Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 2 Half The Fun

"What kind of System? Does this mean I will have powers?" I asked, finally starting to catch on, even if only a little bit, but I was ignored.

I had read all about different Systems in some of my light novels, but it sounded hard to believe. I was already pushed past reality, so what was adding some fantasy terms in?

Maybe I might get sent to some fantasy world with beautiful women that would crawl all over my life in my favorite harem novels. I might be reborn as a prince and with superpowers!

"Last but not least! I am Orphus, one of the thousands of God-like beings that have descended on your world or something like that. Anyways, there will be others! Some good, more bad; you know how stories like this go, right? Gotta have more good than bad, or it would all be over too quick!" Orphus exclaimed.

"Hey! What the hell! I am going back to earth?! I am nobody there!" I complained.

"Then you better get good! I picked you because you\'re boring, but there is a spark of excitement that has been waiting to be born. Stick with me, boy, and we will conquer the world! Or at least save it from what will most likely be the beginning of the world\'s end if the evil gods or whatever they are called aren\'t stopped. Now, I\'ll talk to you in a few days, do your best not to behave yourself while I am watching!" Orphus told me, and my body started to lift.

Suddenly, a small light appeared, and it started getting bigger like I was getting closer to it, but I was moving faster and faster.

"Are you alive?! Speak to me; you can\'t die!" That same female voice called to me as I crashed into the light, and my eyes snapped open.

Instantly, my body was in pain, and I realized I was lying on the sidewalk with my head propped up. I gasped for breath, but that filled me with even more pain, and I rolled off the lap I was on, causing my vision to blur.

[Evergrowth System Activated.]

[Body damage is the result of Physical Injury, Total damage is 87%]

[WARNING: Pain sensors are being disabled during repair.]

Suddenly the pain was gone completely, even the slight back pain I had from sitting often. I also couldn\'t move, but there was something going on inside of my body.

"Are… You okay?! I can\'t call for an ambulance because my phone doesn\'t work, and I don\'t know where I am, and you saved me!" The woman cried as she leaned over my body.

"Don\'t… worry about… it, I… just need a… minute," I said slowly.

Even without the pain, I couldn\'t make myself do more than whisper slowly, but I could feel my body getting better at a rapid pace. The words that had popped up hadn\'t really told me much, but I liked the sound of repair.

"Are you kidding me? You were just hit by a truck!" The woman nearly screamed.

"Yup, that really hurt. Are you okay?" I asked, and my voice started to sound a bit more clear.

[Total damage is 25%. Returning motor functions to your body.]

[Pain receptors are now reactivated.]

There was a pain that came back instantly, but it was bearable, and I felt different. More muscular, if only a little bit, but the rest was hard to put into words.

"I… umm hurt my leg when you pushed me, but it\'s not that bad! I am alive," The woman said, and I slowly started to push myself off the ground.

"Can I see?" I asked as I turned around to look at the woman on the ground.

"How? And why are you still worried about me! That guy drove off without even stopping!" the woman cried out with tears in her eyes.

"Don\'t worry about it," I said quietly as I leaned down to look at her leg; it had a deep cut that was bleeding.

[Target is damaged, place hand over injury to activate external repair.]

I blinked, and the message disappeared, but I had read it all. This was more than interesting, but I didn\'t hesitate to slowly place my hand over the gash.

"What are you doing?!" The woman asked in shock.

[Activating external repairs.]

"I am not sure, so just stay still for a moment, okay?" I asked, looking into the woman\'s blue eyes.

I could feel the cut close under my hand, and my breath caught in my throat.

"Why doesn\'t it hurt?" The woman asked as the shock turned into confusion.

I removed my hand, still holding my breath, and the deep cut was gone. Nothing was left to signify there was an injury except for the blood.

I looked up to the woman, but she was starting to get a far-off look. Her eyes rolled back in her head, but I was able to catch her in my arms.

I checked her pulse on her neck, my hand brushing her soft blond hair, and confirmed that she had just passed out. The shock of everything must have been too much for her, and I couldn\'t really blame her, but I couldn\'t leave her like this.

I gently scooped her up and stood up in the blizzard that was still raging, so I was hardly able to see. The best I could do for her was take her to my place, and we could decide what to do from there.

I looked down at the girl whose name I still didn\'t know and saw my ripped coat. Strangely, even with the wind and snow, I wasn\'t cold at all.

Whatever just happened to me was still up in the air, but something had definitely changed inside of me. I still didn\'t know who Orphus was either, and he was a lunatic to boot.

I started walking but decided that I would wait till I got to the top of the hill before crossing the road. That was more than enough excitement for one night, is what I thought, but things were just getting started.

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