500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 618 [Bonus ] Flower Guards

I looked at Cestia, my heart heavy but resolute, "Cestia, we need to talk about what\'s going on between you and me. Ever since we first met, it seems like we\'ve been at each other\'s throats, and I want to understand why."

Cestia scoffed, clearly not in the mood for a heart-to-heart conversation. "Why bother? It\'s not like we\'ll ever see eye to eye."

I reached out, trying to place a gentle hand on her shoulder, but Cestia pulled away. "Don\'t touch me. You had your chance for that long ago, but you have Cancer now!"

"And you have Scorpio," I said, but that made her turn on me with fire in her eyes.

"Do you really not know?!" Cestia demanded, and I got a confused look on my face, but then she turned on Virgo. "Why didn\'t you tell him?!"

"Tell me what?!" I demanded, looking between them.

"I would if I could have before this. I think that all of us would if we could, but it has only been since I was purged that I think I am able to explain that all the male Zodiacs are gay... Yes, it seems that..."

Virgo\'s words faded as I was instantly pulled from my body into memories that had been somehow locked away.


[Prime: The Throne Room]

"You will need more than just women to defend you, my king," Nemoria said to me for the fourth time, making me roll my eyes the same way I did each time she suggested it.

"I captured this world and purged it of your husband\'s influence in less than a day, my love. Talk some sense into your dear mother, will you?" I asked, turning to Tallia, who sat on the throne beside me.

Tallia sighed but then shook her head. "I don\'t think that you understand what Mother is suggesting. She is not asking for you to get guards that can protect you. Mother wants them for our people."

I frowned, not fully comprehending Tallia\'s words. "I have provided your people with stability and peace," I protested. "Isn\'t that enough?"

Tallia exchanged a look with Nemoria before replying, "It\'s not about what you have provided us, but about making sure our people feel protected by their own. Even if you have changed the world, you have not changed all the people in it. There are still those that wish to do you harm and those that still side with my father," she explained but then switched to a questioning tone. "What do you think they will do if they can\'t get to you because you are too strong? How many women do you love, like my mother and myself? What of the Minor Queens? What of the female guards you have?"

I paused, realizing the gravity and truth of Tallia\'s words. The people I cared for, the women whose loyalty I had won and who stood by me - they could be at risk if the opposition found a way to bypass my own strength and go after them directly.

"You\'re right, Tallia," I admitted, my pride momentarily swallowed by my newfound understanding. "But how do we choose these men? We must ensure their loyalty to us and not to your father\'s cause."

Nemoria spoke up, her voice firm and confident. "I can take care of that. I can train them, test their loyalty, and ensure their commitment to you and our people."

"Wait!" I said, thinking about my female guards. I had spent time with them sexually and loved each of them as I did my Minor Queens. I also made a point of not having any males in the castle at all.

"Are you really going to bring this up again?" Nemoria asked, shaking her head.

"What? I can\'t help that I love you all! Nor can I help the fact that I don\'t like men around my women! Call me a jealous fool and a greedy one at that, but I am not worried that my girls will betray me. I am worried about the men," I explained.

I always felt weird saying it out loud because I felt hypocritical since I loved so many women. It seemed silly for me to worry, but at the same time, it was how I felt, and the women all approved of me having more than one wife. It had gotten to the point where Nemoria and Tallia were pushing me to marry more of them.

Tallia interjected before Nemoria could respond. "Then let\'s find men who share your values and possess the same loyalty and desire for our cause as we do. Their purpose will not be to take us from you but to protect us and the kingdom we\'ve built together."

Nemoria nodded in agreement. "We can also take it a step further and only look for men that like other men," She said and looked at me again. "You can\'t very well complain about them if they are gay, right?"\'

I hesitated, considering the proposal. "That... might work. They would be less likely to covet what I hold dear and could focus their loyalty on protecting what we\'ve built. Very well, let us search for and train these men, loyal to us and not tempted by the distractions that I fear."

Nemoria and Tallia exchanged satisfied glances, and we set out to find and train our new male guards, selecting only those that shared our vision of a united kingdom and were attracted to their own gender.

As time went on, we found a group of men who fit our criteria, and they quickly proved their loyalty and skill. These men, whom we dubbed the "Flower Guards," became integral to the protection of our kingdom and the women within it.

Not only that, but I found that I got along with most of them really well, and our bonds of loyalty and friendship only grew stronger.


As the locked memories flooded back into me, I now understood what Virgo and Cestia had been trying to tell me. The male Zodiacs had been specifically chosen for their loyalty and homosexuality as protection for the female Zodiacs.

Snapping back to the present, I looked at Cestia and Virgo with newfound understanding. "I remember now. Thank you, Virgo, for reminding me and helping me reconnect with these memories."

Cestia scoffed, her anger not yet subsided. "So I see how it is then. Since you have Cancer, and Scorpio is gay in this world, I wouldn\'t even qualify for the title of a side dish. Funny how you don\'t mind betraying others but have such loyalty to Cancer." She spat, then stormed out of the room, leaving me to deal with the awkward situation she had created.

Virgo placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Galio, I understand that you wish to set things straight, to prevent or at least lessen the hurt that others may feel. But we must focus on the task at hand, saving the Underworld and finding the other Zodiacs. We can address personal matters once our mission is complete."

I pulled away and turned to her, looking into her eyes differently. It was almost like she was a new person to me, but at the same time, she was a person that I knew as well as the palm of my hand.

"This is important, Virgo. In fact, this is even more important to me than dealing with the Black King, or Kadeon even," I said, looking deep into her eyes. "When everything is done, and over, Kadeon, the Black King, and all the other problems I will deal with will be gone. You, Cestia, and the others? You, women, will always be in my life and will always come first."

"Well, just so we are clear, and so you don\'t hold grudges, Kadeon was not ever able, to this day, to force any of the males to have sex with any of us. All he could do was trick you into thinking that the others were in love to deprive you in plain sight," Virgo explained, and I reached out to pull her into my arms.

Holding Virgo tightly, I took a deep breath, grateful that at least the women in my life - my Zodiacs - hadn\'t been subjected to that particular cruelty. "Thank you, Virgo," I whispered into her ear. "For everything. I don\'t know what I would do without you all."

She hugged me back, her voice soft and comforting. "We\'re always here for you, Galio. No matter what, we\'ll stand by your side and face any challenge together."

We broke the embrace, and I nodded, my determination renewed. "You\'re right, but now I think that I should go deal with Cestia. I also think that this is something that I need to do alone. Our issues run deep, and it\'s about time we try to resolve them and find common ground."

Virgo smiled and nodded in agreement. "Do what you must, Galio. We\'ll be waiting for you once you\'ve finished dealing with Cestia."

With a final nod, I left the room and followed the path Cestia had taken.

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