500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 371 Fun With Your Research

"So, now you are going to finish with Calham and then Moret? What about after?" Tallia asked, and I put a hand to my face as I remembered about Xieus and Rem.

"Well, I have to get things wrapped up in Torrain with Hilda and Carrie, but this entire thing got bad because someone in the Underworld was trying to get my attention," I sighed, and Tallia lifted her head to frown at me.


"The Black King, but before you try to ask who this person is, no, I don\'t know. When I lived a life in the Underworld, I killed the last Black King, Baal, but now there is a new one that is holding Xieus and Rem, but also Diablo. The thing is, he isn\'t hurting them, and he just seems to want to talk to me. I am sure that there is a lot more than that, but that is the gist of it," I explained, and Tallia frowned.

"Well, you have to go then! You can\'t just leave them there!" she exclaimed, and I shook my head.

"I wasn\'t planning on it, but I don\'t want to go running into trouble without knowing what I am getting myself into. I need to do some research before anything else," I explained, and Tallia sighed as she laid her head back down on my chest.

"You just don\'t seem to get a break, do you?" Tallia teased, and I rolled my eyes and then kissed her.

"No, I don\'t. Did I tell you what happened when I went to go see Cancer?" I asked as I sat up, and Tallia grinned.

"No, but I have a feeling you are going to tell me," She giggled, and I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Ha, Ha, very funny. I had to fight Aries and then four others, but that was not important. Soon, the Winds of Change are going to be coming down to the mortal realm. I need that boat to be done sooner than later so I can start loading people onto it and get sailing," I groaned as I stretched and stood up from Tallia\'s bed and walked around her room, looking at all the white cat decorations.

"I will get right on it! I am sure the girls will be happy to help out as well. It sounds like you are going to need all the help you can get when this time comes," Tallia said, and I nodded as we both left her room to the kitchen. She set some water on, and I sat down at the table.

"How long do you think it is going to take Melrose to finish to the boat?" I asked, but Tallia didn\'t answer right away, but when she did, I groaned.

"Two to three weeks, earliest. I mean you could probably do some of it, but I think this job would be too much for even you to work on alone. It is not like you are really in a rush anyways, and you can take your time to relax for a bit. You are also going to need time for the Underworld, and I think that you said that you were going to look into the Easterners and their napping. That is a less serious problem now that you removed Xena," Tallia said, and I looked up at her.

"What is going on with her?" I asked, and Tallia looked back with a pastry in her hand.

"You raised the Positive Energy levels in the area to the point where there is very little negative anywhere. That basically made Blood Witches useless, so Xena was forced to pull back. I was really hoping that you would be able to confront her again, but this time with a clear head," Tallia explained, and I nodded.

"Well, that is good, I guess. If you ever see her again, can you let her know that I am looking for her? Not in a bad way or anything, but just to talk," I said, and Tallia nodded as she set the pastry on the table in front of me with some tea.

"I will. Now eat up, and get out. I have my daily meeting with Melrose soon, and you have better things to do than bother me after the night that you had," Tallia said, and I choked on my tea, making her giggle at me. "Mother and daughter at the same time, and those two no less. You are really a God walking among mortals."

I blushed, and Tallia chuckled as she sipped her own tea, standing up and leaning over me to kiss my cheek. "You have fun with your research while I get things done here."

After Tallia left for her meeting with Melrose, I made a portal to head back to Calham to tell everyone to start getting things together, and then I would head to Moret since I still had my layout of the place in my head.

Today was going to be another long day, but nothing that I couldn\'t handle. Though, I still wasn\'t sure what I was to expect when I got to the city of Torrain. While I didn\'t expect it to be nearly as bad as the surrounding towns had been, I still didn\'t think that things were going to be very good there.

I just hoped that I was wrong, but even if I wasn\'t, I would just fix the place up. This world was like my sandbox, so I wanted everyone to be able to live good lives, and I would fight to make that a reality.

This world has its share of problems, but they were really nothing compared to some of the crazy bastards that I had met in my past lives. I was just glad that I hadn\'t met any megalomaniacs in this world yet, but I was sure that it would only be a matter of time before I did.

I stepped through the portal, and people spotted me and started to come over as I smiled and got started with my day.

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