
Chapter 56 Assembling The Quantum Computer

As he waited for his new batch of Majorana fermions qubits to be created and now that he had completed writing the Quantum architecture for the chip, he decided to spend the waiting time to create companion Hardwares that could be used to utilize the chips he was creating and for his one other project.


15 days later.

"And with that we are done" Aron said as he removed the new quantum chip Nova finished making from the machine.

After removing it, he stored it with the other chips he made inside the vacuum sealed storage device then closed and locked it.

He carried the storage device with the chips inside, then he left the lab for his last and final time.

Outside the lab.

"Is everything accounted for?" Aron asked one of the bodyguards who were helping him carry the things he created in the lab in a specialized delivery vehicle.

"Yes Sir, we just have to store that and we will be done" Donald, one of the bodyguards said as he pointed at the storage device in Aron\'s hand.

"No, this is not going with the truck. It will stay with me." Aron said implying that he will personally be responsible for carrying the storage device that had quantum chips in them.

"Tell your security team to make sure nothing goes wrong with the things inside, I will give each of you a bonus if nothing happens to them" Aron said to Donald, raising the importance of what they were caring to a level higher than they first thought.

Inside the special delivery vehicle there were motherboards, and other devices he created in his remaining 15 days in the lab.

After the special delivery vehicle left with a convoy of escort cars that had fully armed guards in them, Aron turned to the lab manager and Said "Thank you for your hospitality" to Jim, the manager of the lab while handing the lab keys to him.

He was thankful that no one disturbed him during the month-long period he was in the lab.

"You are welcome" Jim replied to Aron as he received the keys from him.

"Please call me at once after you finish evaluating the damages done to the machines, I will reimburse for all the damages done to them immediately, after you inform me"

Aron said this to Jim to make him be prepared for the mess he caused inside.

This was because some of the machines inside, though capable of doing tasks other than what they were made for, they weren\'t exactly made with those tasks in mind, so he had to ask Nova to do some modifications in them.

After Nova\'s modification they continued working without any trouble, but since he needed to destroy anything that could even hint at what he made, he ended up having to ask Nova to corrupt all the machines he used after deleting every bit of data within them, making it impossible to even repair them and learn what he used them for.

"Yes we will call you immediately after we complete doing the check" Jim replied with a slightly concerned face in his eyes.

But all of that was acting on his part, inside he was extremely happy that they finally had a chance of renewing their machines in the lab.

He even hoped that Aron destroyed all of them, as that would make this transaction overly beneficial to them.


Aron left immediately after he finished talking with Jim.

In the car he could be seen sitting with the storage device besides him.

"Did you get the toys in the list I gave you?" Aron asked Donald.

"Yes Sir, the car carrying them left together with the Convoy that is carrying your things" Donald replied as he gave back the card Aron gave to them when he entered the lab.

"Okay good".

With that Aron continued his journey peacefully.

When they arrived at the hotel they packed their luggage\'s and left for the airport without wasting any time.


Two days later.

Aron could be seen sitting inside his house\'s basement.

He arrived yesterday and decided to spend it with his family as he waited for the delivery convoy to arrive.

When the vehicle arrived he asked the security team to help him move the things inside the truck to the basement of the house that he was using as the location of his home server that he stopped using after the completion of the server farm. Now it remains as a backup server.

He decided to use this as his makeshift lab because he will have to assemble and store his newly made quantum computer and other things he made in the lab here.

Henry, who was sad that his brother lied to him and came back without a gift, was now ecstatic when a truck full of his toys arrived with a convoy to the point that he didn\'t even try to help his brother at all.

Though Aron would have denied his help, asking to do so showed that he cared, which currently he didn\'t at all as his mind was on the new toys. Children.

Now back to Aron.

Aron finally started working on assembling the quantum computer.

He picked the motherboard he made in the lab, then he removed the 5000 qubit quantum chip he made from the storage device and installed it in the motherboard.

After making sure he installed the chip properly, he removed another similarly looking chip but bigger and installed it in the same motherboard but on the left side.

He did the same thing again but this time it was the biggest in size and he installed it on the right side of the motherboard.

With that he had completed the assembly if the quantum computer, all that remained was him connecting it to power and he would have a functioning quantum computer.

As for what those two chip like looking things that he installed on the left and right side of the motherboard were, they were a qRAM and A quantum Hard Drive.

Although quantum chips are powerful they can\'t be used to their full potential if they are used with conventional computer Hardwares.

To avoid this, he used 1000 of the qubits he made after making the quantum chip to create the qRAM (Quantum Random Access Memory).

The reason it was bigger despite having only a fifth of qubits compared to the Quantum chip which had 5000 is because the qubits had to be arranged in a different style than the quantum chip, and to allow it to function as a qRAM he also added a few things that were not in the Quantum chip as they were not needed by it.

The qRAM consisted of a network of 1,000 qubits arranged in a two-dimensional grid. Each qubit was connected to four neighboring qubits via quantum gates, forming a regular lattice structure.

To store quantum information, the qubits will be initialized to a particular superposition state based on the memory address.

To read or write to the qRAM, a series of quantum gates will be applied to the appropriate qubits.

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ Just think of it as normal RAM but with Quantum salting in it.

As for the biggest of the three, It was the Quantum Hard Drive.

It was a storage place of all the data the quantum computer needed to store, hence the size.

But despite it being the biggest in size it only had 3500 qubits inside. But just with that amount of qubits it was capable of storing nearly 500 petabytes of data, Almost the same as Nova\'s original server.

The quantum hard drive consisted of 3500 qubits arranged in a three-dimensional lattice structure. Each qubit was connected to its nearest neighbors via quantum gates, forming the same but different lattice pattern from the qRAM.

To store quantum information, the qubits will be initialized to a particular superposition state based on the data being stored.

To read or write to the quantum hard drive, a set of quantum gates will be applied that entangles the qubit at the desired memory address with a set of readout or input qubits, respectively.

The readout or input qubits will then be used to manipulate or extract the quantum state of the qubit at the desired memory address.

The quantum hard drive has the capability to store large amounts of quantum information in a superposition of states, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval of quantum data.

This allowed it to have the ability to perform read and write operations in a fast and efficient manner, making it suitable for use in a wide range of quantum computing applications.

Although both the qRAM and the Quantum Hard drive had smaller numbers of qubits than the Quantum chip, the difference in how they were arranged allowed them to do their task without any loss in efficiency on the side of the chip.

This difference in arrangement also allowed them to ensure that the chip is able to access and store information faster without any loss in effectiveness.


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