.

Running was something she wasn\'t used to doing in the estate, considering how peaceful it is. "F-Finally I caught up with you! Little miss! My back… cannot catch up…"

The head maid stares down with the little miss and places a hand on her waist. "Young miss- why are you here? You didn\'t need to run for this…"

Vivienne being a little afraid of the head maid casts her head down and mutters her apology softly.

"Me… sowwy… Moma not yet home… me wrong." Her words were a little broken but both the servants understood, she just wanted to see their lady once more.

They all sighed in defeat. Everyone loved their Lady Kein Hills for being kind and considerate to them. No wonder the newly added family member were missing her already. "Young miss, do not worry, our Lady is a tough one to be easily taken down is not in her vocabulary." (Head Maid) tells Vivienne leading her back into the estate.

In the end they all got cake and tomorrow came.

Day and night she waited.

Sometimes by the gates, the guards would always see their little miss sitting by the corner of the pavement for hours and only coming back into the estate kitchen to get a snack.

"Hewwo!" (Vivienne) was really friendly with the guards, easily earning their loyalty and oath to protect their little new lady.

"Goodmorning, young miss."

"Lovely morning isn\'t it?"

Vivienne holds a plate full of cookies, to where she got it- goodness me she stole a plate of cookies.

"Nom nom…" she looked towards the gate, seeing the flowers outside and the guard provided some shade when the sun was getting too hot.

Vivienne looks towards the guard who got her an umbrella, proceeding to offer some of the cookies that were on her plate. "Want a nom nom?"

"M-Me, young miss?"

"Yeh yeh!" she enthusiastically answers, raising the plate even higher.

"Ah no I\'m alright-"

"N-No want nom nom?" (Vivienne) pours in her little puppy eyes and the other party is completely subdued.


"I-If you don\'t mind I\'ll gladly take one." The guard hesitantly took one of the cookies from the plate and ate it to not be rude.

"Hehehe! Yummy nom nom?" (Vivienne) asks while her feet danced up and down on her seat.

"Y-Yes milady, this nom nom erm… cookie is rather tasty." The guard responded by taking a bite and decided to stand guard with Vivienne who sat down looking at the distance and waited.

Little did she know that everyone in the estate was looking for the little girl, and the head maid who was tearing her whole head apart trying to find her.

Vivienne would wait by the stables where Vanilla has gone missing being brought with Kein to the Journey.

"Horsie love you! Good horsie!" She would often compliment all the horses there and give them her own version of the names. "Oreo… Cookie… Cake!"

"A-Are these real names or are you just hungry, young miss?"

The stable boy was there to accompany the little miss and even he was having fun. Having a guest over to keep the horses entertained certainly helped. "Would you like to help me feed them their treats, young miss?"

"Horsie nom nom?"

"Y-Yes? If you mean nom nom by food then yes."

"Oh! Okie! Horsie nom nom!"

Everyone was slowly getting adjusted to having a little girl by their estate. Keeping the house safe and sharp free, everything was going well. Their hearts were a bit lighter, the aura of the estate from calm and peaceful soon changed.

It\'s now full of energy and the servant\'s senses were sharp for possible dangers for the little girl.

Meanwhile the only problem the kitchen had with Vivienne was the fact that the little girl\'s hands were so fast that they couldn\'t even see her taking

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