Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 265 Everything

Chapter 265 Everything

"Truthfully, I think it is because I know this still isn\'t enough and that I need to get stronger. I might one day, but I think that is a way off. Even getting my full mind back and running at 100%, I am still nothing like Tiamat or Alpha. If they could get free, they could pick our world up like a baseball. I am not human; I am Annokale, and I am trying to protect what I love; that is all of you," I said, and Dawn smiled but shook her head.

"Maybe you are right, and you might become twisted one day, but I think that your potential is so great that this level of power is a grain of sand compared to what your true potential could be. I look forward to the day that you start to slip, and according to my estimation, that shouldn\'t be for another 13 billion years, so you had better not lose now," Dawn said, and then absorbed into my body.

I got the same feeling from Dawn as Gaia, but not as strong, but that was understandable; we had only just met.

I smiled and closed my eyes. I was ready; this would be the most epic battle so far in my lifetime, and I promised myself that no matter what happened, I would stay true to my purpose and protect the earth.

I absorbed back into the ground and formed from the ground in Octavia Tree, where there were two of her and one Omega.

"So you are here to take one of my lovelies away?" Omega asked in his Joe Black body, and I smiled.

"Yes, I am. We need her help for the coming battle," I said, and Omega nodded.

"Well, take good care of her, please. She is a powerful one, and I know she will make you proud in this time of great peril," Omega said and then handed me a large disc. It was an AI he had been working on to help us with our task ahead.

"This should give you an edge against your opponents. Good luck, Bright One," Omega said, and then walked over to Octavia as her clone stepped up beside me.

"Come, let\'s go save the world," Octavia said and then absorbed into me. This time it was all ready to go, and excited to kick some space dragon\'s ass! She was Omega\'s girl, so I had not expected the same, but I definitely didn\'t expect this level of excited edginess.

"Woah, what is up with you, clone?" I asked with a smile as I gave my head a bit of a shake.

"Sorry, I gave you some of my more excitable emotions in the clone to keep a cool head down here. She will be fine once she fuses with your subconscious," Octavia said calmly, and I shrugged.

"I guess that makes sense," I said and then pulled up the map to see the solar system.

"The Gideons are going to be here in 1.5 hours, but you have time till the sisters get to the sun. What are you going to do? Go get set up?" Omega asked, and I laughed.

"Nope, going to see all the girls and make sure everything is in order, and I will meet the sisters at the targeted destination. I have to make a few stops to set up a few surprises on Venus and Mercury. Stay safe, and get out of here if it looks bad. You all know what to do if everything goes south, right?" I asked and then nodded. "Good; I am off to see Anya about it right now."

With that, I disappeared into the ground and reappeared in Anya\'s tree where she was waiting for me.

"Do you have all three of them?" she asked, and three heads grew out of my body, making Anya flinch back. "Please don\'t do that, girls; you are going to give me nightmares," Anya said, pushing some of her white hair out of her face to reveal her Memory Crystal.

They giggled and absorbed back into me as I shook my head with a smile, walking over to kiss Anya. She was going to help me with the switch by letting me go into her crystal so my mind would shut down. During this time, their girls would take control of my subconscious, and she should be able to operate my body enough to let us know it was safe. Everything should be fine, but if something did happen, I would have to make a new clone and new clones for the others.

"Are you ready? It feels strange that you will be in my mind, even if it is only for a brief moment," Anya said as she hugged me tightly, and I returned it.

"I will only be in there for a blink if it works or doesn\'t, so no worries. Another time we could go in and relive some of our favorite times, right?" I said with a smile, and she nodded.

"That would be really nice. I would like to revisit the back of my father\'s bookstore with you," Anya said fondly, and I laughed as we pulled apart.

"Now that\'s what I call date night! Okay, let\'s get this going; there is a lot of background noise with these three," I smiled, and Anya smiled, but suddenly I was on the floor, trying to get up with Anya\'s help.

"Take it easy! It took the girls three hours to get full control of your body, so I am sure things are going to be shaky for a bit, but you need to just sit down, Daniel," Anya said, and I did as she said as I gasped for air.

Everything. I could feel everything and one on earth like never before, and the world was alive. I could feel the last of the humans being rounded up and forced into the cubes by the faceless clones that I was controlling from my main body. I could sense lions in Africa killing a gazelle and a pod of whales in the ocean, and I could go on forever.

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