500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 34 Seraphina

Before heading upstairs, I headed back to the bar with Seraphina. Tilda watched me come over, but that was hardly surprising since everyone around us was watching.

"Well, I don\'t think I have ever seen this before, nor has anyone else. I really thought I was gonna get a chance to box that chiseled face of yours, honey! But hey! Those are some pretty eyes you got there, Miss Blood Angel," Tilda said.

"Die, Verim!" Seraphina hissed, but Tilda didn\'t bat an eye and, in fact, smiled brighter.

"Good to see you still have your spirit. Still want some red stuff?" Tilda asked.

"Do I look like I am any less ash-colored? Honestly, You really are an idiot," Seraphina growled but then screamed like a little girl when I grabbed her by the ear.

"Excuse me? Where did you learn to talk like that? If you are going to keep this up, you and I will step outside, you hear?" I threatened, and everyone flinched back from me as Seraphina started to glow red.

"Unhand me!" Seraphina growled.

"Holy pins of light bind this creature," I mumbled, and small pins of light sank into pressure points and Negative Energy veins.

"What have you done?!" Seraphina exclaimed, and I let go of her ear.

"Sealed you. What I give, I can take away. Think about that the next time you want to make a rude comment to someone who clearly doesn\'t deserve it," I said, then turned back to Tilda, who had a chilled glass of red liquid waiting.

Blood. I could smell the iron from it from where I stood.

"Sorry about this one, and thank you for her drink; what do I owe you?" I asked Tilda, and she burst out laughing.

"Owe me? Your drinks are in the house tonight for that performance! This was real life, but it almost felt scripted! You are quite the intriguing woman, Galio," Tilda laughed, and I sighed.

p I was going to correct her about the woman, but then I would be here all night. One nice thing now was that nobody was looking at me, and they were giving me a wide berth.


"Now that you have made me the laughing stock, what do you plan on doing with me? I thought you were different," Seraphina said, and I shrugged.

"You were disrespectful to a kind person for no reason, and I warned you. Your mouth got you in this trouble, so you might want to start using your ears and eyes. I dispelled your curse, so you are indebted to me. Normally, I would not be concerned about something like that and would have never asked anything in return. Though, since you decided to be mouthy and rude to someone that I think is a nice person from what I have seen, I will ask something," I said, and Seraphina marched up to me, pushing her into mine but then backing up in confusion.

"Are you wearing a breastplate under your shirt?" Seraphina asked me, and I rolled my eyes.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" I asked.

"Answer my question!" Seraphina snapped, and I blinked at her and then walked away and headed up the stairs, fast as called, "Hey! You daughter of a Demon! Get back here!"

I ignored her. The witch could go enjoy the average life of a flightless person with wings.

Good riddance.

I jogged up, and once I got to the third floor, Chili was there waiting for me.

"Hey! You survived! Tilda didn\'t even have to punch you! Look at you go! Surviving your first Cursed Blood Angel encounter unscathed! Did you give her your growth in the bathroom?!" Chili asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, I wouldn\'t say I came out unscathed," I said as I heard Seraphina.

"Galio! Get back here, you twat!" Seraphina screamed as I heard her coming up the stairs, but she sounded a bit winded.

"Let\'s go outside before she gets up here. Maybe she won\'t notice me up top!" I said, and Chili ran and opened the door to another stairwell.

Both of us jogged up the stairs and then burst from another door onto the massive rooftop patio. The place was charming, and there were a bunch of trellises with vines crawling all up and over them.

"Galio!" Eliza called, waving from the far corner with the large group of women.

I made a straight line from them and took a seat as soon as I got there, shrinking down.

"What are you doing, little woman?" Kalli asked me, and I looked up at her.

She happened to be sitting on the other side of the empty chair by Eliza. I had to wonder if that was by accident or if there was a great battle before I got up here?

"Hiding from a rude and entitled brat! I really should have had a longer conversation with her first, but she seemed nice enough at first! Gah! Why are women so complicated?!" I growled.

"You are a-" Kalli started, but I turned on her.

"If you say it, I will throw you over that wall, woman!" I growled, and Kalli laughed at me.

"You are cute when you get pissy!" Kalli laughed, slapping me hard on the back, I\'m sure almost breaking one of my ribs.

I was going to have to teach this one a lesson, but the other brat was about to show up immediately. My Crazy Bitch senses were tingling!

"Galio!" Seraphina screamed as she opened the door and then collapsed on the ground, out of breath.

"He is over here!" Kalli called.

I muttered a useful everyday magic spell for bad bouts of constipation, targeting Kalli.

The giant Amazon looked down at me with a grin, but I grinned back at the dirty bitch.

Then Kalli\'s stomach made a lurching, growling noise, and her eyes got real big. Her stomach sounded like a chemistry set as she jumped up and ran, knocking people out of the way.


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