Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 187 Sci-Fi Jurassic Park

Now that I was suited up and looking like some robotic abortion, I floated down to the third level. I was thinking of doing the fourth first, but I thought that I would get warmed up with the third first.

I really had no idea what I was going to be facing, but I was pretty sure that I was as prepared as I could be. All the weapons that I could shoot were running hot and ready to fire, so I started to pry open the door on the ninth floor. This proved to be a lot harder than I had expected, and it made one hell of a screeching noise.

That noise brought the sounds of hissing, and I immediately targeted four wolf-like creatures with massive mouths.

*Phew! Phew!*

Two shots fired from my shoulder cannon and blew the first two into a red mist. This made the other two turn and run in the other direction.

"Shit! That is too much!" I growled and retracted the particle beam back into my shoulder as I continued to pry the door open.

When I was finally inside, the sounds of all the different creatures started to fill the air, but this was nothing like being a zoo. Some sounds were like flapping flags, whispers, and hacking. The first area I was in was pitch black, but my vision was already adjusted to it, and I could see fairly well.

The first thing that I noticed, and the only thing left in this first room, was the source of the flapping. It was a strange-looking thing that was like a fat bulb with a thin fan-like webbing that flapped up and around it. It was hard to tell if it was a creature or a plant. From its orange center and red fans, it looked like a fire incarnated as a creature.

I got about ten feet away from it and then ran a scan over it.

[Target: Fellosom]

[Type: Carnivorous monster]

[Height: 7-10 feet tall]

[Description: Orange bulbous body with bright red fans that constantly undulate to attract prey.]

[Attributes: Originates from hydrogen-rich planets and can be found in many parts of the universe. They hunt by sitting still and waiting to open up seams along their sides to grab passing prey with tentacles, consuming them.]

[Danger level: 2]

Well, danger level two seemed pretty good, but now was one part that I hadn\'t thought of completely. How was I supposed to capture something like this?

The particle beam was being converted into a net thrower, but I didn\'t really have a good way to deal with transporting anything yet. I had to get to the far left side of this floor to set up a transport system. I also had to make sure that nothing escaped up the track, but Mr. Tree should be able to take care of that.

I wish I could make better use of the trees, but it was going to take time for the roots to spread out enough to be useful. Truthfully, I probably could have just set the trees to do this and stayed up above. Could have been resting in the pool, but that was boring. This felt more like being in a sci-fi Jurassic Park.


I whirled around and thought there was a person standing behind me. It took no more than a blink to realize the pink skin and basic shape were where the human resemblance ended.

The creature was holding out its arms that were covered in what looked like floppy tub-like fingers, but they were coming out of every direction. The face had no eyes or ears, but its mouth stretched far back to where its ears should be. There were also nose holes, but its face was kind of snake-like.

*Whisper, Whisper, Whisper, Whisper, Hissssss!*

[Warning: Target is attempting to use hypnosis on you. Scanning frequencies… Complete]

The creature was making a strange whispering noise as it walked towards me slowly while also hissing. I could feel it making me a bit heavy. The moment that the scan of the sounds was complete, my body started to emit a much more powerful version of the sound.

The creature\'s fingers started to straighten out suddenly, and it stopped, pointing its… hands at me. They looked so friggin weird!

Slowly, the creature sank to the floor, and the fingers flopped.

[Targets are both incapacitated.]

[Creating barriers.]

Roots burst from my suit as I turned to see that the Fellosom was lying on its side, split open with some red tentacles hanging out. It was also leaking some kind of white milky liquid.

My roots were creating containment cages that were inch-wide hexagon netted domes around both creatures. This would be good until I secured the room to transport them up. After that, I would figure out how to transport them, but it shouldn\'t be too hard with the domes.

I walked over to the Fellosom and bent down beside the cage, and got a closeup scan of the white jizz the creature was leaking.

[Target: Fellosom Digestive Fluids.]

[Description: White viscous fluid.]

[Attributes: Breaks down organic material into basic elements.]

[Elemental Separation learned]

"There we go! This is going to be hella useful! Man! This stuff is crazy!" I exclaimed to myself, laughing.

I could get Sofia to study this, and we could learn how to apply this to inorganic materials like metal and rock. If we could do that, mining asteroids would become a relatively easy job!

This white jizz was going to be a real time saver, but it could all be used for many other things. I might even be able to use this Elemental Separation to make a system for Drake, the mining specialist from Sofia\'s list.

I stood back up, walked over to the other cage, and scanned the creature inside.

[Target: Shigavant]

[Type: Carnivorous monster]

[Height: 5-6\'3 feet tall]

[Description: Pink-skinned creatures that have no eyes using echolocation while hissing with snake-like mouths that are filled with razor-sharp teeth. They hear using special tubes at the end of their fingers with ten to thirty on each hand. The fingers have no bones but get stiff when the creature is excited.]

[Attributes: Extremely resistant skin that is slashing and piercing-proof. They use whispering to hypnotize their victims. Found only on Dessert planets and originates from Trifrieda, orbiting Alphard 177 million light years away from earth.]

[Danger level: 6]

"Yup, this would definitely count as at least a six," I said to myself, scratching my metal chin, and then stood up.

I backed up from the cage, and then my suit started to open up, and I stepped out. My body was now like that terminator that was made of liquid metal, a completely smooth and silver body. I turned around to face my suit and winced.

Looking at the way that the floor was divided up, it was going to take a while to check everything. That gave me an idea while I was staring at the abomination that I had created. It looked more like something from Warhammer, but like Tony Stark built it. Then like, the US government got ahold of it and gave it the old stars and weapons of mass destruction treatment. The thing was a fucking mess.

"Yeah, maybe it does need a little work, but I will leave that to my worse half," I said to myself as I sent a call to Firaga.

"Yes?" Firaga asked as her image appeared, and I winced again, but this time at the sound of a hammer connecting with metal.

"Can you connect the Chimera blade to me? I need Eddie to help me clear some floors at the army base I am visiting," I said, and Firaga was giving me a strange look. "Do I have something on my face?"

"No, I just thought that you look good all in metal like this. It reminds me of when I am absorbing metal. Kind of hot, and I am not talking about the metal," Firaga said with a sexy smile that made me grin.

"Thanks, babe! I will have lots of new metals for you to check out when we get back," I explained, and Firaga nodded and then turned her head.

"Eddie! Daniel needs your help!" Firaga called over, and soon a funny-looking clone of me with an extremely plain face came into view.

"Do you need me?" Eddie asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I have a mech suit here for you to use. I need help with capturing alien monsters," I explained, and my plained face grinned back at me.

"Ha! That actually sounds like fun! A mech suit? What does it look like?" Eddie asked, and I sent my view to them. "What fucking retarded alien made that piece of shit? What fucking dusty ass bunker did you find that thing in?!"

"I made it!" I snapped.

"No, you fucked up, you retarded alien! What the fuck is wrong with you? Can\'t you fucking pop an eyeball out and look at yourself while you are doing it? Bring the damn scan of your body up in your HUD?" Eddie snapped back.

"Are you going to help me or not? Fucking bargain shop Venom," I growled.

"Oh, now we are getting lippy, Mr. I Can\'t Look In A Fucking Mirror! Of course, I am going to help you, but you have to let me fix that piece of shit!" Eddie retorted, and I grinned finally.

"That I was hoping. I get it if fucked it up, but you can tinker with it all you want," I said.

"Are you two done yet?" Firaga asked, shaking her head. "I still can\'t believe that you are the same person."

"Don\'t lump me with him!" Both of us said at the same time.

"Nevermind," Firaga sighed.

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