Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 86 Mega-Me

"Hey! What do you mean three? You don\'t need to fight, I need you here with me, and back at home, that is it!" I said, but Gaia smiled at me.

"Don\'t worry. I don\'t like fighting if I don\'t have to. I am just the only one that can bring this... thing. I don\'t even know how to describe it. Umm, just give me a second; I will get Sofia to come," Gaia said, and I nodded as I waited, thinking about what she could have created.

Suddenly Gaia straightened up, putting her elbow in one hand, and then adjusted glasses that weren\'t there.

"Fu Fu Fu! So, you heard about my little creation, and now you want the details?! Well, you have come to the right place, Papi!" Gaia said in Sofia\'s voice, smoking something that wasn\'t here.

"What do you have Gaia running over to me, my Sexy Mad Scientist?" I asked, and Sofia laughed hard.

"I love when you talk dirty to me, Papi! Mega you is what is coming! Fifty feet of you! Don\'t worry, I didn\'t add your dick, so you don\'t have to worry about a school bus swinging around!" Sofia laughed, taking another drag.

I wasn\'t sure how I felt about this, but that did sound helpful. It would be like a super-sized me, but my control of other things would be severely reduced.

"Good job! Sounds like it will be useful!" I laughed, and Sofia nodded.

"You bet! I also had Melody send some birds with my sensor bugs. I used a combination of my abilities, Gaia\'s and Melody\'s, to create them, but this will give us real-time tracking. We need telepathy, real bad, or some way to connect to the trees to send messages," Sofia explained, and I fully agreed with her.

"I will try my best, but I just don\'t think I am strong enough to do things like that yet. I am trying to get stronger right now, so hopefully, I can soon hit another Growth Spurt, and we will try again," I explained, and Sofia nodded.

"Sounds good, Papi. I will let you get to that and have the lovely Miss Gaia back!" Sofia said, and Gaia\'s posture changed.

"Okay, you take the boy back, and then we will meet outside town where the Villain is. We need to pick up the speed. I have already picked up another Villain within four hundred miles from the south," I said, and Gaia nodded and left on a patch of grass with the boy, Miles, beside her.

Now that Gaia was gone, I stretched my senses and started to find different animals that were still alive or in suspended states. Some of the Lizards and Reptiles had been frozen but had a chance of being revived.

There weren\'t many mammals like animals, and basically, anything that could be considered edible was gone. I had thought that there didn\'t seem like much here, but now I think I understood why.

Cities only worked if there were constant streams of food and money moving in and out. The problem is that there is no one that can deliver anything anymore.

Even if the villains didn\'t make it to some places, the people would start devolving. There could be cases of cannibalism or just people killing for food.

This was another reason I needed to start the Great Tree Seeding Project. The trees would provide food and a safe haven for those that are willing to change.

The rest would be pushed out, and even now, the Great Trees here were tossing seeds all over the city. I could sense people running to them, some even being chased, but even the new trees protected them as they grew and pumped out heat.

I evolved the lizards that survived to have large, solid, and rigid bodies and sent them out to start helping people out. They were suitable for this since they could sense heat signatures, and I increased this. I found two more lions and made them huge two-story monstrosities like the others.

"Alright! I want you big ones to act as security, and you will back up the lizards if they need help with a situation. I also have mice that will go with each lizard to help guide people out of the buildings. If anyone gives you trouble, deal with them appropriately. I expect to find some bad stuff, so rescue what you can and punish those that have murdered in cold blood. If you are unsure of what to do, take them to a tree, and they will deal with them," I explained, getting everyone in order.

"Yes!" The group shouted, but it felt weird because it was an army of super animals that said it.

All of them dispersed, and I sighed as I turned and let the grass send me rocketing forward through a wall that my roots ripped apart. Superhumans were easy because I knew that they were trying to be as evil as possible, but humans were worse, in my opinion.

It was partly why the AI seemed to have such a hard time with things. All humans wore masks, hiding their true feelings, but now I could break those masks, and I would.

I would not let dangerous people that refused to change their ways bother those that just wanted to live a peaceful life. This might put a good portion of the world against me, but I had been given this power, and I would use it to the best of my abilities, but on my own terms.

Pavements were torn up around me, and I was closing in on Brackstahl Steel Mill. The place was massive, and to my surprise, there was smoke coming out of one of the stacks.

I slowed down and jumped into the air with the help of my roots, wings bursting from my back. I flapped up in the air to get a better view of the place, and I was trying to figure out exactly where this Villain was.

After I reached about two hundred feet up, I deduced that she had to be where that stack was pumping smoke. The uneasiness kept coming to me from that direction, so I dropped back down, retracting my wings.

My roots burst out, and grass surged up to slow my descent, lowering me the last ten feet slowly. Gaia was waiting for me, and I smiled at her, but she had a worried look.

"Hey, what is with that look on your face?" I asked, and Gaia sighed.

"I am worried about this one. I was just about to disconnect the AI, but there was nothing else there," Gaia explained, but I didn\'t understand.

"What do you mean, there was nothing there? Like the person? How is that even possible?" I asked, but then Gaia\'s face changed to Joe Blacks.

"The human is braindead. The body that they would have been designated to must have died before the AI could reach it. I will have to assume they were in a hospital, and this was the closest living body. If you take the AI out, there won\'t be anything left but a living shell," Orphus explained, and I nodded, understanding it now.

"That might make for a problem then, right?" I asked, but Joe Black shrugged.

"This is the best possible situation, really. First, Gaia can literally stop her dead in her tracks. Second, This is a female AI, and I think I know this one if she is here," Orphus explained.

"You know them? I guess you probably know all of the AI," I questioned, but I got another shrug.

"You know me if I don\'t find them interesting, I don\'t really care, but this one is different. Firaga only uses the Metal Consumption System, but she is a bit of a strange one. For some reason, her mind is cleared every time she enters a new body. Most of us think that she does it to herself so she can forget what she has done. Not everyone agrees with what is being done, but the Villains will always innately be cruel and uncaring," Orphus explained, and I nodded.

"Well, this is not bad news for me then. I will try to see what I can do with her," I said.

"Sure, just watch out; she gets pretty hot, and, well, you are a tree. Just keep that in mind. Fire is one of those things that you are always going to have trouble with," Orphus said, and then he transformed back into Gaia, but I could sense that this Firaga was moving towards me in a straight line.

"Get out of here for now, but stay in range. I am hoping to take care of this before the next Villain gets here, but I am not holding my breath. How long till the girls and Mega-Me are here?" I asked.

"Thirty minutes," Gaia said, and I groaned.

If I was lucky, I would have ten minutes max.

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